Favorite FF Quotes

I have a lot but i frogot some from VII and VIII since i didn't play them for a while.

-Tellah: "YOU SPOONY BARD !!!"(this one is a classic XD)

- Krile(talking to Bartz): "Well, you are so poor at riding Windrakes !"

-Kefka: "There are sand in my boots !"
"well then, enjoy the barbecue !"
"You son of a sandworm ! you will pay for this

- Locke: " That's TREASURE HUNTER !


-Haggen pluto knight VIII: "FEEL MY FURY!"

-Freya: "Rat face !? Wait until i finish, i'm gonna kick your butt !"

-Zidane: "All s/he think about is food !"
-Garnet: "And all you think about is girls !"

-Moggle at ice cavern: "YOU BASTARDS !!!"

FFIX is probably the ones whit the more funniest ones

More to come ^^

I add some later ^^
"Why not? I don't have anything to lose but my life. . .and I got that for free!"

"Younger... "brother"? At first glance I thought he was some body builder who had strayed from his gym."

"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies that dress like men! For Gilgamesh... IT'S MORPHING TIME!"

(After Jules and the Chops collecting thing)"...Driver! Faster, if you please. I would be loath to expend any of the violence of my present mood on my companions."

"No, we cannot escape the past. This man is living proof. What is your past, daughter of Dalmasca? Did you not swear revenge? Do the dead not demand it?"

"Yet without power, what future can you claim? What good a kingdom you cannot defend?"

I guess I already gave too many :gonk:

"Come to me, my canary! Act one, End of the Ugly Desire. It's showtime!"

Kuja. Gotta be Kuja.

Either that or Zidane's "Oooh, soft" when he snuggles up to Garnet's delightful bottom on the cargo ship.
"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It’s our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There’s no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views." - Squall

"The true…goal of SeeD… To spread… seeds all over the world……Flower… Fill the world with flowers." - Squall

"My turn to boogie now." - Irvine
" Memories are just memories ya?...If we're dying to protect one memory, we end up losing them all."

"TREASURE HUNTER! Call me a thief and I'll rip your lungs out!" - Locke Cole
"Ooh, soft!" - Zidane
Cloud says something about secret feelings in his memory sequence I really liked... can't remember the exact quote, though.
"What you pursue will be yours, but you will lose something dear" ~caitsith giving cloud his fortune :(
"Why do today what you can leave for tomorrow?" Jecht, FFX (I just love the way he reversed the famous saying)
Beware, the answer you seek may forever change your life for the worst ~Freya, FF9
What irony. To find the man about whom I have dreamt of endlessly, only to discover he cannot remember who I am. ~Freya, FF9
Rat face? Wait until I finish. I'm gonna kick your butt! ~Freya, FF9
Ooh, soft! ~Zidane, FF9
Do you always strike out that badly? ~Merchant in Lindbum to Steiner, FF9
Alrighty! ~Vivi, FF9
"Alright everyone! Let's mosey!" - Cloud - FFVII
"Uh.... I'll wait for the next elevator..." Shinra Worker - FFVII
"If you push the cancel button (Earlier marked X) to run." - Barret - FFVII

There were so many more but I can't think of them now. AND NOT JUST FROM VII. There were a LOT more.
"If this is all a dream, don't wake me up." --Cloud, FF7 :kelly:
"My name is Oerba Dia Vanille, I'm a l'Cle from Gran Pulse, and to everyone on Cacoon EVIL. Shoot me, for your son." Vanille

"Tired of living with guilt, then die with it" Sazh (or ghost sazh)
"Too late, and to their sorrow, do those who misplace their trust in gods learn their fate."
—Judge Bergan
I don't know if this has already been posted but:

Vincent Valentine: I don't care what you’re doing, it’s so much the idiotic way you’re doing it
The best dragon knight of Burmecia, the female general of Alexandria, and Rusty... How could they lose? ~Zidane

I love how he just casually tosses Stiener's nickname in there like a passing thing =P
1. "Spoony Bard" - Tellah FFIV
2. "You ignorant traitor" - Sephiroth FFVII
3. "Bid farewell to your bloodstained past" - Kluya FFIV
4. "Long have I awaited you" - Kluya FFIV
5. "I care not for harmony nor discord" - Golbez Dissidia Final Fantasy
I can't specifically remember it, but it was the sentences Kefka says at the final battle with him, something about dreams, hopes.
"Embrace your dreams... And whatever happens... Protect your honor....AS SOLDIER!." — Zack

"Boy, oh boy! The price for freedom sure is steep..." — Zack

"Hey! Call me a TREASURE HUNTER, or I'll rip your lungs out!" — Locke

"You don't need a reason to help people!" — Zidane

"Kupo!" — Moogle
I can't specifically remember it, but it was the sentences Kefka says at the final battle with him, something about dreams, hopes.
"Life...Dreams...Hope...Where'd they come from? And where are they headed...? These things...I'm going to destroy!!" — Kefka

Sorry for double posting! >.< If someone could merge my posts I would appreciate it. <3 Thank you!