Favorite FF VII tracks


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 13, 2009
Whats are your favorite tracks in the game? My favorite for action are Jenova, Crazy Motorcycle, and One Winged Angel. For despair my favorite are Anxious Heart and Aerith's theme.

Oh and I like "Hurry!" because whenever you hear it your always in some kind of rush and it really sets the mood.
Hmm, there are a lot of great tracks, I'll try to name less than 10: The Main Theme, Anxious Heart, Holding My Thoughts In My Heart, The Nightmare Begins, Those Who Fight Further, Tifa's Theme, J-E-N-O-V-A, Aeris' Theme. I think that's all?
In terms of OST quality I'd say One Winged Angel since that was some pretty awesome shit, and the chorus was pretty awesome. But in terms of favourite, I'm also tempted to say the Prelude because that really does bring back some memories and has the whole traditional Final Fantasy theme aura about it. :ryan:
I like the piano version of Tifa's Theme exponentially better than the actual game track.

I also think Farm Boy is criminally underrated.

Aerith's Theme is just fantastic. It might be one of the best pieces of video game music of all time.
I really like One Winged Angel, Aeriths theme, and the main theme. They all seem to set a sort of mood. Music like that always gets to me. <3
I loved Tifa's theme. It's gorgeous.

It has so much emotion and expression in it, that I dunno... It's just a rollarcoaster of emotions. Really love that girl's theme.

I like the piano version of Tifa's Theme exponentially better than the actual game track.

Agreed there. x3 Although I must say I prefered VII's sound track over any other FF.
I love Aeirth's theme the most, but I also liked a lot of the other music, too. I loved the ?Shinra theme thing, and the Mako reactor music. Oh, and the main theme of FF7, I loved it too. The music was my favorite part of the game.
Holding My Thoughts in My Heart is a really beautiful song on the end of the first CD, and the FFVII Main Theme is very memorable, but my favourite is Life Stream. If there is a heaven, then Life Stream is the music that should be playing when you get there.
Hmmm definitely the Still More Fighting because it gets me all pumped up for when I'm fighting the boss. "Oh yeah, today I'm gonna kick your ass and you're gonna like it! >D"

I also like "Flowers Blooming in the Church", Aerith & Tifa's theme, as well as Interrupted by Fireworks. I like them 'cause they're all so soft :)
To list some of the awesome tracks that don't get brougth up much:

Sephiroth's REAL theme. The creators and most fans seem to have forgotten it. Now OWA is his theme...a pity.

The WEAPONS turned up in all the best scenes with all the best music...

I love the piano collections of all the songs rather than the originals. :D "Aerith's Theme", "Tifa's Theme", and "JENOVA"
"Those Who Fight" will always be the best battle theme in FF in my opinion. =P

But how come I'm not seeing any "Cid's Theme" love? It's one of the best tracks in the game. When I hear it, I think "Determination!" and "EPIC!" or, in the words of Cid, "%&*#(@&$*)!!!" :notfunny::funnyface: I love how it's used even in moments where Cid's not there. Great theme, absolutely love it.
Lol I'm laughing right now because Sephiroth's REAL theme is what I uploaded XD that's from my account :3

Well that's very awesome. I'm glad someone else remembers that epic tune. ^^

But how come I'm not seeing any "Cid's Theme" love?

I prefer the Sending a Dream into the Universe version of his theme

Speaking of which, Great Warrior > Red XIII's Theme

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My favourites would have to be; Jenova Absolute and the One Winged Angel theme. Although, the OWA: Rock ver. in Advent Children does sound alot better.
My favourite FFVII song is One Winged Angel and I agree, it sounds better in Advent Children.
& There's a clip of The Black Mages doing it on youtube, it sounds awesome.
I really enjoyed the sepiroth theme while versing him in his 2nd form during the final battle I mean come on its a classic I could listen to that song over 100 times.

That chocobo tune cracks me up, can't remember what it's called though...

JENOVA and Aeriths theme are probably my favourites thoughh, JENOVA is just awesome, I love how upbeat it is, it always makes me get right into the fight, it's epic

Aeriths theme is just really pretty and Ive always loved it

There's a few others but I can't remember the names, and Ive covered my 2 faves anyway, so that'l do

Ahhh sending a dream intot he universe, thanks to that post up top, I wqas wracking my brains to remember the name of that one 8F Awesome tune
Man, such a hard decision as i love most of them. But, ill list a few of my favs anyway.

*Tifas Theme.
*Barrets Theme xD
*Flowers blooming in the church.
*Honeybee Manor. Fuck yes!!
*Still more Fighting \,,\
*Holding my thoughts in my heart.
*Ahead on our way. (I looove this one <3)
*Good night until tomorrow. (Inn theme) What? Its so cute :'>
*On that day, five years ago. /cry
*Farm boy. Hehe
*Waltz De Chocobo
*Cinco De Chocobo
*Costa Del sol :D
*The flow of life <3
*The great warrior <3 <3
*Beginning of the nightmare.
*Interrupted by fireworks. <3 Deffinately one of my faves.
*Aeriths theme. I loove the orchestral version of this by Tour De Japon. Probably my fav.
*Buried in the snow.
*Reunion. I used to fall asleep to this one Lol.
*On the other side of the mountain.
*Sending a dream into the universe.
*The birth of god.
*One winged angel of course xD. I prefer the metalcore version though. \,,\
*World Crisis. Probably one of my top 3.
*Last but not least...Staff roll! Epicness. Lawl.

Yeah, i have alot of favorites.:awesome:
Well i have 2, though i don't remember the exact name for one of them >_< ... Favorite of course being One Winged Angel, the chorus and orchestra that did that track were absolutely amazing... And the second being the Boss battle music.. (whatever it's actual name is), the guitar shredding was just beast. :awesome:
:wtf: I'm sorry for being a newb and not knowing all the proper titles. Also, I only started playing this week, so my choices may all be early-in-the-game heavy.

- I love that kind of synthy bass song with the dissonant strings that you hear in Midgar and I think you also hear it at the mountain 'round Nibelheim?
- Aeris's theme, while such a cliché choice, is just classic, so what can I say? I prefer the standard version, finding the other one a little precious for my liking.
- Another cliché choice is the very prog-metal boss music. (It sounds just like the majority of music I listen to.) I love the Black Mages version even better, but of course the strings that come in during the bridge with the synth melody are mixed in a bit too quiet in that version. But the guitar solo MORE than makes up for it.
- Tifa's theme is kind of an unsung hero in the game's repertoire. I mean, those are some classic melodies. Underrated understated piece, for sure.
- Red XIII's theme. Classic. I just wish it were longer.
- The bouncy bass tune in Wall Market. I love how at the end you get all the basic notes of the bassline plus more, fainter ones. I just think that part's brilliant, and just the interplay of the drums and everything. Another unsung hero, I think, definitely.
- The panic music with the intro from the beginning. I think it's actually the best video game intro, ever, musically and otherwise. I still like the piece without the intro, but the intro just makes it for me, and one can always start the game from the beginning if they want to hear it again. Plus, I have the soundtrack so I can listen it any time I want; the soundtrack doesn't actually have a version of the song without the intro I don't think, as that would be redundant. (I could be wrong about that, though, 'cause I've only listened to the whole thing through once.)
- The battle music is underrated, for a very good reason that it's overplayed. But that part with the flutes near is just beautiful. My way of playing is when I do a dungeon or the world map, I let the field music loop twice or thrice, then turn the music of the game off and just listen to my CD's. So I'm not wearing out the battle music. I think Square should consider a system with five or six different battle music pieces for the same game which the player can cycle through in options or in battle at their leisure just as one can customize the window colour, battle speed, etc. and one of the options should also be to keep the field music just playing during battle. Agree/Disagree?
- I've got other favourites that I can't think of right now. I'll post back with 'em.
JENOVA theme is by far my favourite, i remember the first time i heard it on that boat...it gave me a rush.

The theme is great from begining to end, i can't find the right words to explain it but i still listen to it from time to time, i guess i feel some adrenaline from listening to it, it reminds me how great it was to battle Jenova all those times.

It's a pity they did not use it for the final battle you have with her.