Favorite ff x character and why?

Hmm, either Rikku or Yuna. They both have characteristics that I have, which is fun, lol. But my favorite =YUMMY= looking character is Tidus. When I first started playing FFX, I had a dream that Tidus was real and I met him. =^.^=
His story is pretty unique. That's one of the things I love the most about the FF series, the storyline. I need to play FF7, for some reason I couldn't get hooked. I also didn't like that Aeris died so early in the game, she was really appealing to me!
Well, first off: Rikku. Rikku was my first favorite FF character of FFX. I love her personality and everything.

2nd: Yuna. I like her personality, too. Plus the fact that she can summon aeons and everything is awesome.

3rd: Tidus. *cough*I'm a fangirl*cough* Anyways, I love the way he acts. He's like all innocent all the time, and he seems like he has a bit more emotion than everyone else. Yep. Tidus is a great character =D

4th: Lulu. Well, I'm most like her. I love how she's always all straightforward and everything. XD Sure, it sounds kinda mean when she says it, but I'm like that, too.
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probally yuna.....lesca. probally because of her believes (better to die in hope then live in sorrow, etc).
Auron is the best character.

But LuLu she is my fave because she has big boobs uh i mean big jugs no i mean because shes blackmage
yeah thats it
My fav caracter is tidus because he looks and acts like me! I also like Rikku because she is FIT!!!!:love:
Tidus is my faevorite character becouse he looks coolest of the all. and i like that he plays Blizball what is a very nice game.
i really like to play blizball. exspecially (sry if it isnt word =P) in FF X-2. in that game blizball is best.
but still Tidus is my faevorite. 2nd would be maeby Yuna.