Favorite fighting style?

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PIE lover!
Apr 7, 2007
So out of all the FFVII AC characters that you actually see fighting, which do you think as the better and most interesting fight style?

I think Reno as a pretty cool fighting style because he uses his rod combined with martial arts plus he as great agility and climbing skills!

I also find Vincent to have a pretty good fighting style because he looks like Dante from Devil May Cry and it almost looks like he can fly:O

And lastly i think Yuffie as a rather nice fighting style too i was amused when i saw her running up a wall like it was nothing! I guess i just have a thing for ninjas!:D
Reno and Rude's fighting styles were pretty good as was Tifa's, I think Red XII should have had more of a go at Bahamut though, he just didn't get a chance to showcase his skills :P
I liked cloud and Sephiroths fighting styles, Cloud was just awesome and Sephiroth was like an animal stalking his prey.

Yuffies entrance and her wall running thing wall very cool too ^_^

And i liked the way Tifa and Loz had it out, the wall flower scene was just amazing.
I liked Cloud's fighting style, as well as Sephiroth's, you could say I have a bias favorable towards swordfighting. :P

Tifa's fighting style was also great, I thought, I mean, without weapons and being able to move like that? Awesomeness. :cool:
No pun there.

Now Reno's fighting style I'll have to agree with, quite unique.
i like reno's fighting style, but then again clouds is pretty good (especially since he has that cool...errm collapsable buster sword), but i probably like reno's best
I did like Reno's fighting style as well.

I also loved Vincent's Style and Tifa's style.

I mean...who could move as fast as that and compete with a guy with a weapon!? *drools*
I'm all for Cloud's since we see his the most I think. It's hand-to-hand with sword, and it's action-packed as he's on his bike many times facing off while driving around. Then to top it all of, the way he slices Bahamut at the end is priceless.

I don't care as long as Cloud or Tifa are in it
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I was surprised at how good Tifa was. Some of her moves were unbelieveable!
Overall, I would have to go for Vincent. His speed and skill makes him the best in my opinion.
I liked sephiroths style it was very theatrical. like went he stood still just to turn the sky gray. that and prefuring to torcher cloud instead of going straight for the kill.
definitely cloud's is the best IMO. anyone that can pick up a sword that huge (im guessing its at least 40-50 pounds, AT LEAST) and swing it around like its a twig doing moves like omnislash, definitely has my respect.
Theres now a favourites / worsts thread and a dicsussions thread to talk about stuff like this. so im going to close this now :)
There should have been more magic use in the movie. <.< Give Cait Sith some Materia and let him cast Ultima.

We didn't get to see much fighting in the movie, but I guess I'd have to say Cloud since he's all we really go to see.

Cid was actually pretty from what we got to see of him.
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