Favorite GF's to use in world/boss battles


Reaping souls in the Lifestream
Feb 5, 2011
here's my list of some of my favorite GF's to use in FFVIII

1) Shiva
Because her attack power can actually get pretty powerful without boost.

2) Ifirit

With boost, Ifirit dominates all!!!!!!!!

Its freaking Diablos people:neomon: Need diablos for the MUG Ability

In my case... Hello, Doomtrain. I don't know, there's something insanely satisfying about having a supernatural train run over the Boss...and then inflict a ton of status effects on it. It's just so satisfying.

After that, probably Cerberus. Triple and Double are nice =D
When I was younger, I always used Shiva. Why? Cuz I thought she was pretty :shame:

I also found myself using Alexander a lot for some reason. Oh and Carbuncle :) Cuz he helped a lot and....I thought he was cute...
My fav to use was Quezacotl, especially at the beginning of the game cause there are alot of machine type monsters.
Doomtrain, mostly for Meltdown, but that status effects are quite handy too.
Carbuncle. I like using Carbuncle against Edea at the end of Disc 2. I like it when she casts reflect on herself and you can dispel it. Or maybe you can't. I can't really remember.
Cerberus, double and triple can be quite helpful.
mhm aha.
Ah yeds, mhm aha :hal:.
I love myself some Doomtrain. I think this summons animation was cool and that it made up for not damaging the enemies with it's shitloads of status effects unlike Carbuncle -__- ...

My second favorite has to be Shiva. I mean her summon was just badass looking for no reason and she deals some nice damage.

Pandora is third cause I like to see the bosses and enemies get tossed around in it's tornado. It's animation makes me giggle without fail every time :x3:
I love Shiva.

Just totally the attack and everything. She's awesome in every way. And she's blue, and blue is my favorite color so she's even more awesome.

And she's pretty much the only one that I ALWAYS used during boss battles or battles in general.
1st-Shiva She's always a awesome GF and because all GF's have great power she's still a good summon to use even towards the end ((screw you bahamut! XD))

2nd-Alexander I dunno why but it was always one of my favorite GF's since it was a awesome cutscene to go through =o

3rd-Leviathan This version beat's all the other Version's of FF's Leviathan's It's not oversized,its cutscene make's sense making its own Tidal wave by combining Ice for a Waterfall effect and actually BECOMEING the water itself which i think was the best xD.

bout all i have to say on the FF8 one's the other's just seemed generic or useless for me xD ((Example Cerberus xD I only use him if i need to spam magic's))
I liked to use Shiva, because she was one of the first GF available for junctioning and, because of that, started developing affinity to whomever she was junctioned (in my case, Squall) and got stronger and summoning her got quicker.

Now I rarely use GF on battle. I like them so I can use their junction and refining abilities, more for boosting the characters than actually using them in battle. Not counting that using them many times makes your SeeD rank drop.
Leviathan used to be my favourite, but I also have a love for Doomtrain. So I have to say Doomtrain is now my favourite.
My favorite always has been and always will be Quetzacotl <3 I'm not entirely sure why, just from the very beginning, he was my favorite. I love his little sequence, and the damage he does is amazing. He's just great haha

Second is Leviathan, because he's badass and does some hefty damage. I guess I just like the originals :yaoi:
Ya Shiva ftw in battle definitely :3
She's the only one that I actually used lol. As soon as I was done with the first mission I was scanning the forests for T-Rexaurs and kickin their asses with Shiva's Diiamond Dust.
I built affinity between Zell and Shiva to max extremely soon so it just made 'Rexaur huntin easier. Outside of battle however Ifrit has to be one of the best. Str+60% etc and Str up abilities were extremely useful.
Oh and, Diablos' cutscene is the coolest :p
Out of the ones I've managed to get for myself, I like Shiva, Diablos and Alexander. I love Ice attacks, I seem to favour them over the others, and I love the summoning sequences for Diablos and Alexander
cerberus and doomtrain for boss battles, thats about it really. Double/Triple is obviously mega handy and just the status attacks of doomtrain, mostly meltdown.

i used to use diablos alot, not so much now though, i rarelt bother with summons at all anymore
cerberus and doomtrain for boss battles, thats about it really. Double/Triple is obviously mega handy and just the status attacks of doomtrain, mostly meltdown.

i used to use diablos alot, not so much now though, i rarelt bother with summons at all anymore
I forgot about meltdown. That actually does tend to come in handy in situations with strong enemies/bosses.
I always found Doom Train and Cerberus to be the most useful GF's, however for the coolest looking Gaurdian Force that would have to be Bahumut, he's always been my favourite throughout all the Final Fantasy games.