Favorite Job/Class

Favorite Job/Class

Maybe that'll help you...? It was on the first page, y'know? :gasp:

Calculator is a great job class for kicking absolute ass (learn at least Holy prior as a Priest/White Mage)...but it's low speed means you'll want to learn it's ability set & then put it on something faster...say, like, a Ninja!...Thief is pretty much a must-have throughout the game, but since it's abilities are based on your Speed stat, putting IT'S ability set on a Ninja would also be a good idea.
The mage class was my favorite. Once you get the arithmatic abilities and gain Holy/Flare you can pretty much solo through the entire game.
Easy...The Dragoons

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post. Say 'why' your favourite job/class are The Dragoons. Thank you.
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The mage class was my favorite. Once you get the arithmatic abilities and gain Holy/Flare you can pretty much solo through the entire game.

Agreed the mage class has my vote for sure. IMO its what makes the whole game is the great magics that you are able to use. Without powerful mages it wouldn't be Final Fantasy to me it would be Dungeons & Dragons.
...Because D&D doesn't have a Mage class...? >_>

*casts Magic Missile at the darkness*

Well I guess they did... but I'm referring to the video game which the magics were played down and the bigger/better the sword the more you kicked ass. The magics were weak and forgettable.

**reverses missile**
My favorite is the samurai. I love dual-wielding :D :D

Though when it comes to the later part of the games, acquiring the special characters like Orlandu makes all the classes look weak :P
Except for Holy Swordsman/SOLDIER/Robot/Divine Knight/etc, I'd go for Squire (For Accumulate and Gained JP UP) Ninja (Double Swords ^^) Calculator (Our No-MP Magician) and Summoner. (For Zodiac, Fairy and then some)

So I'd give Ramza Double Sword and Master + Give my Math Skills to my Summoner and it's off to win to the game. (Even with out TG's strangth.)
from the ps1 game, i was a big fan of mustadio (or however u spell it) and the engineer class. i lvled him like mad and always used him for leg shots and arm shots. hes not much of a fighter, but get him on the high ground, (same applys for all gun users) and they own, but i gotta say engineer. orlandu's son's astronomer class was uber awesome too (whatever his name is)
In final fantasy tactics for the gba my favorite class would probably be a paladin with the secondary class as a blue mage. The main weapon and armor are sequence and peytral. Passive ability is dual wield and the reaction ability is bone crusher. You can keep your aglie ninjas. I'm going to a sturdy tank all the way

for final fantasy tactics advance A2 my favorite class would most likely be paravir with the seer as the secondary class. Passive ability again is dual wield and reaction ability is bonecrusher. This is a crazy combo. If you use the magick frenzy ability of the seer you can cast magic and then attack with your sword. Basically with double sword you get three attacks. First: attack with magic Second: attack with first sword Third: attack with the second sword. Basically if your high enough in the attack stat its an instant kill on most enemies.
Just so you know there is a section for Tactics Advance and then the PS1/PSP version of Tactics. So this section isn't for Tactics Advance :P

My favourite class is Ninja. Every time i play FFT i try to get to the ninja class as soon as i can just so i can get double swords. I like how the characters that you can get in the game you obtain have there own special classes but it would be really cool to be able to get the holy knight class. At the start i like to get an archer for long range attacks. My last favourite class is the dragoon class. I love the Jump technique and when you master it you can get the enemy from fairly far away.
I have to say, I was attached to Squire and Swordsman just because they were at the first and I have to say I don't like the point thingy, I barely had some of them so those two jobs were the best in my opinion. xD
double fists

I like the monk job the best for starting out. When I get nina I learn duel wield on as many as possble. The I'll level up knights and everyother one handed weapon holder. I liked the Dark Knight in the psp game. The only ones I've played was ps1 (There's a lot of ways to cheat) and psp (damn I wish I could cheat) but yeah monk with duel wield.
I've not played a whole lot of this game yet but, so far, the best job appears to be the Black Mage, given the ranged attacks, the quick accessibility to higher tier magic and its area of effect function. It's the only enemy job that's given me any kind of hassle, so far. <_<
there are much harder mages to fight than black mages...
maybe a sage with ultima blow.
or any one of the five kings.

my favourite would probably be parivir.
especially when it's combined with heritor.