FFX-2 Favorite Lines

I have 2. First one where Yuna sings 1000 words and the True Ending where Yuna and Tidus reunite
gameover haha not really my favorite line was in chapter 5. in macalania when yuna said "i just can't forget"or some thing like that she was talking about tidus
Yunas speech right before they fight vegna gun at the end of the game

The perfect ending (100 % complete) yuna and tidus talkin'

the whole thing from the lady luck dressphere mission

....and finally 1000 words
"Oh poopie!" Compliments of Rikku and Yuna. But mostly Rikku.

I think Brother should hit on Rikku... xD
Like Sapphire Star i too was amused by Paines witty comments at the end of any battle.

also i really liked Real Emotion ^_^ i guess no-one else did :P
every last word who comes from Shinra, he rawks.

gullwings GO! la-la-la-la-la Gullwings FIGHT! la-laaa-la-laaaaa ~

yuna:eek:h poopie
shinra:im just a kid
yuna:bring it!
rikku:shes getting the hang of it!
paine:shes trying
paine:want me to hurt him?
Rikku : I'm gonna kick you in the spleen!
Paine: "Spleen"?

Paine: Easy.
Yuna: You think so?
Rikku: Less talk! More fight!

paine:"minus four respect points rikku"
rikku:"aww...how many left?"
rikku:"thats not a whole lot, is it"

yuna:"duck soup!"
paine"...duck what?"

gullwings go! break onto the scene! gullwings fight! beat the snot out of feinds!
When brother is laying on the floor and Yuna comforts him. If you talk to Rikku afterwards and she'll say (and not quoted cause I may have some words wrong).

Rikku-Don't worry about the ship it's fine on auto pilot. Which brings up the question of what brother really does around here?

Lol I thought that was great!

Yuna: My grid!
Rikku: You give us back Yunie's garment grid. Right now!
Leblanc: Didn't you girls ever learn to share!
Yuna: Give.. it.. BACK!
Leblanc: Very well. It's yours! .....But it won't be for so long!

that's clever of Leblanc. lol I love it.

And also Paine's speeches upon winning:
Too easy...
Child's play...

it's so cool. I love Paine! ^_^