Favorite Midi

What was your favorite FF8 Midi?

  • Odeka ke Chocobo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lagunas Battle song

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Liberti Fatali

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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you could have added more options, there were much more choices, but my favourite were there, I loved "The man with the machine gun" AKA lagunas battle theme
Aren't the words in option 4 part of "Liberi Fatali"? I really think your poll is ... ... ...

The favourite "song" for me would be "Eyes on Me."

The favourite "piece of music" for me would be Bahamut's Theme.
No Liberti Fatali is at the very begining of Disc one and Lusec Wecos... is almost at the end of CD 3 and plus i have it on a soundtrack so maybe ill post them on here so you guys can hear the difference....
Liberi Fatali is the song. I like to turn the game on, watch the opening movie, and turn the game off again. Amazing. Did you know the US synchronized swimming team used Liberi Fatali in one of their routines during the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics? It's true.
Don't be afraid
Force your way (Best boss battle theme IMO)
Never look back
Shuffle or Boogie
The man with the machine gun
Ultima Weapon
Edea's theme
Fithos lusec wecos vinosec
Eyes on me (how could it not be on the list?)
Mods de chocobo
Ride on
The Castle
The Legendary Beast
The extreme
Liberi Fatali is my midi of choice. :huh:You do know that you have the song written down twice. Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec is the lyrics to Liberi Fatali.
Liberi Fatali is my faviorte its on my mp3 i love it. Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec is the same words but different music it plays during the prade in Deling city i think while Liberi Fatali plays at the opening.
Gotta be eyes on me..

Cant remeber any of the others, but I remeber this one for a reason.
You missed out so many! I votef for Laguna's (The Man with the machine gun)

Don't be afraid
find your way
Force your way
The man with the machine gun
Fishermans Horizon
Ride on
The Castle
Succesion of witches
The succesor
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