Favorite moments from the FF Series?


Tony Stark
Apr 24, 2007
Stark Tower
So guys, what are all of your favorite moments from final fantasy, you can discuss your favorites and explain why they are your favorite moments.

Here are some of mine.

Aeris' Death from FFVII: this was a great moment in FFX as all the way through the game [until her death anyway] she got on my nerves, i really didn't like her as a character and all the way through i wanted Tifa to come out with something like "oh god, Aeris would you STFU!!!!!!!!!!!"

Final Scenes of FFX: a great ending to a great game. it is one of the few FF moments that brought a tear to my eye, when Yuna tries to hug Tidus from behind and then like falls through him, made me giggle, wa HILARIOUS!, and then when Tidus wraps his arms around her, even though he is disappearing, it was such a sweet moment.
Spoilers likely; read at own peril.

For me,

FFVIII: Disc 3, when Rinoa is floating in Space, thinking "Am I going to die?" I'm not a Rinoa fan, but I found this such an eerie, "makes you think" situation. I really emphasised with her. Floating around in space with no hope of being saved, knowing you're slowly going to suffocate. I actually liked her. It was just so, dramatic. Also when Squall comes to save her, that was something special too.

FFIX: THE PLAY! I love it when you're Sword-Fighting for Queen Brahne. That is my favourite part of the whole game, hahaa. I love the music, the whole setting, idea. Haha. :-) Great fun!

FFX: I have a couple...
1) The Sending: B e a u t i f u l! I love the sending :-) It's so magical, haha. When I first seen it, I remember being flabbergasted. I was like :O. Haha. The music, the whole idea of it (The Dance of Death anyone?) and how Tidus is seemly petrified of it. Awesome moment.
2) The beginning of the Yunalesca battle. Such a powerful moment. Auron's speech tops it off, "Now! This is it! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow!" <3 Love it. Also, how it's such a mega-point in the game. The truth revealed. I lovelove it :)
3) Aeons being sent. Nuff sed mang. I felt sad at this point. But it's my favourite cause it was just... special. Free from their dreaming. Magical.
Well, my favorite moments are:

1) The Macalania scene with Yuna and Tidus. I think it speaks for itself. It could be considered very cheesy and predictable but it also felt more natural than many of other "romance" scenes in FF (and the graphics were just astonishing).

2) Ending of FFX: It's so bittersweet, but the ray of hope at the very end makes it all better.

3) Ending of FFXII: Very underrated moment methinks. What Balthier did establishes him as one of the most heroic FF characters ever, not to mention one of the coolest. And it was also bittersweet, but in a good way. Finally seeing Ivalice return to normal was such a great feeling.

4) Anything with Hojo in FFVII: The scenes where the whole backstory and personality of Hojo comes into the forefront stands out in my mind. I find Hojo fascinating even if he is just your typical mad scientist. It was his whole backstory that made him so convincing and powerful in that role. He experimented on his own son before he was born among many other crazy things!

That's pretty much it. I have others but these are my top ones.
The scene with Cloud in the Honey Bee Inn. Mmmmness. Uhm. But actually, anything in Wall Market was made of pure win and then some more. :neomon:

But fersrs. The whole Phantom/Ghost Train thing in VI was made of win. It's turned into one of my favorite parts of the series. Especially towards the end with Cyan. Not going to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but if you've played through it, you'll know what I mean.
I think.

Anyone remember the Paladin!Cecil vs Dark Knight!Cecil fight in IV? Of course you do. It showed Cecil literally battling his demons and getting a new start. Hurrayness!

Oh... and ... spoilers for IV.
Rydia returning all sexy. Major shocker there.
Spoilers Galore!

FFV: Galuf's final battle with ExDeath, and follwoing death. Heroicly fighting on with 0 HP!

FFVI: Gotta agree with Ricochet, loved the whole Doom Train part it was very powerful at the end. Also, Shadows moment of glory on the Floating Continent.

FFVII: Barret and AVALANCHE try to defend the Sector 7 pillar.

FFIX: When the Black Waltz No.3 goes haywire on the cargo ship, and that look on Vivi's face as the black mages fall through the sky. Wonderful!

FFXII: Gabranth at the Sun-Cryst; I loved the whole speech as Ashe and Vaan come to terms with their grief, as well as Reddas and Basch as they valiantly make a stand.

FFIV: Edward playing his harp and mourning the death of Anna at Kaipo. It was a really mesmorizing tune and a touching moment.
FFVII - When Scarlet chases down Tifa and you end up in a slap fight with her. I found that to be slightly amusing. Then the Highwind appears out of nowhere to rescue Tifa, she jumps on the rope (I thought she wouldn't make it), and they fly away....awesome.

FFVIII - When a mobile Galbadia Garden engages Balamb Garden in fight. I loved that scene......especially when Seifer gave the command to attack and a bunch of soldiers with cool motorcycles leapt onto Balamb Garden. Very well done scene, in my opinion. Made me feel like I was really there.
Final fantasy 7 CC- the cinematic where u see sephiroth, genesis and Angeal training on that huge gun cannon. Its by favorite for obvious reasons and because it was something totally new and even before the game came out in the US i was watching the japanese version on youtube over and over again..was so cool seeing sephiroth taking on 2 equals with no effort at all.

Final Fantasy X- First play through when i finally got to lunalesca, the person im suppose to trust and gain the final aeon to defeat sin
i turn out having to slay her!
I was like Holy shit nooo wayyy, yunas sucha rebel. That was a suprise for me I thought I was almost done with the game.

Also the part when sin uterrly destroys Zanarkand at the start of the game. The music wasnt bad either.

Ill update when i think of more... there's certainely more, just cant think of them right now.

I have a few favourite scenes:

Final Fantasy VIII: Near end of Disc 1, when Edes's float come out and the tribal dancers are dancing around with the float. I like this scene mainly because the music was really tribal and fitted the occasion.

Final Fantasy X: Blitzball Scene!! Love the music and the graphics. Probably one of the best scenes in the game.

Final Fantasy X: Tidus hi-fiving Jecht, a very touching moment.
FFVII:The whole part where cloud is crossdressing(LOL)
FFVIII:The final battle with ultimecia
FFIX:When zidane and garnet embrace after she belived him dead
FFX:When tidus and jecht reconcile
Final Fantasy IV -
The twins turning into stone to prevent them walls from closing in
. Saddest and most epic part to me.

Final Fantasy VIII - Dollet landing was just TOO much.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Delita comforting Ovelia and promising her a nation. And then the ending, omgoodness:sad2:. Despite him using everyone and becoming what he hated, you really started to feel for him and then
he lost TWO loved ones.
In Final Fantasy X when Tidus and Yuna are luaghing together really awkwardly. It was one of the first real signs of an incredible romance.

In Final Fantasy VII when Cloud is going back in his memories and he can go into Tifa's house and pick up her underwear. hilarious
FFVI- The Doom train which was awesome!

FFVI- The Opera house scene because it was so funny!

FFVIII- The Balamb Garden and Galbadia Garden Battle, the cutscenes blew my mind!

FFX- The dance of the dead scene with Yuna. It made me feel...sad.

FF Tactics- The last battle because it was so great to see the final results of training my team!
Ze Shoepuff (Imposhibible, imposhibible!)

Kilika Sending

The small glimpse of a blitzball tournament in Zanarkand

[some others that I can't think of now.]
FFVII Crisis Core - When Zack falls through the roof of the church and he thinks Aerith is an angel. XD

FFVII Crisis Core -
When Zack and Aerith go on their date and he tells Aerith to stare into his eyes to see the mako or whatever and then she laughs and pushes him away and they both laugh. XD So cute.

When Laguna dances with Rinoa and is all shy and clutzy. She was really rude for ditching him right at the end of their dance though. <_<

When Yuna falls down the stairs and Tidus runs to catch her.
Aww how cute. Too bad Kimahri beat him to it. <_<

FFX - When Tidus learns the truth about Yuna's destiny.

FFX-2 - When Yuna is in the Farplane and Shuyin thinks she's Lenne. It's really sad when they hug. It's like she's so disappointed that it wasn't Tidus that she just pretends it is, shuts her eyes and lets him hold her. =(
Kandy-Sugar - I presume you meant Squall dancing with Rinoa, not Laguna :)

Cait Sith explaining why he's helped save Tifa from execution

The opening and ending FMVs
"I dreamt I was a moron"
Waltz for the Moon

Black Waltz 3 destroying all the Black Mages who try to protect Vivi
Zidane embracing Garnet at the end
SPOILERS of course.

FFVII - finding Seto in Cosmo Canyon. A rather surprising moment with that spectacular music in the background. The tears falling from Seto's petrified body...

FFVII - the whole sequence within Cloud's mind. The twist came out of nowhere and the relationship of Tifa and Cloud was sweet.

FFVIII - the Dollet town landing and escape. Awesome graphics and music.

FFVIII - any scene with Laguna and Raine. Those two had something.

FFVIII - the ending sequence. They made sure to drag the player through misery before showing Squall and Rinoa.

FFIX - the Black Waltz going insane. Music, timing, and an emotive character without speaking or seeing a face, what an achievement.

FFIX - the errant love letter. Somewhat heart-breaking for the little lass Eiko, but I loved the tension between Beatrix and Steiner.

FFX - the laughing scene. Intentional horrendous laugh that breaks into true laughter shows the budding relationship perfectly, especially since it was meant to help Tidus cope.

FFX - the death of Gatta or Luzzu. For a while, I thought only Luzzu could die here, but then on one playthrough I went up to Gatta only to have him slump over. It took me quite a few moments until the shock wore off. The fact that two scenes eventually follow that are just as poignant (the temple and Besaid) only heightens the emotion.

FFX - Rikku's reaction if Tidus flirts with her. Small but it lends so much to the game.

FFX - Rikku and thunder. Funny, cute, and when the group walks away only to pop back into view and reluctantly agree to stay at the inn... it's priceless.

FFX - Home. Devestation, loss, and then the truth finally comes out. The reaction of the group, Tidus' lost expression, the fading background noise, and the eerie music all contribute to what might just be the greatest moment in gaming.

FFX - the truth behind Anima. Oi, did not see that one coming.

FFX - the truth behind Belgimine. Not really much of a twist, but it added so much depth to Spira.

FFX - The ending. What really needs to be said here.

FFX-2 - either of the two endings in which Tidus returns. I must be one of the few, but I never felt that his return lessened the impact of FFX. It was fitting that through all that Yuna and Tidus had to suffer, they were given such a wonderful gift.

Crisis Core - any scene with Aerith. The love between Zack and Aerith was wonderful to watch unfold, but also terrible since I knew how both would end up.

Crisis Core - Zack crying after Angeal's death. When Aerith comes over to comfort him...

Crisis Core - the ending, from the letter to the credits. No moment in gaming and probably all of entertainment had me so emotionally wrecked that it took hours to play through the sequence. Knowing full well what would happen, I still couldn't manage to keep my emotions in check, but when that damn DMW started to go hawire I lost it. When you know what is coming, but the game still manages to sucker punch you like this one, there was something special.

Advent Children - the return. Have to admit, right before Sephiroth made his appearance I was almost exploding with anticipation. The proceeding fight didn't let me down.

Advent Children - The ending. Love the interplay between Zack, Aerith, and Cloud. It was a wondrous moment to finally have all that emotional angst settled. I also loved to see Zack and Aerith together, especially after playing Crisis Core. And Cloud smiled.
FFIV: Cecil winning over Rydia after his crime. Mt Ordeal. Edward vs the Dark Elf. Tellah's sacrifice and Kain coming back.

FFVI: Opening scene. The split-party quest (Locke in S Figaro; Sabin to the Veldt; Terra and Edgar on the River). Bringing it back together to fight Kefka. The end of the world and Shadow's heroics. Celes' and Locke's scenes. Shadow's dreams. Gau meeting his dad. The ending.

FFVII: Midgar--the whole thing. Gold Saucer. Killing Hojo. Finding Aerith...too late. Finding Vincent. Tifa's adventures. Nibelheim. Cloud vs Sephiroth at the end.

FFVIII: Opening. Dollet. Graduation. Squall confronting Edea. Laguna's misadventures, and Squall's reactions. Zell freeing the party (I always play that out about a half-hour or so more than I need to). Zell and company infiltrating Balamb. Balamb vs Galbadia. Squall carrying Rinoa across the bridge. The concert for Squall. The party loving on Squall throughout the game. Saving Rinoa. Squall's change in character. The ending. The humor throughout this game is among the best of them all. Surprising.

FFIX: Replaying for the first time. I remember not a lot. Getting Amarant. Escaping the Petrified Forest. Wasting a ton of time trying to fix it. The Festival of the Hunt. The Black Waltz incident...more to come. This game is a gem.

FFX: The Blitzball tourney. Tidus' optimism affecting the party. Kimahri vs Seymour while the party escaped. The Sphere Grid.

FFXII: (Haven't finished it yet.) At first, the bounties. Escaping prison and getting Basch. Taking out the traitor-whose-name-will-not-be-spoken.
Final fantasy tactics. At the end delita getting stabbed and killing ovelia.
Also The moment the cardinal turns into cuc...... the green blob. I was stuck for ages because didn't save seperate file.
FFVII: When Cloud and Tifa is in the lifestream and Cloud is talking about the incident 5 years ago. When the memory Zack gets thrown and then the memory Cloud runs in and the observing Cloud says "I saw everything." It really gave me chills because it was so suspensful with the way the camera was moving back and forth and I was like dying to know what happened. Then after he stabbed Sephiroth and walked to the front of the screen and took off his helmet and the emotional music starts playing and then the truth is revealed. I love that part the most. My eyes were literally stuck to the screen in awe. The whole memory scene really was very strong.

FFVIII: In disc 1 when Squall, Zell, and Selphie are sent on their first mission and they're running from the big mechanical spider. The whole chase scene had me at the edge of my seat. And I was smiling from ear to ear when Quistis whipped out the machine gun and started blastin away.

FFX: The spring scene when Tidus and Yuna kissed. I thought it was the most romantic scene in the whole FF series.

FFX: The ending nearly had me in tears. Especially when she couldn't touch him. And when he hugged her and the music got really emotional, I was fixed with a sad fascination at the whole scene.

I really liked the part where Tidus and Jecht slapped hands. It was a sign that their bond had been restored.

Her speech at the end kind of brightened the sadness that lingered from Tidus' disappearance but when she said 'And the dreams that have faded...' and all the memories were showing it kind of brought it all back.
Wow, so much to remember...these are games are the epitome of epic.

One scene I'll always remember is in FF VIII, when they are planning on assassinating Edea, and Irvine momentarily loses his nerve. Then he regains composure, fires and she stops his bullet in mid flight. Epic stuff. Squall basically thinks "shit, plan B...close combat it is"