Favorite Music Composer?


May 17, 2009
My top 5 favorite music composers:

1: Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy)
2: Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Cross)
3: Yuzo Koshiro (Many classics for SEGA etc.)
4: Clint Mansell (Best; Requiem For a Dream)
5: Paul Arnold (Medievil)
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I'm going to be a complete n00b now, ok so my favourite is:
Nobuo Uematsu

But on a more Classical note, I'd have say Jean Sebastian Bach, His music is so beautiful. I love it!
Could of sworn there was a thread already out there for this, but anyways... I would have to say the combo of Clint Mansell and Hans Zimmer.

Hands down amazing music has come out of them.

From the Fountain, the Rock, Requiem for a Dream, Last Samurai.. and so on..
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My favorite composer of all time would have to be Mozart. I love his work, the overall style of his music is godly to me. Yasunori Mitsuda would have to be my second because of his overall use of violins in his music. Kow Otani is my third, because of his work on Shadow of the Colossus. It was such a great game, and its music is something that is simply unforgettable.
Obviously Nobuo Uematsu, since his music is freakin' legendary, and Shoji Meguro from the Shin Megami Tensei series. He's become another one of my favorites. I love their music, even though their style differs greatly from each other.
My favorite composer of all time would have to be Mozart. I love his work, the overall style of his music is godly to me. Yasunori Mitsuda would have to be my second because of his overall use of violins in his music. Kow Otani is my third, because of his work on Shadow of the Colossus. It was such a great game, and its music is something that is simply unforgettable.

I will have to agree with you, Shadow of the Colossus' music is very memorable <3
One of my favourite music composers would have to be Danny Elfman. He does a lot of the really catchy awesome sounding theme tunes in movies, games and TV shows... Particularly active in Tim Burton movies...Famous for scores like Batman, Beetlejuice and the Nightmare Before Christmas, among countless others.

That's not to mention him being the lead vocalist / songwriter in a really awesome and quirky 80's band called Oingo Boingo, which I adore and listen to a lot.

Other than that (and in regards to video game composers).... Nobuo Uematsu I feel obliged to say. I love his music and listen to that a fair bit. They always seemed to capture the emotions of the characters and scenes in the games.

I also have to agree with Koh Otani for Shadow of the Colossus. I was going to suggest that myself as I really enjoyed the SoTC soundtrack and have it on my ipod.

Greg Edmonson, the guy who composed the Uncharted soundtrack, is also pretty amazing. I love the main theme tune and would sometimes just sit with the menu screen and close my eyes and imagine the game to the music. I don't know what else he has done though.

I could sit here and list all sorts of composers and a lot of them would be quite good. But my favourites are probably Elfman and Nobuo.
I don't really listen to composed music as a genre, but as for video games, I have several favourite composers who are not only good, they're outstanding. My main one, although I'm not actually sure who composed the score for Uncharted 2 would have to be whoever composed this masterpiece:

And whoever composed this as well:

Obviously I'll find out who they are once they've been out a little while :-)
Right now, it'd have to be between Clint Mansell, Immediate Music and Two Steps From Hell. Their pieces are quite captivating and make me feel anxious every time I hear them. Requiem For A Dream, in particular, gets me really nervous when hearing it on a trailer.
Hm. Top of my list is.. Nobuo Uematsu- obviously for the music he created for the Final Fantasy series. Next, Yasunori Mitsuda. Quite comparable to Nobuo, in my opinion. When I was playing Chrono Cross, the map theme was one of his best pieces, to me. The emotions just seems to be overflowing.

Maybe, after him, it'd be the composer for Metal Gear Solid. I forgot, or rather, don't know, the guy's name, but the music was just as impressive. Sounds as if it'd make a good movie sound track as well.
Other than Nobuo Uematsu, I'd have to say that Clint Mansell is one of my favourites due to his absolutely amazing work on Requiem for a Dream. Harry Gregson-Williams is another for most of his different work, especially his work on with Hybrid. But my all time favourite is Henryk Górecki, his work is absolutely stunning.
Obviously Nobuo Uematsu, since his music is freakin' legendary, and Shoji Meguro from the Shin Megami Tensei series. He's become another one of my favorites. I love their music, even though their style differs greatly from each other.

Yeah, i just started playing the Shin Megami Tensei series, and i have to say damn i love it! the music is really awesome :D
1- Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach
2- Domenico Scarlatti
3- JS Bach

Film score:

1- Joe Hisaishi
2- John Williams
3- Alan Menken

Game composer:

1- Hitoshi Sakimoto
2- Nobuo Uematsu
2- Daisuke Ishiwatari
My favorite composer of all time would have to be Mozart. I love his work, the overall style of his music is godly to me. Yasunori Mitsuda would have to be my second because of his overall use of violins in his music. Kow Otani is my third, because of his work on Shadow of the Colossus. It was such a great game, and its music is something that is simply unforgettable.

Yeah Yasunori Mitsuda's
Chrono Cross Music - On the Beach of Dreams ~Another World~ (World Map)
