Favorite Part of this game


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
What was your favorite part of this game?

Mine was the fight between General Leo and Kefka. I don't know I've always liked this part even though it doesn't end how I'd have liked it to. XD

I also like the floating continent part. Don't know why, maybe it's because the world is about to end soon and that's always fun to watch.

EDIT: I made a typo in the thread title, can a mod please fix it? I wrote or instead of "of"
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EDIT: I made a typo in the thread title, can a mod please fix it? I wrote or instead of "of"

I'd have to say Shadow almost sacrificing his life on the Floating Continent by pinning Kefka in between the 3 Esper Guardian statues. I totally was not expecting him to jump in there in order to let the rest of the party run to safety. If anyone let Shadow die during your playthrough...

*fill in the open ended threat here*

Also, Yahoo! Now both me and Concave Dave have 1000 posts!
My favorite part was learning about Terra's past. ^_^
*Is guilty of not saving Shadow on her first play through*

But it was on the SNES and I was a little girl! I didn't know you could save him. I actually thought I got a game over the first time I played and the world ended. ^_^

thanx for fixing the thread BTW. :)

Another part that I really liked was when Kefka was capturing all those espers. He just looked crazy as he was doing it, especially with him laughing.

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The opera scene was my favorite, but I also liked the part at the very beginning of the WoR where Celes and Cid are stuck on the little island.
-did anyone give him the good fish so he lives? he died when I played and Celes tryed to commit suicide.
-I'm also guilty of letting Shadow die.
But was fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost!
Final Duel! Dancing Mad! I can Play it on Piano!
Yeah the final duel was pretty awesome!

I also found the Floating continent scenario to be fantastic in general!

I also enjoyed when Terra goes berserk and turns into an Esper and when you have to defend Tritoch from the empire soldiers and Kefka great moment!:)
I thought the beginning of WOR was great too. ^_^
You actually see Celes' soft side. ^_^
I had 2 favorite parts to this game. One of them was the Opera part which was just beautiful, the other one was after the floating continent when celes is on the island with cid, very emotional
The opera is the best part of this game...the music is beautiful and it's a original scene....I also like Locke scenario.
I just loved the idea and start of WOR, never expected something like that to happen, aww poor Cid, would of been really intersting if the game just ended when Celes commits suicide. lol
I liked the part when Locke brings back Rachel to life for a few moments. It was a touching part of the game...I don\'t really know why I liked it so much but I did.
well since i definitely DIDNT like the fanatics tower, id have to go with infiltrating vector. i always love playing video games where its a small group against an almighty empire and you finally get into their main base.:sneaky: