Favorite Quotes


Blue Mage
Jan 12, 2007
Edmonton, AB Canada
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy V Advance, and so faar there have been a couple fairly funny things said, so far though I think my favorite is "Knights do it two-handed!"

Anybody else have some good quotes from this game?
the team goes 2 the place be4 drekenvile meets the wolves. the wolves come in with swords poitin at them.
galuf is lik, hes our allie.
faris: if our allies r poiting swords at us, i sure dunt wana kow wat our enemys r like
I can't remember too many quotes but the game is very funny. I love all the different points when the guys go girl-crazy. haha Definitely gets kudos for comedy.
Yeah, each moment when Galuf and Bartz get wide-eyed over Faris is pretty hilarious, and also each Gilgamesh moment is of course a comedic epic event. Gilgamesh tops the cake though. His crying in battles and his shizophrenic attitude really mesh for a comedic output/comic relief.
I remember one conversation kinda funny when the three got caught by the pirates near the start of the game. Galuf asked who's idea was it to steal the ship and when Butz said it's him, he said "I can't remember. my head hurts." lol
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy V Advance, and so faar there have been a couple fairly funny things said, so far though I think my favorite is "Knights do it two-handed!"

It's especially funny because it's an old wizard guy saying it. At least in my game it was.
The Final battle with Gilgamesh.
I don't remember the quotes but, Gilgamesh saying things about all of the Heroes is pretty funny.
Gilgamesh: I was wrong, I cannot fight four people...

*casts Fast, Shell and Safe on himself*

Gilgamesh: HA! Did you really believe me?


Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter.
Gilgamesh: It's time we fight like men.
Gilgamesh: And ladies.
Gilgamesh: And ladies who dress like men.
Exdeath: You're pretty good for a reptile.
Ghido: Well i didn't live 700 years by snacking on pizza!
Exdeath: Perhaps you should have. You will find no such delicacies in the afterlife!

Ghido: You will need the twelve legendary weapons to defeat Exdeath.
Bartz: The twelve legendary weapons?
Ghido: Yes, the twelve legendary weapons. They are weapons and they are legendary. There are even twelve of them.
Ghido: You will need the twelve legendary weapons to defeat Exdeath.
Bartz: The twelve legendary weapons?
Ghido: Yes, the twelve legendary weapons. They are weapons and they are legendary. There are even twelve of them.

LOL! :D That one was great too!
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter.
Gilgamesh: It's time we fight like men.
Gilgamesh: And ladies.
Gilgamesh: And ladies who dress like men.

this reminds me of the quote from Scary Movie 4:

[SIZE=-1]It’s no more of a war than there’s a war between men and maggots, or... dragons and wolves... or men riding dragons, throwing wolves at maggots...
Barkeeper in Cerwin: Did you hear? A meteorite fell near Tycoon. Pity it didn't land on my mother-in-law...

Galuf (to Faris): If you're not going to dress like a man-and you should, it's a shame to hide such nice assets-then you could at least talk like one!
Scholar in Lix: Everyone used to make fun of me for being dumb. But now I'm going to be a Scholar, cos I'm SMRT smart!
bartz to reina: it was my fathers dying wish for me to travel the world and besides the wind is calling me.
galuf to bartz: what a bunch of crap you only want to help because you have the hots for her!
bartz to galuf: y-you could tell!?
galuf to bartz: we could all tell bright boy!