Favorite Sonic Character


ShinRa Guard
Jan 16, 2007
What is you favorite sonic character, mine is Shadow, followed by knuckles, then by sonic. You can list names from any sonic game
Tails is my favorite. He seems cute and naive, but is actually brilliant! I love that! Second place goes to Rouge for her role in Sonic Adventure 2 (I didn't like her all that much in Sonic Heroes, but then again, that's not one of my favorite games, anyway.) Third is Sonic because, well, he's awesome.
Knuckles has always been my favorite. ^_^ Next was Tails, then Eggman. Eggmans just so stupidly funny. :P Though I do get tired of fighting only him... :/
my favorite has always been Knuckles the Echidna
followed by the classical boss, Dr. Robotnik, always loved beating him up with the typical tactic of bouncing on his head

and ohyeah, isn't Tails a girl?

EDIT: i looked ti up and it's indeed a "He" :p my excuses
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Eggman is such a shit name, Dr Robotnik ftw!

I liked the original trio of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles most before they were given voices. All the rest of them can rot in hell as far as I care.
Sonic for me! Runner up is Knuckles. =) I don't know, I've always adored Sonic. I've only played the ones for Sega Genesis. Sonic and Knuckles was the title, I think. My brother and I have never beaten the game though, haha.
Sonic is the best.

Knuckles was an idiot I mean c'mon "Oh here mr fat evil grinning man, take the emeralds that power my floating island........oh wait*robotnik has fled the vicinity* *knuckles facepalms and sonic appears and lols at him*,
Tails was a show off with planes and such.

Sonic kicked Evil in the behind and sent it down to earth burning :D
Although Sonic is cool, I think Eggman is on the same level as him, and from what we know of Gerald Robotnik(at least in SA2/B), I think he's my favorite.
Anyone who refers to Robotnik as Eggman should be exempt from giving their opinion since they obviously haven't played a good Sonic game.

That goes for anyone who votes Shadow as a good character as well. Bloody plebs.