Favorite Summon?


Dec 1, 2006
Which is your favorite summon?

Please give a reason for your choice, not just one word answers.

Mine is Bahamut Zero.

I just love watching Bahamut Zero fly out and unleash a blast from space!
Although it looks a little weird (antennas on it's head?) it totally pwns.

Also, he does some major damage when I got him chained with final attack, so i know my guy doesn't die alone :D
As if you even have to ask,


Ultimate summon - only included in the greatest FF game of all time as the other FF games couldnt contain its awesomness :D

Lol well i needed to post a fan-boy type reply somewhere ;)
I like Knights of Round. As for the reason, I think it has more to do with me knowing how hard it was to obtain it than the actual animation sequence (though that's pretty cool, too).
Bahamut Zero because he can pretty much blow up half of the world
yeah super nova is amazing i love that move even though it attacks u :p
but my favorite summon is shiva cuz shes Hot :D
kotr is undeniably the best summon considering that it hits for 9999 twelve times when its mastered....... so yeah it pwns all
Shemhazai is my favourite summon.

It is soo pretty and it has pink!

Second would be Shiva in ffx!
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The best summon has to be KOTR. It's so amazingly powerful it can kill Sephiroth in two attacks but you all already know that :)
KotR hits for the most and does the best damage, but is it the best looking? nah. i get so bored after like the 4th dude.

bahamut zero is where it's at.
Jumbo cactuar...

hella cool...i was so excited that my favorite monster was turned into a summon...lol i even have a cactuar tattoo...

and a spider on my right arm...nerd
Yeah, having cactaur as a summon kinda surprised me at first, but i liked him after all. Although they were always a little pain in my side when i fought them.

ohh, and Shemhazai

Please give a reason for your choice, not just one word answers.
my favorite summon is Bahamut since hes been in final fantasy since game 3 i love his phisic and power he is trully the most powerfull dragon i also like neo bahamut because he looks cool very cool
I like bahamut the best, I really like how he looks and attacks. it would be KOTR but..it gets kinda boring after a few of the guys :/
Bahamut Zero is my summon of choice, why you ask well first of all it's the third form of Bahamut. Secondly It's HUGE!!!! and powerful if it's not carefull it could distroy the planet.
Bahamut, Bahamut Zero, and Neo Bahamut.

Why? Because Bahamut is my pet draggie. No, seriously...he's totally badass!

Knights of the Round is a close second though, because of the awesome animation sequence and their sheer power.
I like the summoning that Seph does in his one wing form. I don't know the name of it but it's like an 5 min summon and it shows the solar system ending with the distruction of the earth and Clouds party. It isn't the idea of earths distruction either. It's more graphicaly. Asides from that one I like Hades. Skeleton Alchemist behind his alter. Bad ass!!