Favorites & Worsts Discussion

Angel Valentine

Seph says yer dumb
Jul 12, 2006
Go into further detail about things you love and hate about FFX-2 :D

What was up with Paine's Gunner outfit? :mad:
I don't remember her Gunner outfit, mind refreshing my memory?

Anywho, I'd say that Paine's "Full Throttle" special form was useless. It was the worst special form.
It looks like no one is using this thread so i'll get it moving

i hated the special forms becouse i used the forms for the girls(yuna's a lot)
and started to have characters under leveled and the characters jobs
under leveled
so when i got to a big battle i lost becouse my girls were under leveled now this could have been my falt but there should have been a limit to the use of speecial forms
the worst thing was probably when Brother fell in love with his cousin, Yuna. I mean how disgusting is that? The best thing would be Rikku. She stayed herself and didin't change much ^_^
I loved how many different forms there were, that way the game didn't get to repetitive. Also Dark Knight, the special forms are just like aeons in FFX and GF's in FF8, you can't depend on them to much or your normal characters get weak.
I hate the story. I hate the dialogue. I hate their idea for what happens after X. Like the combat system.

Exact opposite for me, it's one of my faveorite games, thought I do like the combat system as well.
agreeing with Shiva out of all the things i find wrong with the game rikku stayed the same well maybe her character was a bit over the top but she was the rikku from FF10 and that was good

but yuna from being one of my fave characters from FF10
i just-how could they do that to yuna FF10-2

yuna- being a weak but strong at heart shy girl was what made me like her

yuna 10-2- how do you take a likable character and turn her into a bich

would tidus wont to go back to this girl in 10-2 that has lost all of yuna charm oh and don't try and tell me "in the 2 years she had time to spread her wings" when she was young she gave her life for the people of spira and that is her kind will after she got rid of sin it like she just said "well sins gone so now i don't care about the people of spira it all about me now"

why did yuna have to change and if she did why didn't she turn into someone nicer?
i really thought paine was cool. Riku was funny. but Yuna just turned into an overall sellfish person. i really thought she was nice in X but what happened?

i like: battles, jobs, main characters (except Yuna)
i dislike: the story was kinda bleh. Seymour had only 2 frekin lines in the WHOLE game dispite being the main badd-ass in X.
I hated how giggly and annoying Yuna and Rikku were. More Yuna really she was really quite annoying, I so wanted her to shut her gob most of the time she was opening it >_>

I despised the songs aswel, made me cringe from the inside out

I really liked the dress spheres though, I rather like jobs and stuff so I enjoyed learning all the new thingies :monster:

The game pretty much sucks, its annoying and the characters are women!! Whats with that!

What's wrong with that?
I loved the in game music like the Machine faction theme and Yuna's ballad, stuff like that, 1000 words was ok but he opening song was a pile of crap. I also loved the tragedy of Lenne and Shuyin, good point of the game I think.

I hated how Yuna was just....weird, I mean she did look a bit better, but her personality just sucked. Brother and that annoyed me too, Paine was pretty decent though.

From what I can remember, did anyone else notice that Paine's Gunner outfit looked very similar to Dante's outfit in Devil May Cry? I mean, like the red coat.
yeh it did a bit
oh and since we are on Yuna, i liked her sooo much better in FFX2 than FFX cause she was sooo much more enjoyabe and less pathetic.

the music was ok i spose but all FF music is very repetetive so it didnt really bother me