Tactics Favorites & Worsts Thread


[ chaotic EQUILIBRIUM ]
Sep 22, 2006
Favorite Character: Ramza
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Delita
Favorite Female Character: Alma
Favorite Class: Samurai, Ninja
Favorite Weapon: N/A
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Final Boss in Final Form
Favorite Ability: Steal Ability, Steal Heart
Favorite Zodiac Brave: N/A
Favorite Music: Betrayal
Favorite Game Video: Where the final boss turns into its true form

Worst Character: Algus (PRICK XD)
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst Class: Geomancer
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Monster: N/A
Worst Boss: Marquess Elmdor (I believe that's right)
Worst Ability: Counter Tackle
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: Battle Theme
Worst Game Video: Death of Ramza's father

There are to be no other favorite threads made in this section. You are limited to one post in this thread. If I have missed anything, please PM me and I'll correct the first post.

Thank you.
Favorite Character: Mustadio
Favorite Male Character: again, Mustadio
Favorite Female Character: Meliadoul
Favorite Class: Summoner, Monk or Bard
Favorite Weapon: staves & rods
Favorite Monster: Behemoth
Favorite Boss: Wiegraf
Favorite Ability: any summon, Monk's Wave Fist
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Aquarius
Favorite Music: N/A
Favorite Game Video: Where Worker 8 appears and kills Mustadio, then Ramza freaks out

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Celia & Lede
Worst Class: Oracle
Worst Weapon: those books
Worst Monster: the boars & ahrimans
Worst Boss: Algus
Worst Ability: none
Worst Zodiac Brave: any other than Aquarius
Worst Music: none
Worst Game Video: Dycedarg's conspiracy plot

Finally, someone takes action and makes a thread exclusively for this topic.
My views may change, but this one post will have to do.

EDIT: Since this is my only post, I will not be held responsible for any changes that might occur in my taste for FFT. Also, don't limit the masses to one thread with only one post. They'll protest. And then they'll start rebel.

Oh, and you're welcome.
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Favorite Character: Agrias
Favorite Male Character: Mustadio
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Lancer
Favorite Weapon: Dragon Whisker
Favorite Monster: Black Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Miluda (at Lenalia Plateau)
Favorite Ability: Shiva
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Adramelk
Favorite Music: Decisive Battle
Favorite Game Video: Those who use, those who get used

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Balmafula
Worst Class: Squire
Worst Weapon: Nagra Rock
Worst Monster: Uribo
Worst Boss: Zalmo
Worst Ability: Hamedo (I've seen it work ONCE in 120 hours of gameplay)
Worst Zodiac Brave: Zalera
Worst Music: N/A
Worst Game Video: N/A
Favorite Character: surprisingly the normals
Favorite Male Character: surprisingly the normals
Favorite Female Character: surprisingly the normals
Favorite Class: mime and calculators
Favorite Weapon: ragonark
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Final Boss in Final Form
Favorite Ability: death lv 3 instent death to all mahahahahahah
Favorite Zodiac Brave: leo
Favorite Music: n/a
Favorite Game Video: n/a

Worst Character: Algus (PRICK XD)
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst Class: Geomancer
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Monster: piggy the first one
Worst Boss: Marquess Elmdor (I believe that's right)
Worst Ability: throw stone
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: n/a
Worst Game Video: n/a
Favorite Character: Ramza, either that or Orlandu, just because...
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Orlandu
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Monk, Lancer, Knight (tied)
Favorite Weapon: N/A
Favorite Monster: Dragon
Favorite Boss: N/A
Favorite Ability: Steal, General Time Magic
Favorite Zodiac Brave: N/A
Favorite Music: N/A
Favorite Game Video: N/A

Worst Character: Algus, this idiot...
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst Class: Archer
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Monster: N/A
Worst Boss: N/A
Worst Ability: Counter Tackle
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst Game Video: N/A

*I loved the game enough to make that many worsts. ;)
Favorite Character: Delita
Favorite Male Character: Delita
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Geomancers and Bard/Dancers
Favorite Weapon: Chaos Blade
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Elidibs
Favorite Ability: Lightning Stab and Accumulate
Favorite Zodiac Brave:
Favorite Music: The music that plays in Dorter Trade City the first time you go there.
Favorite Game Video: When Wiegarf kills that idiot Golargos.
Worst Character: Algus. He was such a queer with his "Animals have no god!" snobby rich prude esque attitude.
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Balmafula. Not much to her except she was an assassin sent by some priest to kill Delita if he did anything unsightly.
Worst Class: mime
Worst Weapon: Bags
Worst Monster: Goblins
Worst Boss: Queklain
Worst Ability: Counter Tackle
Worst Zodiac Brave: Queklain
Worst Music: Deep Dungeon
Worst Game Video: whichever was longest and most boring, I guess.
Favorite Character: Orlandu
Favorite Male Character: Orlandu
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Lancer, Ninja
Favorite Weapon: Buster Sword
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Algus (liked killing that bastard)
Favorite Ability: Accumulate
Favorite Zodiac Brave:
Favorite Music: Hero's Theme
Favorite Game Video:

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character:
Worst Class: Calculator
Worst Weapon: Bags
Worst Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Elmdor
Worst Ability: Guard
Worst Zodiac Brave:
Worst Music:
Worst Game Video:
Favorite Character: Mustadio
Favorite Male Character: Mustadio
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Samurai, Knight, Time Mage
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen, Excalibur, Ragnarok.
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: -
Favorite Ability: Dragon Spirit
Favorite Zodiac Brave: -
Favorite Music: -
Favorite Game Video: -

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: -
Worst Class: Dancer
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Monster: -
Worst Boss: -
Worst Ability: -
Worst Zodiac Brave: -
Worst Music: -
Worst Game Video: -

Favorite Character: Ramza (one of the few male leads I like)
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Delita, Mustadio
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Ninja, Lancer, Worker 8 (whatever class he is)
Favorite Weapon: -
Favorite Monster: anything that doesn't revive after 3 turns
Favorite Boss: Altima
Favorite Ability: Throw, Dragon Spirit, Sunken State
Favorite Zodiac Brave: -
Favorite Music: -
Favorite Game Video: -

Worst Character: Algus (god I hated him)
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: -
Worst Class: Dancer
Worst Weapon: -
Worst Monster: anything that revives after 3 turns
Worst Boss: Gafgarion at the Execution Site
Worst Ability: Counter Tackle, Gilgame Heart
Worst Zodiac Brave: -
Worst Music: -
Worst Game Video: -
Favorite Character: Ramza, Beowulf, Orlandu
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Orlandu,
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Ninja, Holy knight, and whatever class Orlandu is
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favorite Monster: Dragon
Favorite Boss: Aldramak
Favorite Ability: Trhow, Hamedeo, Two swords
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Capicorn
Favorite Music: The music that plays as you load a save game
Favorite Game Video: The one where Zalbag finally realizes Ramza was right about thier brother.

Worst Character: Algus (He must be feeling the love)
Worst Male Character: Algus (Again he must be feeling the love)
Worst Female Character: Those assasins
Worst Class: Mime
Worst Weapon: The starting weapons
Worst Monster: The skeletons
Worst Boss: Weigraf the 3rd time around, and his zodiac form
Worst Ability: Hamedo, Maintence, and Steal heart
Worst Zodiac Brave: Aeris
Worst Music: The one that plays in the tavern
Worst Game Video: Anyone with Algus in it acting superior
Favorite Character: Wiegraf
Favorite Male Character: Orlandu, Ramza, Cloud, Wiegraf
Favorite Female Character: Miliadu (er..I think. Wiegraf's sister)
Favorite Class: Black Mage, Summoner
Favorite Weapon: Excalibur
Favorite Monster: Behemoth
Favorite Boss: Wiegraf (One on one)
Favorite Ability: Crush Punch, Fire 3
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Er...whatever Wiegraf was
Favorite Music: Fight theme (the one that plays in first battle)
Favorite Game Video: Wiegraf using the holy stone

Worst Character: Algus (Need I say why?)
Worst Male Character: Algus, Mustadio
Worst Female Character: Ulma
Worst Class: Dancer/Bard
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Monster: Dragons (unintellligent my &^*&)
Worst Boss: Marquess Elmdor when you have to protect..er...Rafa I think
Worst Ability: Death (Hardly ever works
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: One of the battle themes that sounds like the merry-go-round
Worst Game Video: N/A
I apologize, but I am much more familiar with The Lion's War, so I will use terms from it.

Favorite Character: Ramza, Zalbaag
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Zalbaag
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Dragoon
Favorite Weapon: Polearm
Favorite Monster: Dragons
Favorite Boss: Ser Aliste Rosenheim
Favorite Ability: Jump
Favorite Zodiac Brave: N/A
Favorite Music: The music that plays during Zeltennia chapel scene
Favorite Game Video: Zeltennia chapel movie

Worst Character: Argath
Worst Male Character: Argath
Worst Female Character: Rapha
Worst Class: Chemist
Worst Weapon: Cloth
Worst Monster: Those...er...squid things...ugh
Worst Boss: Zalbaag. I...did...*NOT*...want to kill him.
Worst Ability: Choco meteor, if you're on the receiving end of 5 in a row
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst Game Video: Where Dycedarg kills Zalbaag (right after Argath is YOU, you manipulative worm)
Favorite Character: Zalbaag/Delita
Favorite Male Character: Zalbaag/Delita
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Dark Knight
Favorite Weapon: Exalibur
Favorite Monster: Red chocobo
Favorite Boss: Wiegraf
Favorite Ability: Accumulate
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Dycedarg's
Favorite Music: Battle music
Favorite Game Video: N/A

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Rapha
Worst Class: Orator
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst Monster: things that use Mind Blast
Worst Boss: Elmdor
Worst Ability: Talk
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst Game Video: N/A
Favorite Character: Ramza
Favorite Male Character: Ramza
Favorite Female Character: Alma and Agrias
Favorite Class: Mystic (Oracle)
Favorite Weapon: Guns
Favorite Monster: Behemoths
Favorite Boss: All Wiegraf fights
Favorite Ability: Shout (Ramza-exclusive, up everything but the kitchen sink ability)
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Cuchulainn
Favorite Music: Antipyretic
Favorite Game Video: The scene with Delita and Ramza at Zeltennia.

Worst Character: Cloud. Nothing against him, especially since he's optional, but it really is hard to choose my least favorite.
Worst Male Character: Cloud, again the least of a great cast.
Worst Female Character: Reis
Worst Class: Mime
Worst Weapon: Bags
Worst Monster: Skeleton family
Worst Boss: Ultima
Worst Ability: Equip Axe
Worst Zodiac Brave: Zalera
Worst Music: One of those random fight tunes. Real peppy and annoying
Worst Game Video: This is more like the first one I love to hate since I don't really have one that's my least favorite: The scene outside Eagrose between Argath, Delita and Ramza.
Favorite Character: Agrias
Favorite Male Character: Delita
Favorite Female Character: Agrias,Alma
Favorite Class: Summoner
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favorite Monster: Red Chocobo
Favorite Boss: The two assasins(can't remember the names)
Favorite Ability: Summon: Shiva,Silph,Zodiac
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Adramelech
Favorite Music: Dunno
Favorite Game Video: All the scenes with Agrias

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Reis
Worst Class: Squire
Worst Weapon: Mage masher
Worst Monster: Bombs
Worst Boss: Altima
Worst Ability: Jump
Worst Zodiac Brave: Chuchulain
Worst Music: dunno
Worst Game Video: The ending with ovelia
Favorite Character: Ramza, Beowulf, Orlandu
Favorite Male Character: Orlandu
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class: Samurai
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favorite Monster: Dragon, Chocobos :D
Favorite Boss: Wiegraf
Favorite Ability: Two swords
Favorite Zodiac Brave: -
Favorite Music: -
Favorite Game Video: The happy times Delita and Ramza had.

Worst Character: Algus
Worst Male Character: Algus
Worst Female Character: Reis
Worst Class: -
Worst Weapon: -
Worst Monster: - (Don't hate any of them :/)
Worst Boss: Elmdor
Worst Ability: - (All have their uses at some point in time :P)
Worst Zodiac Brave: Aeris
Worst Music: - (Enjoy most of the music actually)
Worst Game Video: Mostly those of Algus being an *cough*
Favorite Character: Not really sure at the moment, but I'll go with Ramza.
Favorite Male Character: Ramza
Favorite Female Character: Agrias (note, I do not support Agrias X Ramza. I like Agrias X Mustadio)
Favorite Class: Lancer, Monk
Favorite Weapon: Excaliber
Favorite Monster: Red Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Zalbag. I didn't want to kill him though. I nearly cried.
Favorite Ability: CHAKRA. Cheesy, but we all love the cheese, right?
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Hashmalun. The best looking one, if you ask me.
Favorite Music: The song that plays ducing the scene when Ramza and Delita play the reed flute. It's in piano, but I don't know the name.
Favorite Game Video: Hmm...a toughy, but I think that for now, my favourite video is when Delita promises Ovelia that he'll make her the Queen. The one with all the white birds, and when Ovelia says, "Do not mock me!!"

Worst Character: Dycedarg. I don't know why so many people hate Argath more. In my opinion, Dycedarg should get the top spot for killing off his father AND his best friend/lord. Disloyal to both family and liege. Followed by Delita, who killed off his own wife!
Worst Male Character: DYCEDARG.
Worst Female Character: Easy. RAPHA. That stupid battle on Riovanes Roof made me hate her forever more.
Worst Class: MIME. For something that needs you to master every job and class, I don't think it's worth it.
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Boss: Hmm...Elmdor...Paired with Celia and Lede...on Riovanes Roof...*dies*
Worst Ability: N/A
Worst Zodiac Brave: Zalera
Worst Music: NONE! I love the music in Tactics!
Worst Game Video: When Delita stabs Ovelia. THE B******!!!
Favorite Character: Delita
Favorite Male Character: Ramza, Delita
Favorite Female Character: Agrias, Lettie
Favorite Class: Samurai, Ninja
Favorite Weapon: Icebrand
Favorite Monster: Chocobo
Favorite Boss: Argath, 1st Time (I enjoyed killing him)
Favorite Ability: <Samurai Reaction Ability>, Shout
Favorite Zodiac Brave: (None)
Favorite Music: Charging Sergeant, Ramza's Rue
Favorite Game Video: The Hunter

Worst Character: Argath
Worst Male Character: Argath
Worst Female Character: Tietra
Worst Class: Geomancer
Worst Weapon: Shortsword
Worst Monster: Mindflayer
Worst Boss: Wiegraf
Worst Ability: Counter Tackle
Worst Zodiac Brave: (None)
Worst Music: (None)
Worst Game Video: (None)
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Favorite Character: Beowulf
Favorite Male Character: Beowulf
Favorite Female Character: Agrias
Favorite Class:Black Mage +Faithrod + Arithmeticks
Favorite Weapon: Faith Rod
Favorite Monster: Tiamat
Favorite Boss:Elidibs
Favorite Ability: Arithmethicks, Draw Out Skills
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Belias
Favorite Music: The Main theme music, it always feels tempting to replay FFT after hearing music from it.
Favorite Game Video: Balthier's appearance.

Worst Character: Delita
Worst Male Character: Delita
Worst Female Character:Rafa
Worst Class: SOLDIER
Worst Weapon: the Bag types
Worst Monster: Uribo, nothing but nonesense
Worst Boss:That random thug from the first battle
Worst Ability:Charge
Worst Zodiac Brave: (None)
Worst Music: (None)
Worst Game Video: (None)
Favorite Character: Cloud
Favorite Male Character: Ramza
Favorite Female Character: Celia
Favorite Class: Assassin
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarock
Favorite Monster: Hydra
Favorite Boss: Wiegraf
Favorite Ability: Stop Bracelet
Favorite Zodiac Brave: Aries
Favorite Music: Antidote
Favorite Game Video: Where Wiegraf turns into Velius

Worst Character: Gafgarion
Worst Male Character: Gafgarion
Worst Female Character: Princess Ovelia
Worst Class: Archer
Worst Weapon: P Bag
Worst Monster: Uribo
Worst Boss: Queklain
Worst Ability: Blind
Worst Zodiac Brave: N/A
Worst Music: Battle Theme
Worst Game Video: Death of Teta