Favourite FF quotes

Im loving FFIX atm, especially Quina, everything it says cracks me up

whilst mooching around Treno 'so h.u.n.g.r.y.' 'maybe food in water but I drown' HUNGRY' *splash*

I like when he gets fished out of the water at Lindblum and those guards think it's dead and tyhey are all like ''its dead'' ''.....'' then it jumps up and they shit it

Also when on the boat for the first time and cid is a frog
'F...Frog' '....is talking'

Quina cracks me up >_>
One that springs to mind right now is from the barman in Cerwen (FFV Advance):

"Did you hear? A meteorite fell near Tycoon the other day. Pity it didn't land on my mother-in-law..."
"They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple."
"It's Macalania Temple."

Tidus and Wakka, they both crack me up :wacky:
@Fran Fetish - Yah, thats a very good one :)

Wakka - "Lets give a kick in Rikku's butt and go...hehehe"
Vaan to Fran - "How old you said you were again?"
I really like that scene with Construct 8...

Ramza - Beat up Mustadio!!

30 seconds later...

Ramza - Phoenix Down!!! Where's the Phoenix Down!!?

That was probably the most funny scene in FFT...
Rikku to Auron, Lulu, Wakka, Yuna, Kimahri and Tidus: "You're so mean and cruel! Your Moms would be ashamed of you!"
Sephiroth: "I think the Zelda series is way better than our game."
Cloud: "Yeh ur probably right."

It's favourite quotes, not somthing the characters would never say, thats another topic altogether

Ghido: "Ah yes, the twelve legendary weapons, they're legendary, they're weapons and there are even twelve of them"
Squall and Rinoa: "I'll be here... Why...? I'll be 'waiting'...here... For what? I'll be waiting...for you...so... If you come here... You'll find me... I promise."
This is my favourite one from Angeal
"You're more important than my sword...but just by a little bit"
I love the whole wedding scene in Condie Petie (IX) when Zidane is thinking to himself about Dagger, and he's all, "I'm such a stud!", then goes in for the smooch and she walks away. XD Good times.

Pretty much anything Barrett in FFVII said had me in stitches.
Well, the ones in my Signature.
And many ones from the LOVELESS poem.
"Wings of Light and Dark spread afar, her gift everlasting..." - Another one from LOVELESS.
"Stand and fight... SOLDIER 1st class... ZACK!" - Genesis, right before final battle of Crisis Core.
"This guy are sick." - Aeris, FFVII.

"I don't even know what a black cape is for..." - Tifa, FFVII

"Sit your ass down and drink your goddamn tea!" - Cid, FVII

"All right, everyone, let's mosey." - Cloud, FFVII

"Slow down Cheif! Your going to kill us all... Bwamhahama!!" - Vincent, FFVII

"Shut up, you're makin' me sober." - Reno, FFVII

""Would you stop acting like a retard and climb?!" - Tifa, FFVII

"You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow." - Aeris, FFVII

"Aw, Cloud... your hair looks like a chocobo!" - Tifa, FFVII

"Huh...? Finger? What the hell?!" - Cloud, FFVII

"I don't care what you're doing, so much as the idiotic way you're doing it" - Vincent, FFVII

"Recieved: Orthopedic Underwear" - Examining Tifa's dresser, FFVII

"In addition to dressing like a woman, it seems you like to smash and grind things." - NPC outside of the Honey Bee Inn, FFVII

"What a fascinating story..." Red XII - FFVII

"Well to me, it looks like a shiny, golden wire of hope." - Barret, FFVII
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"Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn tea!" ~ Cid Highwind, FF7

"What? You think I'm BSing?" ~ Zell, FF8

"I'd say you're about a -3 on the manliness scale." ~ Kiros, FF8

"Wow, even the oglops are big in Lindlum." ~ Vivi, FF9

"Silence! *ribbit*" ~ Regent Cid, FF9

"Brother, faster!" ~ Yuna, FFX-2
hmmm.... I dunno I really can't say anything new then whats already been said. but I guess.... when the FFVII fanfare plays as a ring tone in FFVII:AC (has da ring tone)

o_o.... well everyone said what I wanted to say!!!! WAH!!!!
I pretty much love everything Sephiroth says to Cloud. He tries to get in his head so much. He succeeds at getting in his head. Literally when it comes to getting the black materia. I don't think I can list a single quote though.