Favourite FMV Sequence


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
This has probably been done already but seeing so i have'nt been on here in a long time i thought i would make the thread anyway, so let me know what you think is the best FFX fmv sequence.

for me it has to be the assault on bevelle, after you defeat evre, in my opinion one of the best scenes.
Ooh erm, probably where Anima gets called by Seymour and Auron makes his appearance and there are monsters all over the shop. I love it. Anima is just awesome anyway, and the music makes it all the more epic
It's the ending for me actually, such a great one and such a perfect (if depressing) ending for that game. Second to that is the scene in the spring, for obvious reasons, and after that I would go with the series of scenes in Bevelle...they're really impressive...I am especially fond of when she is falling after jumping.
I was going to say the opening scene with the blitzball in Zanarkand...since I love that metal song that Nobuo made for it...but I was reminded about the assault on Bevelle...and that was pretty epic too.

Soo hard to decide, but I think I'll stick with Bevelle. :neomon:
yeahh i was watching that sequence last night it is brilliant when they slide down the chains, that made me put FFX in and start playing it again just to watch that scene, then i would actually have to add the FFVII sequence where cloud is laying aeris.
Shit. Just thinking of it makes me realize how many amazing scenes FFX had. The assault on Bevelle was fuckin' epic, the ending was amazing, the scene when Anima was summoned had me all excited, and the spring scene... And there's even more. But man... it's got to be a three way tie between the assault, the spring scene, and the ending. All were AMAZING.
For me its gotta be either the opening sequence or the ending. The opening FMV sets the game off perfectly, with sin attacking and th music playing its brilliant. The ending also rounds the game off nicely aswell, its very sad but you can feel happy for the people Spira because they can finally get a little peace.
My most favourite (at the moment at least) is definitely 'The Dance'.

It was like the first time that Tidus saw what Yuna's job actually was and he seemed to have a real serious look about him.

He seemed to watch her in awe and it felt to me like the first time he actually started to gain feelings for Yuna. It seemed like he instantly gained a great deal of respect for her as well.

That's just my thoughts and what I gathered from that scene.
I loved the ending Of Final Fantasy X it was just so beautiful. When Yuna gives her beautiful speech to save spira. That part is so well done. Also when you fight Sin those fmv sequences are really good. I wanted an fmv seq with Yunalsesca but it did not happen.
I really liked the one in guadolasm Where there in Seymour's Mansion and he shows them zanarkand and the scenery of zanarkand is behind them all
My favorite FMV sequence is definately the final sequence, in which Tidus jumps off fo the Airship to be reunited with his father. It is just so emotional how Yuna tries to grab him and she passes right through him, and then when he wraps his arms around her from behinds, it's just soo damn emotional it actually brought a tear to my eye.
My favourite was proabaly when Sin attacked the airship!
When the theme "crisis" is playing and then everything goes quiet and you see Rikku gasp - I love that bit!
Also when it looks like the ocean is split in two, I mean, c'mon! How awesome was that!?
Ah, this is hard. The CGI sequences in FFX were really great. I really loved the opening intro Blitzball one, and Yuna's sending in Kilika was really beautiful too. Then the attack on Bevelle during the wedding was really kewl too :3

I can't decide :mark:
The Opening scene, not the Blitzball one, but the one in Spira Zanarkand. I think when you start with it, in media res like that, and you don't really understand the journey they've been through yet. Then when you play through the game and go through everything you go through, and finally get to Zanarkand, the scene replays, the story catches up to the scene, and To Zanarkand is playing. It really displays everything they've been through quite well, I think.
It's hard for me to choose my favorite. I'd say my favorite would have to be the opening. It just kicks ass and I love the song that goes with it. Another one of my faves would have to be where they're at Seymours place and you see the images of Zanarkand.
Ive always loved the opening to the game, the music is just as awesome as the fmv itself lol. Also wehn Yuna emerges for the first time. I think she is a beautiful character and seeing her in an FMV for the first time gave me goosebumps.

Also the wedding was brilliant. I love Yuna's wedding dress and it was so dramatic. That gave me goosebumps aswell lol.
The part where Yuna purposely falls off the ledge in the Bevelle wedding scenes then summons Valefor. When I think about that scene it gives me chills down my spine. Just the way Valefor immediately takes action and just swoops to ground level as quickly as she (he?) can, flies past Yuna, then just spreads the wings to stay a float and catches Yuna. The graphics, the significance and how it was done was just too awesome. Easily my favorite cutscene of any game in existence!

Edit: I see others have the same reaction as I do with this scene. It's just such an epic scene.
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