Favourite GF?

My favorite GF will always be Diablos. I love his badass look, and when you summon him? :inlove:
So fucking epic.
Despite being difficult as hell to beat, and being a pain in the ass to obtain, I absolutely love this GF.
Am I going to have to slap you? There's no DoomTrain on the list, when my characters became strong enough, I didn't feel I needed most of the summons later on in the game,a ctually about midway through the game. DoomTrain was always worthy to call in with his nasty status attacks, he is probably the only GF that is useful on every enemy in the game. + DoomTrains special abilities were AWESOME.
My favorite GF will always be Diablos. I love his badass look, and when you summon him? :inlove:
So fucking epic.
Despite being difficult as hell to beat, and being a pain in the ass to obtain, I absolutely love this GF.

Difficult to beat? o_O You just draw cast Demi on him and it wipes out most of HP, then you just Limit him to death since most of the time he only uses Gravity based attacks. You should be able to take him down as soon as you get the lamp.
So...my vote was more overall as opposed to just VIII. Shiva has always been my favorite summon in the entire series. All of her summoning animations and Diamond Dust animations are just breathtakingly gorgeous.
I chose Brothers because I like their dialogue and the side quest through the Tomb of the Unknown King. It was a nice enjoyable little side quest with a good mix of mystery and levity.
Well this is a tough question to answer do to the fact that there are different ways for a Guardian Force to become your favorite, especially in this game. Most people mainly choose their favorite by their design or by their attacks. Others chooses their favorite by the abilities that the Guardian Forces has or also by the way you obtain them. I personally am going to choose my favorite by all of those three options. I am choosing my favorite Guardian Forces by their designs, attack and abilities.

Here are my favorite Guardian Forces:

Diablos- This is my favorite GF of all time. The reason why I choose this one as my favorite is because it is one of the hardest boss battle you encounter early in the game. It's design is a very evil looking type of demon. It's dark attack combines extremely well with the way it was design and it's abilities are quite useful.

Doomtrain- Another of my favorite GF from this game. It has a curse like looking train design which I found to be quite outstanding. The status effect attack is very useful against most monsters in the game, making him extremely useful in battle. The abilities you obtain by him are useful as well.

Bahamut- My third and final favorite GF of the series. It's design is extremely outstanding. The details they put in it are just incredibly realistic. From the face all the way to his tail just looks amazing. It's growl and blast attack is one of the most unique attack I've seen so far. That is why I added him to my personal favorite list. He has been one of the most recognizable GF in the series of Final Fantasy.
My favourite overall in this game was Leviathan - probably alot because of the impression it made on me in the demo then being upset that I didn't get it in Dollet for the main game too! I was so happy when I finally got it.

Cerberus was a cool design, shame about the actual ability though - although I guess double and triple was handy.. occasionally?

And Catcuar cause.. well.. :smiff: !!
Even now I look at that list and can't remember some of the GF's even being in the game.. Leviathan for example, don't remembed him at all.. though there are some very cool summons in the game. Quezacoatl will have to be my pick though.. as the first and likely most used.. for that small amount of time GFs are useful (exploiting X-ATM092.. god did I just remember that from memory???)

I just wish that have an actual character in the game.. like they tried to with FF9 to a degree
I chose Diablos particularly because I really enjoy and tasks involved to obtain him, the tasks required to obtain a lot of the GFs are interesting but I always enjoyed the battle with Diablos.