Favourite Organization XIII Member

The Slasher

† Seraphim †
Jun 19, 2006
Favourite XIII member: Axel, Marluxia


He's cool, and he's a good guy. His skills are neat, the fire ones!
His weapon, the dual Chakram(i think) is cool.

I had trouble fighting him in KH:CoM, but I like him 'coz of his flurry of attacks. He wields a scythe, and it's awesome.
He somehow reminds me of Byakuya, of Bleach.
mnie are Axel and Roxas
Axel: because as you said he's cool and he's got the power of FIRE it's sweet

Roxas: becuase he's got the keyblade and that thing with the TWO keyblades at the end it was so cool
Axel: hes awsome, i like reno in ffac, he is a rebel!!

marluxia: he has a pretty pink scythe!, long hair, (kinda girly!^_^)

Xemnas: hes a rouge, hes got silver spiky hair, he is the most mysterious!
lol thats a great reason, but thats mainly because Roxas didn't know anything about his past with the organizationso he didn't remember who axel was, and in the end they were still best friends and Axel wanted to see Roxas for one last time before he left
Roxas 101 said:
if you ask me I think that Axel may be Reno's nobody cause you don't see him in KH2 so you think he was turned into a heartless

heh... i thought the same thing.... but axel is based on reno.... reno and axel r exactly the same.... same voice, eyes (maybe), same hair, marks on face.... i guess it is a possibility, but still, nomura based him on reno.... im sure that he never ment him to be axels heartless....
i dug axel. he was a cool character. roxas was rather well, i t was hard to actually see him as an orginaization member. plus axel has attitude..lol
takascarnuka8113 said:
heh... i thought the same thing.... but axel is based on reno.... reno and axel r exactly the same.... same voice, eyes (maybe), same hair, marks on face.... i guess it is a possibility, but still, nomura based him on reno.... im sure that he never ment him to be axels heartless....
good i'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks this and it would be Reno's nobody not axels heartless:D
[B]Uchia_Sauske said:

What else he is half of sora so yea he kinda owns
i'm glad to see another Roxas fan but I don't just like him cause he's half of Sora but for a lot more things too
Living in Europe, I don't have KH2 yet, but I can make opinions based on CoM.

I liked Marluxia the best - he seemed to be the one in control.
Second, it would be Vexon - he was the one who kept the group running.
Thirdly - Luxord - The only manly character in the organisation
Last - Larxene - The only female
Axel - Because I liked his happy face.
Roxas - Because ... I don't know o_O, I just feel it xP
Larxene - Because she is the only woman there, GO GIRL POWER~
My favorite Organization XIII member(s) are:

Favorite (4)
1) Zexion- because he is a mystery and he is hot.

2) Marluxia- FLOWER POWER!!! enough said....
3) Larxene- She was kick-ass. even though she dies.
4) Xigbar- I loved his voice and he was so much fun to fight.
I'll list my 3 top favorites:

1.) Roxas - The lovable keyblade weilder. He's so adorable, plus I felt so sorry for him after he learned that he didn't exist.
2.) Axel - I love his cocky attitude, and he seems like the type of guy I would want to hang out with.
3.) Luxord - He's British, he has an earring, and he was in the POTC world. That's enough for me.
Roxas is cool!! Having two keyblades one from the darkness and the other from the light is really great... Of course, Axel is cool too I mean although he tried to kill Roxas, but he never wanted to because he trully loved his friend which is odd because they say that nobodies have no hearts while I felt completly the oppesite because of Roxas and Axel friendship and how Axel helped Sora and sacrificed himself..It's really touching..