Favourite part of the game

Probably the cutscene where Cleyra gets destroyed. That's probably the first time I realised how good the graphics were. Hmmm, methinks I will have to replay it sometime.
I have two favorite parts and the are kind of random but they always reminded me of just how much I loved this game. The first would have to be when you first enter Evil forest at the very begining of the game and you take a left instead of going straight. There is a little scene where you can't go anywhere but are looking at a water fall in the distance and start to think of the adventures to come. Whenever I start playing this game and get to this part I always stop at the water fall as sort of a good luck charm to the start of the adventure. My other favorite place would have to be Pinnacle Rocks. I love the art work in this place along with other places like it and have done a lot of my own art work based off of this location. Third runner up would have to be Burmecia.
Yeah, the moogle swearing was pretty hilarious.

But I loved the end scene when
Zidane finally came back to Garnet
My favorite was the marriage scene between ZidaneXGarnet, and of course the scene where Zidane and Vivi are having some "male bonding" time :P
I really can't think of a favorite part in that game. It was all just so awesome. But I will have to go with when Zidane goes crazy. I don't know why, but the music and the battle just mad it so cool.
My fave part was the boss battle against trance kuja, realy like killing him, but my other fave part was at the begining zidane and blanc fighting:D
I liked the scene at the end of the game when Zidane runs to save Kuja.

And I also liked every scene from the Innkeeper in Alexandria.
LOL I remember the marriage between them that was some funny stuff. Bahamut and Alexander was a classic, I loved watching it. My favorite would be actually being able to use Beatrix when she fought side by side with Steiner. If she could be a character you could play as throughout the whole game, I'd love that.
Just finished the game and I have to say that the Ending and the "You're not Alone!" Parts were my favs. The badass fight - Bahamut vs Alexander is also up there.
i like part where they are in maiden sarrari and they make all that food! that so was so SILLY! quina is HILARIOUS
My fave part has to be Terra, hands down, also the scene where Dagger and Zidane get 'married' haha
For me my favorite part was definatly when they were in the Invincible, and were about to enter Memoria. Then all the little mini dragons came out, then suddenly the lindblum armada comes out and unleashes it power! Then when they were free to break out into Memoria, more come and the red rose comes to save them along with Beatrix! Man the is my favorite scene, its so epic, and i love the music it plays during that time.