Favourite Place

My favorite locations in this game would have to be Rocket Town, Cosmo Canyon, and the Forgotten Capital.
Rocket Town is my favorite because its home to Cid, you launch a rocket there, and show resistance to Shinra once again by taking the Tiny Bronco. Cosmo Canyon is another one of my favorites because its home to Nanaki, you can see the 3-D model of space with Bugenhagen, you get Bahamut-Zero here, you learn about Nanaki's parents and his tribe, and the music is awesome. Forgotten Capital is another favorite location because I like the music, no other reason really.
My favorite locations in this game would have to be Rocket Town, Cosmo Canyon, and the Forgotten Capital.
Rocket Town is my favorite because its home to Cid, you launch a rocket there, and show resistance to Shinra once again by taking the Tiny Bronco. Cosmo Canyon is another one of my favorites because its home to Nanaki, you can see the 3-D model of space with Bugenhagen, you get Bahamut-Zero here, you learn about Nanaki's parents and his tribe, and the music is awesome. Forgotten Capital is another favorite location because I like the music, no other reason really.
Ha! I also liked Rocket Town. Dunno what about it made me become so attached to the place but yea...
And yea the forgotten place had pretty decent music, albeit mysterious. You have a good selection there.
If I had to choose one place to be my fave it would have to be Cosmo Canyon, and then probaly Calm. Cosmo Canyon was just a cool place to be, and the music was really cool there too. I liked how a lot of the more important plot changes happened in that town. And I liked Calm because of the little town image that it had, I have always wanted to live in a little town.
Oh, I completely forgot you get Bahamut Zero there. :O Now that you mentioned it, I just realized, you can get the few best materia in the game there: Master Magic, Master Command, and Master Summon.

You can get one of them by mastering at least one of every kind of Magic Materia, Command Materia, or Summon Materia in the game, then walking up to the Huge Materia of that color and turning one of each of the Mastered materia into one Master Magic, Master Command, or Master Summon materia. :D

Keep in mind, Master Command doesn't include Enemy Skill, you have to master that seperately to use whatever Enemy Skills are available in the game (not telling what all of them are, just that Shadow Flare is awesome, but tough as heck to learn. :wacky:). ;)
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Ah, I forgot about Wall Market. :gasp: Despite how shady it really is, it was one of my favorite places in the game. Along with the whole Don Corneo thing, that Honey Bee Inn was kinda amusing... And what really was in the vending machine, I wonder? xD;;;

And the Forgotten City, too. The music sends chills up your spine, but is very beautiful. It's kind of fun to imagine what the city was like before, and the scenery there is truly beautiful.
I think my favourite place was Cosmo Canyon.
I mean living in that sort place would be amazing. Sharing stories around the fire etc.
Plus, the story of Nanaki was very touching how he thought of his father as a coward but when he learnt the truth it was quite the opposite.
The music is also very soothing =)
Midgar. Place looks like it would be awesome to run around in. Plus im a fan of the big cities. Job at Shinra? ysplz
I love Cosmo Canyon,The City of the Ancients/Forgotten City,Temple of the Ancients, and The Ghost Hotel.

Cosmo Canyon - I love the music and BugenHagen's special place. ^^ Red XIII also comes from there and I love him!

The City of the Ancients - The music there is also very nice. It's a very pretty place and I can only imagine what it once was like there. It's very mysterious there too.

Temple of the Ancients - Many mysteries are hidden within there. I like the way it was constructed too. ^^

The Ghost Hotel - This is probably my favorite area in the game. Im a huge Halloween fan and this place looks like it's Halloween all the time there! The music there is very eerie. I wish they would of made the rooms spookier though.

Nibelheim and Migar are nice places too
There's something about Rocket Town that I really like; Rocket Town and Nimbelheim. I like the small community feel to them both. That's why I hate Midgar. What a dump.
I'd have to say that my favourite place was probably Costa Del Sol. I can still remember the catchy music and the hotel which I bought really gave the place a homey feel. Oh, and I could swim in the sea, not to mention ruin the kids' football game by kicking the beach ball against the wall. Good times. Good times, indeed.
wall market... maybe because its VERY male based lol
mideel is quite nice appears traquill....for a bit haha