Favourite Planet

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Argh, I got stuck at Halloween Town a few years ago and stopped playing it. I recently just bought it and I just got out of Monstro. So far, I like Deep Jungle, I guess...I haven't been that far into the game yet, but compared to Wonderland, Agrabah, Monstro, and Coliseum...Deep Jungle stands out.
The colisuem, man I loved doing the tournarments. Mostly the hades cup and you get to fight the hardest boss sephiroth.
Gots to be Halloween town!! Jacks the best!!! and the rest of the town stayed true to the disney story. NTM i found Halloween town the best place to level up... with the hill being the most fun..
Though most places imo were a bit too short, that's only because I wanted halloween town to be longer lolz I wanted more jack the pumpken king! Well just glad they did not do it wrong and that it was good even if it was one of the shorter storys in the game imo. Was still the best place in the game
My favorite from the first one had to be Hollow Bastion with Holloween Town a distant second
i would have to say the collesieum because of the many competitons you get to participate in (as well as fighting Sephioroth)
Definately Hollow Bastion, really love that place. ^_^

I did like Traverese Town alot, though Leon also helps that desicion for second place. XD
I think each of the worlds were "better" than the others, but for different reasons. Destiny Islands was attractive because of the music, the three Final Fantasy Characters and the general atmosphere radiating from the island. It's also the beginning of the game; Sora, Riku and Kairi's home.

Wonderland was quite interesting to play through. The original insanity of that world was really captured and emphasised in the game.

Deep Jungle was a little less attractive, to me. The only really plus point for me was the fact that you could have Tarzan as a guest party member. I was expecting to see Tantor :P

Olympus Coliseum was definitely one of the better worlds. Kingdom Hearts really grabbed on to the Greek effect and didn't let go for a minute.

I'm not going to go on an analyse how each world made me feel, but I'm going to say that my two favourite worlds were Olypmus Coliseum and Hollow Bastion. Hollow Bastion is the point of the game where everything, which has been built up, reaches the climax. It's definitely the most exciting world.
I liked all the non-Disney places the best :P Mainly because the story progressed most in those places, and there were more FF character there, the music in those places was also good :)
I liked Hollow Bastion first because it was the world that got so deeply involved in the storyline. You
fought Riku there
as well as
rescue Kairi
and even
Sora turns into a Heartless!
The music there was also pretty creepy and made you feel like you were going to enter a battle that wouldn't end too easily.

The next world I liked was Destiny Islands. Why? Because it was a great place to start off the journey and practice for the other parts of the game. I loved the music because it sounded very like living on an island. Besides, fighting everyone there was pretty fun, especially Tidus, Wakka and Selphie.
Aw man, how COULD I have forgotten about Wonderland? I still love Hallow Bastion as first, but Wonderland comes very close to beating it. I love the Cheshire Cat. :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
Destiny Islands - It's beautiful, and it's the place where everything started.

Traverse Town - It's a cool town, first town you get to meet the FF Characters. ;)

Hollow Bastion - Same reasons as Faith.
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