Favourite Quickening

Overall, I love Belthiers. Matches him well, with all the sorta war/pirate theme quickings.

Penolos are pretty good, all snowy and such. Pyroclamsim was pretty cool. ^_^
Basch's Flame Purge. Something about all those swords.....ahhh..... =P

I also liked the little witty things Balthier would say during his. Always good for a laugh...
Speaking of quickennings, am I mistaken or did this actually happen?

I had something like a 12 chain the other day, using all 3 of each of my party member's, but on the last one I used, I did a mist charge with Ashe, but used Penelo's quickenning after, then after they finished, Ashe had ALL her MP back.

So does mist charging and not using a quickening with that character replenish their MP or was it just a glitch or something?
I think I tried something like that (using Mist Charge to regain MP) but I don't remember it working like that. I'm pretty sure you expend your MP to start your Quickening chain, end of story.
flame purge was cool i sort of get the feel that it was based on sora and rikus limit on KH2 but tides of fate was my favorite becaue of the slight FFX refference...penelo's resplendance was kinda funny...
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I liked Vaans Pyroclasm it made him look a bit cool, and I liked Bashs final quickening it was great too.
I found Fran, Penelo & Ashe's all most aesthetically pleasing and therefore coolest xD They just look better.

But I think my top favorite was Fran's shatterheart =D Just awesome.
My Top 3 Are:
1. Basch- Last Quickening [Flame Purge]
2. Ashe- Last Quickening [Maelstrom's Bolt]
3. Fran- Second Quickening [Whip Kick]
My favorites would have to be Fran's Whip Kick, Vaan's Pyroclasm, Balthier's Elements of Treachery, and Basch's Flame Purge.

Fran's quickenings do completely random damage, for me at least. One time her Shatterheart did over 10,000 damage, and the next time I used it, it did around 24 damage. :P So I guess I just like her's because they look cool.
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Speaking of quickennings, am I mistaken or did this actually happen?

I had something like a 12 chain the other day, using all 3 of each of my party member's, but on the last one I used, I did a mist charge with Ashe, but used Penelo's quickenning after, then after they finished, Ashe had ALL her MP back.

So does mist charging and not using a quickening with that character replenish their MP or was it just a glitch or something?

If you didn't use a quickening with Ashe after you did the Mist Charge, then it's not a glitch. Mist Charge replenishes your MP (charges your mist back up :P ) so that you can perform another quickening.

Back on-topic: My favourite quickenings was definitely Balthier's Element of Treachery. I love how Balthier says "Here she comes". It splits my sides. XD I also like Flame Purge and Pyroclasm. I'm a leo, I like fire XD Bit of a pyromaniac myself :P
If you didn't use a quickening with Ashe after you did the Mist Charge, then it's not a glitch. Mist Charge replenishes your MP (charges your mist back up :P ) so that you can perform another quickening.

Back on-topic: My favourite quickenings was definitely Balthier's Element of Treachery. I love how Balthier says "Here she comes". It splits my sides. XD I also like Flame Purge and Pyroclasm. I'm a leo, I like fire XD Bit of a pyromaniac myself :P

See I wasn't sure if the Mist Charge was just for use of another quickenning in the chain, or if it did actually replenish your MP.

So potentially (though highly unlikely) you can perform a mist chain and finish with full MP for all your party?
If I'm not mistaken Mist charge only works on one person at a time.

But anyways my fav's thus far is still Pyroclasm and you gotta love Fran's Shatter heart. I just love the way the whole screen just bursts apart. It almost seems like your t.v. is exploding!!
That's what I mean, if you managed to finish a mist chain after having used a mist charge with every character, you could potentially end a quickenning without losing any MP.

Very unlikely, but possible, yeah?
I didn't like any of Penelo's Quickenings BUT I LOVED Fran's and Ashe's.

And speaking of which; we all know that after one reaches a certain amount of Quickening chains a Torrent is supposed to go off, has anyone ever reached the Black Hole?
It has the potential to do 60,000 damage (AHAH!! So you CAN break the damage limit here too!! xDD)

honestly, i thought penelo's quickenings were cheesy.. which may have something to do with my brother pointing out the whistling noise she makes when she spins around in that one.. i can't remember what it's called, it's been awhile since i've played it. xD i loved flame purge, and um um um, pyroclasm was pretty good too..
Balthier's Element of Treachery was probably my favorite. Actually almost all of the Level 3 ones are very impressive, except Fran's. I just wasn't too into hers and it kind of annoyed me everytime I saw it.
I guess my favorite was Vaan's Red Spiral, the rest just didn't really appeal to me, except for Ashe's Heaven's Wrath and Maelstrom's Bolt.
Fran's Shatterheart is cool. I thought that her Feral Strike was great also. But my absolute fav is Balthier's Element of Treachery(sp?) because of how the attack incorprates(sp?) the rest of the party.