Favourite Setting?

i love the setting of XII the world is so vast and you look out across the land, theres so much to do and explore and you have the freedom to go where you want and get to places how you like.
i also like the setting of VII as it is big and once youve progressed through the game you have the freedom to explore and do what you like in your time around the setting. the settings of different places are quite varied such as midgar a big dark city with a lot of secrets to wutai a small town on a distant continent
I loved midgar & the slums in VII Wall Market was just so much fun. Midgar itself with all the reactors and stuff was just great, I loved the whole dark feel too it

That and the Moonflow in X, it was pretty :monster:
Oh lawd, I'll agree with what a lot of people said and say that the FFX and FFVIII environments were gorgeous. Howevaaa...

I'll have to say that the Farplane in FFX-2 is the best. When you see that FMV of (the songstress) Yuna waking up in the field of flowers, it is sooo gorgeous. The pyreflies, the waterfall, the abyss... everything is so serene and refined, it's like an orgasm for the eyes. Best setting evar.

I also liked Zanarkand (pre and post-war), the Deling City Parade (disc 1), and Lindblum. Very well done.
I really enjoyed FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX's settings, particularly Balamb Garden, various places in FFIX (especially Alexandria and Lindblum), and Costa del Sol. Midgar didn't appeal to me as much since I like bright places. =/

FFX has some pretty awesome places too. The Old Zanarkand is simply amazing and Kilika was somewhat appealing as well. I like the whole structure design to it.
Let's see...what kind of settings do I like. Well I must say...Ultimecia's castle of course!!! She has taaaaste. ^.^


And it might seem a little strange, but part of a reason that I like a location has to do with the music. ^.^
it would be FFXII and in any sandsea because they may be covered in monsters its just huge and calm area for you to be alone

or i would have it as shinra HQ
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I really did like the setting of FFVI. I think it was a successful combination of sci-fi and fantasy. For some reason, I'm really bent up on the empire's recourses, including magitek machines and espers.

And as long as we're talking just settings (and not characters), I did like the setting of FFVIII. It was a lot of sci-fi and not a lot of fantasy, but the setting was great. Time compression? Sorceresses? Space travel? Yeah that's a different, interesting, and even good combination if you ask me. The story could have been pulled off better, but the setting of the game was great.

FFX had a great setting. It seemed different from any of the other FFs that I've played. I mean it didn't take place on the typical world of Gaia either. FFX had it's own planet! XD
Not to mention a brand new, well developed religion, and...an alternate dream world! Cool...

Even though I loved FFIX to death...the setting was very typical and oldschool. =]
And again, as much as I loved FFVII...the setting felt more real than fantastical. I mean...draining the world of it's resources, government corruption...heck I read about that in the news paper every day! XD
Pre VII games, hard to judge - old style graphics I find hard to judge, make an impression on. If they were remade, but with 3D imagery, it'd be easier for me. Doesnt mean I dislike them though!

FFVII - Too miserable.
FFVIII, IX, X - Every place had something unique about it, what made it what it was.
FFXII - Lands, Caves, Dungeons - though some have said bland, they're in fact, well, IMO, all very different and interesting.
I'll have to say that the Farplane in FFX-2 is the best. When you see that FMV of (the songstress) Yuna waking up in the field of flowers, it is sooo gorgeous. The pyreflies, the waterfall, the abyss... everything is so serene and refined, it's like an orgasm for the eyes. Best setting evar..

Oh the farplane!

It was soooo pretty, yes, Id pitch up tent and camp tehre I think. its probably the prettiest place in all of FF, definately better than the Moonflow, what was I thinking.... :wacky:
I was just wondering what peoples favourite setting in a final Fantasy Game is.
Weather it be the Medievil themes in most of the classic games and IX or the more futeristic settings like in VII.
Or maybe a cross between the two like X and XII?

Anyway, I was wondering just out of interest, any opinions?
This is an interesting question!! :PI think that I personally prefer the more futuristic/modern settings, like FFVIII. Medieval settings are fun, and so are really really futuristic ones like Star Ocean, but I like the ones that are kinda in the middle...if that makes sense...:confused:
I swear there's already a topic like this somewhere...

Anyway, I don't really like futuristic settings. I think it's really cliche, and the combo between futuristic and modern has been done so much, so I think I prefer more medieval/rustic settings like FFIX. I just lurved that world so much. ^_^

Though my favorite is still FFX, because I am a fanboi and must love everything about it. It's just not my favorite style of setting.
I tend to prefer futuristic settings. I like all the crazy technology and advanced civilizations.

I don't care much for games that are set in outer space, however.
I like mixture of both. VI,VII and XII are my favorite settings. Technology exists but its not too luxury (well maybe things are better in XII, hey we see modern hospital in a dream sequence, and I really hope it is only dream and not accurate memory).

I dont like too futuristic or too medieval. They tend to be ridicilous, futuristic more often because there are too many stupid gagdets. Medieval on the other hand always has those same dragons, knights, pirates-settings. Oh and futuristic things tend to go as far as into space. FF-characters don´t belong into space.
I'm with Pineapplenipple here. I absolutely dislike space settings...it bores me. >.>

Medieval is probably my favorite. Knights, castles, dragons, princesses in distress, etc. That's why I love IX so much. But a mixture with medieval and futuristic settings works with me as well. Technology can be fun, and I don't mind it...but too much of it can get a bit overwhelming for me. >.> I always manage anyway, so it's all good.