Favourite Summon

The Best Aeon, Summon, GF, Esper etc....

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Dilly Dally shilly Shally mofo
Mar 24, 2007
The Summons!

Who was the best Summoning magic beast thingy! or aeon type thingy! or GF type thingy or Esper type thingy.....

Who was the most irrelevant summon type thingy?

What should the name of these creatures be permently called??(all these other names really annoy me!)

Anima all the way, not only is she physically strong, but her Pain ability that causes instant death more often than not and also her Oblivion Overdrive being like awesomely powerful it just makes her the Best Aeon to have and use. and i like the Way she looks with the whole Bad-ass chained up look
Bahamut has always been my favourite except in X and XII. Anima is my favourite Aeon and Exodus is my favourite Esper (so far, he and Adremilech are the only optional ones I have)
No, you’re all wrong, the chocobo summon in FFVII is easily the best of the lot. You know, the one where that fat chocobo falls out from the sky and squashes the enemy to death. That always brings a smile to my face.
iv always been parshel to Bahumut but Eden is the best! anyway the best name for the summons is Aeon!
Odin has always been a favourite of mine, instant death = win to me, although he loses points because he doesn't work on bosses -__-

I'd have to say the most useless ones would be like shoat or whatever, why spend all my mp summoning a summon when it may or may not petrify an enemy. Id also say carbuncle was pretty shit aswel, but I found in earlier final fantasies reflect was abit of a godsend at times D: I was cursing myself when I neglected to pick it up in V because I couldn't be arsed >_>

And then there is Anima, she will always have the coolest looking attack ever. So it's Odin/Anima for me

And Iprefer to call them summons, just because that's waht I knew them as first what with VII being my fuirst name, closely followed by espers, like that name aswel
Prefer them to be called summons too! Then Espers, aeons and GF's are last. thats just lame.

Anima was prolly the coolest looking summon. chained up and one working eye, like it was so powerful it needed careful use! But Always like Alexander, esp in IX with the giant wings. Shiva is always a solid performer, but think Alexander's my fave.

Yeah Carbuncle can be good, but reflect all is just as good. so worst summon? Probs Carbuncle just cos hardly used him, other the odd boss fight or something.
Bahamut is easily my favourite, it is by far the coolest looking summon imo. :wink: And it is big and powerful, and it is a dragon, I love those. :P Also, Mega Flare is a really cool move too.
bahamut is sooo classicly good. bahamut zero being my favorite of the lot. but i have to admit anima was pretty bad ass. he just looked so powerful. another one of my favorites was quezacotl. i dunno why. i guess i just liked the whole electric bird look. hades from ff7 was another cool one. oh and doomtrain from 8. and of course ifrit.

and summon is the best word for em imo.
Shiva for her pure sexiness lol. I truly love her character designs.
Carnbunkle is adorable and is another favourite of mine.
Bahamut has always been my favourite except in X and XII. Anima is my favourite Aeon and Exodus is my favourite Esper (so far, he and Adremilech are the only optional ones I have)
Bahamut is a fortress in XII. :wacky:

In VII, I'd have to say that my favourite was Neo-Bahamut. The damage dealth was fairly good, he looked so much better than the original Bahamut did and he's the only Summon that does damage worth doing for the length of time it takes to summon him.

In VIII, I'd say either Bahamut or Doomtrain - both of them are unbelievably beneficial in terms of abilities and junctions. Bahamut deals insane damage for a GF and Doomtrain is like Bad Breath but better.

In IX, I'm not sure. Bahamut, again, looks amazing but there's something I don't like about him, yet I can't place my finger on it. As such, I'm going for Maduin, or Madeen, or whatever Eiko's wee Moogle turns into. <_<

In X, Bahamut looks ridiculous, so it's a combination of Shiva, Anima and the Magus Sisters for me [lol, all the females]. Shiva for her raw speed and great power, Anima for the reason that she's fucking EPIC and comes about because of Seymour and, finally, the Magus Sisters for their unpredictability combined with their insane power.

As for XII, I never really used the Espers that much but all of the optional ones had this great aura about them.

I've never summoned in any game below VII so I have no idea what they're like.
Bahamut is a fortress in XII. :wacky:

Exactly. I didn't like how they named all the airships after the old summons and brought in new summons. Fortunately the old summons are back in RW, though I'm not sure if Bahamut is summonable. I've only seen him in a cut scene so far and I'm on chapter 9.
Has to be Bahamut for me. Tough choice though, as I love all of the recurring summons... Ifrit, Shiva, Alexander, Leviathan etc...
But somethign about the king of dragons stands out. Probably because he is the oldest of all of them (being a character in FF1, though not summonable). But when I get an FF game other summons come and go and look kool etc, but Bahamut is the one I wait for. Bahamut is the one that I know if I get it, then I'm realy starting to master summoning. To summon the lord of all summons feels great. I don't feel that excitement as much with the other summons, great as they may be.
I see the name Bahamut and I know immediately I am going to get a big-ass dragon blasting out plasma/energy balls at the enemy. And Bahamut never fails to have this awesome effect.
i had a hard time deciding who to vote for.....i went with bahumet just because he is awesome and a staple in the ff series. But i also really like Daiblo from FF VII. There are soooooo many awesome summons out there.

Odin is also pretty bamf
I really like the Ark, from FF IX, i don't really care if it was powerful or not, but it looked so goddamned badass. Like a big airship with blades that transformed into an ancient robot thingy. Pretty scary. However the length of the summoning scene annoyed the hell out of me.
Exactly. I didn't like how they named all the airships after the old summons and brought in new summons. Fortunately the old summons are back in RW, though I'm not sure if Bahamut is summonable. I've only seen him in a cut scene so far and I'm on chapter 9.

they're not new summons. they're the espers. specifically the espers of the world of ivalice. most of em were in fftactics if my memory serves correctly.
That may be, but I never played Tactics and Tactics Advance is shite so they were new to me.