Favourite Summon

The Best Aeon, Summon, GF, Esper etc....

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Silly people. In my opinion, Knights of the Round can outrank Eden AND Magus Sisters. With Eden, you have the odd chance of screwing up and starting the boost count over and Magus Sisters don't fight efficiently all the time. Aside with MP cost, there's no downside to the KofR.
I've always loved Shiva the best. She's a total femme fatale and I love that about her. I think her FFVIII form was my fave, followed by her FFX, then FFXII RW. ^_^
Anima by far is my favorite because it has such a different feel than all other summons (that includes aeons espers and gfs). The whole pain thing is so badass. i also thought yojimbo was cool with his dog and the attack was cool even though you had to pay him. bahamut was badass but they made him look like a fruitcup with his starburst wings in 10.
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Knights on Round in FF VII has got any other summon beat. The attack power is amazing, though it is difficult to get. (you need a gold chocobo to get it) Phoenix is a pretty awesome summon as well:math:
Bahumut in Final Fantasy Fables Chocobos Dungeon. Ramuth also was a great summoning also.
Top Five Favorite Final Fantasy Summons

Hi all. I'm a new member. Here's my question, starting from ff4 on, discarding the strength of the summons, which 5 summons do you all think are the coolest and like the most?

Here are my faves:

1. Bahamut
2. Tritoch
3. Leviathan
4. Terrato
5. Alexander

Even though KOTR from ff7 was strong, it wasnt that cool in terms of artistic quality.
I only know the FFVII, FFVIII and FFX summons, but here are my top five:

1. Valefor
2. Anima
3. Shiva (FFVIII and FFX)
4. Bahamut (FFX)
5. Carbuncle

It's also the exact same for me in terms of attacks/powers/etc, except Carbuncle is replaced with Knights of the Round.
For overall throught the series summon, I have to go with Bahamut. Hands-down favorite game in and game out.

FFX's Anima put on a good display int aht game though in appearance and shere power, but the best is probably a non-playable Eidolon Alexander in FFIX when Garnet and EIko summon him to protect Alexandria castle.
For design, my favs are Shiva and Carbuncle. I love their character designs so much. Id say Bahamut is the best one to have in your arson lol.
I think Shiva has always been a secret favourite of mine. There are actually a few summons that take my fancy; but there's something about Shiva that I like more. Her design in X is beautiful; along with her intro, attack animations, and everything else. She's just so graceful and yet powerful. A no-mess girl <3.

With regards to battling, though, Magus Sister's own. Mindy's Passado is just immense; as well as their Overdrive. The fact that you have three, formidable, powers fighting at once also helps sway my decision.
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If we're talking power, than the summons shouldn't really be compared from different games since the systems are varied; Anima does 99, 999 damage in one attack but it's not a damage available in FFVII, so not much use, eh?

I'll forever be fond of Shiva; I just love the concept of a beautiful goddess who will help out meager mortals on a whim.

Anima's back story is very heart-string tugging; suffering for love and dying for her son's sake. Certainly made Seymour more humane; if he hadn't killed all those peoples, he'd be a swell guy :monster:

And, how can you not like Bahamut; I did notice that in FFVII and up he's given a more upright body where as he's usually a beast on all fours in prior games.

Well, I guess there's a favourite for everyone ^^
I think its a good idea too put down which FF's they are from as alot of summons make multiple appearances throughout the series but are different and not always look as good as others.

1. Bahamut (in general, he always looks good save the first couple)
2. Anima (FFX)
3. Alexander (FFVI)
4. Odin (FFVIII)
5. Diablos (FFVIII)
Mine are a bit messy...

1. Anima
2. Dark Anima
3. Bahamut
4. Dark Bahamut
5. Ifrit
1. Bahamut
2. Leviathan
3. Shiva
4. Ifrit
5. Choco-Mog / Fat Chocobo!
*woooo hoooo summon lovers in da house :D

*well ive seen this kind of thread over and over and yet i cant get enough of the reactions and data from it :D anywaysss...heres me top five favorite summons :)

1-*Bahamut- zero, neo or the original bahamut from ff1 is my numero Uno summon of all! :) simply because hes a dragon and hes a king...hes the ultimate king of dragons! aint nothin kicks ass like bahamut does! :)

2-*Odin- If there is a definition for coolness itd be odin, simply because hes a superb swordsman wielding zantetsuken, he can cut through anything!

3-* Ifrit- ive always fancied fire summons, cause they define destruction! :D and ifrit is my favorite fire summon since ff8 :)

4-* knights of the round- simple because its the most devastating display of damage and nostalgic feeling from summoning them :D love how arthur and his knights bash and slash away like crazy :)

5-* Diablos - of ff8, his darness image is heavy man, absolutely one of the coolest summons ive laid my pupil and iris on! :D

*well there ya go kiddies, enjoy your life while it lasts hehehe :XD: :XD: