Favourite Summoner

Isaaru, I liked the family thing he had, and they must've all had different dads, I mean look at them lol.
Erm could you please elaborate why?

as i know many people think differently about Seymour and its always nice to here different opinions on him.

sure. Im the type of person who likes a game to have a good bad guy and when playing thru x seymour just wound me up so much, i mean hes so calm and collected yet he managed to piss me off something crazy. Seymours a man u love to hate, i like a character who i have a lot of emotion towards.. seymour it was anger.

heh heh do u understand what im sayin?:P cuz i can be kinda confusing:)
Im choosing Braska, as he made a big sacrafice for not only his daughter, but the whole of Spira.

Donna was the worst, loathed her with a passion.
about vivi_hat's Question
when seymore was young his father sent him and his mom to Baaj island
his father wanted to protect him and his mom from the Guado and humans
on the island his mom becomes a faith but you never find out why and how
she does it after she became a faith she gives seymore the dark aeon Anima and with such a powerful aeon seymore wanted more power
so he went to guadosalam killed his father and became a the high priest of
Macalania well that his story
-he never went up agenst sin

my fav is Issaru his the only summoner other then yuna who fit the descripion of a summoner

ok, hmmm, i think you got me there....but i have another thing....when you go to zanarkand..you see an image of seymore and his mom...doesnt that mean that they traveled to zanarkand....and the only person(as far as i know) who can transform someone into the a faith is yunalesca...so, doesnt that mean that they were in zanarkand, and that there originol plan was to defeat sin..well, i dunno.Your prolly right, i havent played FFX in a LONG while...so maybe i cant remember or missed the part where that was explained...i always wandered why Anima was in the Baaj temple.but i got another question too (sorry to all mods and stuff, i dont mean to go off topic or anything)...is Anima a Final Aeon? Because every faith yunalesca made became a Final Aeon.....
Seymour. I enjoy playing as the bad guys, even if i hate them.
Ooooh, it's so hard to pick between Seymour and Belgemine! Oooooh, I'll have to choose Seymour, I love him to death. His story with Anima is just so cool! ^_^ And Belgemine, she was always so mysterious and like a sorta trainer to Yuna.
Belgemine. I've always loved her, she's so cool and her voice is just like "meh, Yuna, you're crap." (You know she WANTS to say that)
hahahaha now I'm playing again ff X and I remembered some yevonh child at macalania temple saying that Seymour has a nice smell always , or something like that lol.

Anyways, I vote the summoner that lulu guards in his first time as a guardian, just because he has jojimbo *0*

now , not kiddin' x) , I think Donna, because I love her " my my my u_ú !! " *0*, and when she picks on Barthello, she rocks!! *0*
Mines Belgemine because she's the only summoner that you can get prizes from.
Even though he's a villain, Seymour was my favourite Summoner because of his connection with Anima...Anima FTW
Seymour even thought he only has one aeon it is still the best aeon and i prefer him to belgamine
i liked issaru

dona just thought shes a summoner so she can dress like a slut
belgimine was dead so i wont choose her
seymour only has anima 'boo'
I'm going to have to chose the loophole and say Summoner Braska too ^-^ He was my favorite character in the whole game, even though he got like 20 minutes of screentime if that.

They should totally do a prequel game with Auron, Jecht and Braska.
^^ I think they should too... Maybe ff -X ?

I like Braska. But I like the Idea of Yunalesca being a summoner. She seemed powerful and her father was Yu Yevon, and you know she was powerfull because you have to battle with her in the Dome.
I liked how Donna helped Tidus basically become a summoner's guardian by forcing him to do the cloister, and her know-it-all additude I liked as well.

I like Issaru too because you get to fight him Aeon against Aeon and that was cool.