FF Music Favourite version of Aeriths Theme?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Aerith's theme, perhaps one of the most famous peices of FF music ever, has several different versions. But which ones your favourite?

The Orchestral Version

The Piano Version

The in-game version

The CC Version

I used to love the orchestral version (still do) but the CC version is just...lovely =]
The Crisis Core version strums my inner gamer's heartstrings. I lurve it. <3
I just now listened to the CC version. It's actually pretty good and somewhat different. A little on the upbeat side but relaxing at the same time.

...But, I must say that piano is still my favorite. I find it extremely soothing and wonderful. Orchestra would be next, but the other instruments distracts me. Still good though.
My favourite version like EVER is the one where she gets stabbed by sephiroth and the materia drops into the water, I love that music so much I even prolong the jenova battle so I can listen to it longer :wacky:

Edit* i supppose that would make oit the ingame version :wacky:
I like the Piano Version. It just strums my heart-strings every time I hear it. I can't really explain it well. But I love all versions, including the in-game version. It's just such a sweet song.
I liked the in-game version (the one where she's killed :sad2: ), but I think I take more to the simpler piano version.
I quite like the modernised version from Crisis Core, purely because I enjoy listening to music clearly played by a person - game music is too often created through a computer.

I'm also a sucker for a good orchestra, however.
The orchestral version, that gets me. The in-game version does in it's own way too, just because of how it fits into the world of that game (nostalgia plays a big part in that one too).

I have to say I do like the CC version too now that I've heard it, it's a lovely variation, nice to hear some different instrumentation (yay for acoustic guitars!!!!)
Give me the arraigned version any day, it's like a perfected version of the original played as it should have been.
I didn't particularly like the CC version. The orchestrated version won me over the second I heard it, and it still has.
I personally like the orchestral version the most, though the CC version sounds like it fits into the game pretty well.
o boy.. I likey the topic. I've always liked the AC Version the most.. But i think the guitars in CC works well. So i like those two the most
I really liek the Orchestral version actually. It's so nice to listen to.
Hmmm, tough choice between the Crisis Core or Orchestra version as they both are particularly well done but I'm going to say the orchestra version purely because it has more to it than the others.
Well I love the piano version, but that guitar/Crisis Core version takes the cake for me. It's so well played and just really kinda grabs at you and pulls you in. I LOVE listening to it.
I've never heard the CC one before and I quite like it because it's got a beat to it but I still love the piano version as it's so soothing whereas sometimes when other instruments are added you lose the atmosphere of the piece.
the piano does it for me. it sounds so soothing and soft just like her lol. the crisis core version is good as well. i love the little acoustic sound to it.
There's one more version you left out, and that's the vocal version which is called "Pure Heart" performed by Rikki. Though I didn't quite like the arrangement and I think they should've gotten someone else to sing it(nothing to take away from Rikki, she's a wonderful singer); I think Maaya Sakamoto would be perfect for it.

As for which version I'd prefer, it's between orchestra and the piano...
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