Crisis Core Feelings towards Sephiroth


White Mage
Jul 26, 2009
San Diego, California
After playing through Crisis Core, did anyone else here feel like they liked Sephiroth more?

It's hard to describe, but I don't necessarily mean liking him as a character (IE "was he done well"), but actually like who he was and everything.

I felt like I walked out of this game as more of a fan of his.

Prior to his snap, he seemed like a genuinely cool guy. He could've been a complete douche towards Zack, whom he proptly felt vastly superior to (speaking honestly). But he was actually pretty supportive and caring, I thought. He was always very calm and collected, and had good manner about him. Even in the flashback of his bit with Genesis and Angeal, he kept his cool and control, and seemed very level-headed.

I don't know, after witnessing this guy in depth throughout CC, I left the game liking him more.

In the end, it was Shinra that really screwed him over, and drove him to be a mean SOB. Even prior to the big "snap", he had to deal with a lot from them.
Sadly I don't have the system to play it so I could only watch the cutscenes online. However, I can agree with you about Sephiroth's character being more understandable. I felt a great amount of pity for his character and wonder if somehow he recovered his mind once he died the first time. He only appeared to be psychotic Sephiroth in order to help Cloud in AC to return to his former self and cement the resolve.

So I definitely came out of it as a definite Sephiroth fan where as before I had only a psychotic Antagonist when he really was a tragic character in the end.
I dislike the trend of having villains you can sympathize with. The "Tragic Villain" archetype is so hilariously overdone and cliche anymore. Sephiroth was mediocre as a villain in the first place, and being able to sympathize with him just makes him seem all the less effective at the few things he did do right.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want some Villain going "I am smoldering with generic rage" but I want someone who I can love to hate. The only person I hated in CC was genesis, and that has nothing to do with him as a villain but rather the fact hes a terrible character.
The only person I hated in CC was genesis, and that has nothing to do with him as a villain but rather the fact hes a terrible character.

Agreed... Genesis sort of ruined the very idea of Sephiroth for me...

Suddenly Sephiroth wasn't one of a kind, but just a better creation of something several other people have been before, and all had also gone mad over it.

The "one-winged angel" concept was taken to extremes in Crisis Core.. Just about everyone took flight at some point, it was crazy.

Sadly if anything Crisis Core was created to make Sephiroth look less important and weaker... He was just another case, as opposed to the big bad bogey-man in the past like he was meant to be in FF7.

I was never a massive fan of Sephiroth, but I really enjoyed the story behind Nibelheim in the original game. It was clear enough in the original game the pain that Sephiroth went through and how he went insane. I felt it was actually clearer in this than in Crisis Core, which despite it being a whole game dedicated to the idea, I felt the incident with Sephiroth itself was a little rushed.

Having Genesis flap down during that Nibelheim scene made me slightly sad to see him invading one of my favourite FF scenes.

I guess if anything though Crisis Core made me appreciate Sephiroth as a villain more. I didn't hate him enough to accept anyone else over him. I actually liked the role he played in FF7, and when I played Crisis Core and felt that the role he once played was being chipped away I was actually really sad for Sephiroth.

So basically I felt with characters such as Genesis, Angeal, Hollander, Lazard, all the "copies" they made Sephiroth appear weaker and less important, which unless I ignore it in my head, sort of of makes FF7 less exciting to me.

So I choose to ignore it. When I play FF7 I play FF7 and try to ignore the other games and what they added to / changed the canon if I feel I don't like it so much.

That's not to say that Genesis and co were absolutely awful. They were decent enough I guess.. I'd just have prefered for them to be normal SOLDIER members or people with other motives than being flappy-in-circles wingy angels upset that they are all monsterfied and going all manky.

Back on topic... Seeing Sephiroth before the Nibelheim incident was good, it confirmed how FF7 had stated he was a hero and was much respected by everybody. You could also see the roots of what was to come within him.. He already believed himself to be vastly superior to everyone else, but he did also have the cool nice side to him as well. I can't say it made me like him more though as I had imagined that he'd be like that anyway.
Agreed... Genesis sort of ruined the very idea of Sephiroth for me...

Suddenly Sephiroth wasn't one of a kind, but just a better creation of something several other people have been before, and all had also gone mad over it.

The "one-winged angel" concept was taken to extremes in Crisis Core.. Just about everyone took flight at some point, it was crazy.

Sadly if anything Crisis Core was created to make Sephiroth look less important and weaker... He was just another case, as opposed to the big bad bogey-man in the past like he was meant to be in FF7.

I was never a massive fan of Sephiroth, but I really enjoyed the story behind Nibelheim in the original game. It was clear enough in the original game the pain that Sephiroth went through and how he went insane. I felt it was actually clearer in this than in Crisis Core, which despite it being a whole game dedicated to the idea, I felt the incident with Sephiroth itself was a little rushed.

Having Genesis flap down during that Nibelheim scene made me slightly sad to see him invading one of my favourite FF scenes.

I guess if anything though Crisis Core made me appreciate Sephiroth as a villain more. I didn't hate him enough to accept anyone else over him. I actually liked the role he played in FF7, and when I played Crisis Core and felt that the role he once played was being chipped away I was actually really sad for Sephiroth.

So basically I felt with characters such as Genesis, Angeal, Hollander, Lazard, all the "copies" they made Sephiroth appear weaker and less important, which unless I ignore it in my head, sort of of makes FF7 less exciting to me.

So I choose to ignore it. When I play FF7 I play FF7 and try to ignore the other games and what they added to / changed the canon if I feel I don't like it so much.

That's not to say that Genesis and co were absolutely awful. They were decent enough I guess.. I'd just have prefered for them to be normal SOLDIER members or people with other motives than being flappy-in-circles wingy angels upset that they are all monsterfied and going all manky.
Actually, I agree with everything that's been stated here...

I hate what was done to Sephiroth's handling or figure as a villain. The fact that they tried to make someone(s) on equal footing to him felt cheap. But my thing was more about Sephiroth as...oh, I don't know, a person, if you will? I liked how his personality was explored a bit more prior to "the flip". So it was less about his archetype or the circumstances surrounding his character in the game, and more about Sephiroth and who he is/was.

As said, you got the sense that he would be like that even from the original FF7, but I liked actually seeing it play out more here.

For the record, he was always kind of a "tragic hero" archetype - it just wasn't explored as much in FF7, and wasn't really an emphasis. We didn't see much of him prior to the Nibelheim fiasco, so his flip had no such impact.
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(Aw, Genesis... *tear)

Okay, I used to like Sephiroth because he was the ultimate BA of FF7. After I've played CC (I havent finished, mostly cause I really dont want to watch the ending), I adored him as the ally! It was all great, him being all nice and cool. I really liked Sephiroth more as a character, but more so that I got to see in more detail (and not in Cloud's twisted and Zack-screwy memory) what happened when he snapped. And it was more astonishing that he used to be this awesome 'hero' and went insane.

And I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but Genesis is awesome (in my opinion). =P
He is not as BA of a villain as Sephiroth but I think his character/personality is unique. Who else quotes Loveless 24/7? Speaking of, the one cutscene where Genesis is quoting Loveless and Sephiroth complains about having to listen to him recite it every - single - day was funny. It also showed more of Sephiroth's earlier character, and his complex relationship with Genesis and Angeal.
The first thing I said to my husband was "Crisis Core has made me actually like Sephiroth. Before I didn't really care for him,but to see him in Crisis Core I feel different about him now and like him as a character." Im still upset that he gets all upset over Jenova and the whole thing. But I like how you are able to see the real Sephiroth,the Sephiroth before he was corrupted by Jenova and Genesis. Man I hate Genesis. He is so annoying.
Yeah it did. Used to think that Sephiroth was a arrogant cold-hearted psychopath..
But after Crisis Core kind of noticed what a great leader and what a great guy he was..

Reckon if the snap incident didn't occur that Sephiroth would of been- more of a Father/ Older type Brother/ body-guard Father figure to Cloud later on instead of being his rival and worst nightmare..

It kind of makes you like Sephiroth and lead any old dislike that was for Sephiroth on to
Genesis because it really makes you think about what Genesis has done and ruined for his own self- greed and agree Argor that Genesis is a dork for ruining a classic scene within the original Nibelheim incident in one of the those- " He- is-no supposed - to- be- there.. " moments :wacky:

It also makes you feel sorry for Sephiroth throughout the whole entire series including Advent Children. Sephiroth never really had the intentions of killing Cloud otherwise he would of been wiped out when he was snapped by the wall/ in the air [ depending on what version you watch xD ] So it kind looks like he wanted to help Cloud by making him stronger and defeat him so he could get over his mental depression..

It makes Sephiroth look like a anti- hero rather than a ruthless slaughtering criminal.
Well Sephiroth was very hard to interpret via FFVII at first, until disk 4 just about. You just saw him as some person trying to be at one with his mother J.E.N.O.V.A. He also brought about meteor and was the end of one of the last cetera.

FFVII Crisis Core brought about a very fresh approach. It explained in quite a bit of detail how Sephiroth was a hero figure. The only thing that perverted my thoughts toward him was Genesis, for some reason his character rubbed me wrong. He came off as a sort of know it all, but a push over. He was always claiming to be more than what he was, but he was living in the shadow of Sephiroth. Granted he was mostly just a copy.. but look at Angeal.

Angeal at least stood by his convictions to the very end. If Crisis Core was to have been released before FFVII I think most people would have respected Sephy a bit more in FFVII. Even if all the fan boys diluted him, he still was a great character in my opinion. The only thing is, he was the most powerful due to Jenova's cells. It was only a matter of time before he needed a higher purpose and when he found out about J.E.N.O.V.A. he became obsessed to the point of insanity. So in my opinion this game really showed him for who he truly was.
For me, it's trully interesting to see the character in Sephiroth grow from CC to FF7. He was well known as a hero and they showed little of that in CC but it was very very interesting to see what Shinra had done to basically spark Sephiroth. His ambitions are quite cool but from both sides (cloud/zack and sephiroth) i can see why they deceived Shinra so much from playing CC.
I felt the same way. It showed a different side of him, other than him trying to be a badass all the time. Genesis, btw, was a cool character too. But, yeah, Seph was a different "person" before the "flip" as you put it. At least I thought so.
I first saw Sephiroth in Advent Children. To me, he was sort of just some random villian who popped up out of nowhere, and I thought that he was overly cheesy and full of himself. In Crisis Core, he actually had a personality, so that was kind of refreshing. All in all, yeah, I like him way more than I did after playing Crisis Core.
Well it was more like a nostalgic feeling that I got about him because I remembered the flashbacks and such from FFVII when they were in Nibelheim. I got really mad/sad because I loved him as a hero and he was kind of funny that way. All of a sudden he got all weird...and crazy and I got all, "Oh it starts. No more good Sephy..."
In a way, Crisis Core made me like him more as a hero because of how in depth they got with his character. opinion on him hasn't changed much. I like him better after he went mad, but it was cool to see him when he wasn't phyco O_O
I quite liked Sephiroth as a sane person actually. It was certainly a change to the evil, psychotic, cold-hearted Sephiroth I have seen twice beforehand. I love how normal he actually seems to be. He is caring at heart as shown when he wanted to be a donor for Genesis, and a strong ally to Zack. I like how he interacted with Angeal and Genesis as well.

It's just too bad he had to turn evil. When I reached Nibelheim knowing the next time I'll see Sephiroth he'll probably start a fire - I was a little sad to see the last of him as a good guy. Crisis Core really does flesh out his character more and make him more sympathetic to the player.
Well it was more like a nostalgic feeling that I got about him because I remembered the flashbacks and such from FFVII when they were in Nibelheim. I got really mad/sad because I loved him as a hero and he was kind of funny that way. All of a sudden he got all weird...and crazy and I got all, "Oh it starts. No more good Sephy..."
In a way, Crisis Core made me like him more as a hero because of how in depth they got with his character.

I completely agree, that's the same feeling I got too.
I just felt like, 'Damn, it's a shame he's gotta die really, he's awwwwwesome.'
I love Sephiroth, he's always been my favourite villain but then in Crisis Core he's like, an awesome teacher person and he's a total badass, it's just a shame he had to find out about himself.
It made me feel sort of... sorry for him.
I mean, with the whole finding out he was part of an experiment. I don't think it changed my perspective of him in the original game (since, in the original game it wasn't really him, since he died in the Nibel reactor. Same with AC)
But it made me think 'hey, this guy is awesome... shame he has to go crazy and die.'
Crisis Core was actually the first FF7 game i've played. (The other being Dirge of Cerberus) So I can't say that I liked him any more than I use to. It's a shame he had to go insane though.
Oh man, I'm there right now. He just finished going crazy and I just saw Cloud kill him. When I went down to the caves where the research was going to take place I was about to cry if anything. I was like, "No...Sephiroth stop reading! Please stop reading those damn books!!!"

*Sigh* It's a shame he didn't know who his real mother was and who his father was. Not that his father was much of a father but a sadistic bastard.
Sephiroth is not who he used to be anymore.He was more badass,but after Crisis Core he has been replaced by Genesis(don't get me started with him now),which I find pretty disappointing.
But for me Sephiroth will always be the one in the original FFVII.I feel bad for him cause they stripped him down his awesomeness and the one winged angel title.
I pity SE that ruined such a legend just cause they're tryin to surpass the number one villain in FF.They should have experimented with some other FF game and not Crisis Core.