Feet First into Hell: A Halo ODST RP Sign up and OOC Revival

Tipsy, it's a solid Story, and it holds alot of interest, as long as the Members of the RP remain active, it will run smothly, and probably to the end. . . if it has an end.
Itll definitely have an end. Its not a fantasy RP where itd take 3 billion years to finish.


Here is a small twist i have thought up.

For small encounters with small enemy forces such as a a few jackals or a few grunts with an elite, you can do as you wish, control them as you wish.

For main battles and strongpoints, i and Kevin will take control of the enemies. In the post, we will describe the area and there will be specific ways in which you guys have to approach it in order to clear it. Most of the time, the method will be pretty straight forward. Ill take into consideration of what the squad has and may leave equipment that will be necessary on hand. There will also be dummy equipment that will foil your plans. EG below.

On a rotation, one person will take the lead and give command to the others. Ill give a post limit for the leader to clear it and if on the last post, the leader has fail to give the correct commands, the leader will be wounded and we will retreat. If you fail, ill take control of the squad and clear it.

We will have about nine + of these. If you are wounded/ fail three times, you die, so watch it.

An example: Elites have set up a gun emplacement on the overhead walkway. There are two sets of stairs on either side, plus a side door on the building to the left that opens up onto the walkway to the left. three shielded Jackals blockade the stairs with overlapping shields, covering their side ports, while three squads of 5 grunts are scattered between the walkway, the side door, the stairs and the squad. The emplacement is made to withstand rocket fire and is almost impossible to snipe from the front. However, the ground between the squad and their target is open, with the grunts all behind low cover, also covered from rockets and small arms fire. Any one running out will be open to overwhelming fire. Plus, grenades are out of reach of the grunts. However, there are several sniper rifles on the right hand wall, near a small park bench and a few smoke grenades inside the bus that the squad is hunkered down behind.

Leader post limit: 2

The top part of the paragraph talks of the surroundings. That is pretty straight forward. It also tells how many covenant are there. Also the layout and stuff like that. Necessary info is all there.

The last line shows a dummy equipment. It is said there are a few sniper rifles available. However, the grunts are behind cover that is impervious to small arms fire, while the jackals are hunkered down with overlapping shields, eliminating the gap in their shields. The emplacements is impervious to sniper fire. If they do not think and get someone to run for it, they waste a unit as they are stuck with the snipers, pinned behind a park bench unable to do anything.

The real item is the smoke grenades. The idea is to pop all the smoke grenades to the left, get two squad members to make a run while the others cover fire towards the left side door and have them go up, and out into the walkway where they can gun down the gunner who is unprotected and use the machine gun to take down the grunts.

The leader gives a single command to each unit. EG, "run over to the sniper rifle." Each squad member post their action and i will respond by saying "Member pinned down and unable to do anything". If they went the correct way, ill go "Squad member A&B successfully made it to the door.". You guys then post accordingly. The leaders post limit is the number of times they can give orders. Each time they fail, the squad regroups back at the starting point.

Im sure there are a few points i missed in my idea, but that is the general idea of the twist.

Srry for the block of text. Say something if there is something you do not understand.
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Here is an actual example using the above example. I will write the bare minimum. Only the commands. I expect a bit more description from you guys.

Elites have set up a gun emplacement on the overhead walkway. There are two sets of stairs on either side, plus a side door on the building to the left that opens up onto the walkway to the left. three shielded Jackals blockade the stairs with overlapping shields, covering their side ports, while three squads of 5 grunts are scattered between the walkway, the side door, the stairs and the squad. The emplacement is made to withstand rocket fire and is almost impossible to snipe from the front. However, the ground between the squad and their target is open, with the grunts all behind low cover, also covered from rockets and small arms fire. Any one running out will be open to overwhelming fire. Plus, grenades are out of reach of the grunts. However, there are several sniper rifles on the right hand wall, near a small park bench and a few smoke grenades inside the bus that the squad is hunkered down behind.

Leader post limit: 2

Bob hunkers down behind the bus with the rest of his squadmates. They had successfully reached the foremost cover between them and the large group of covenant forces. From what they got from intel, it seems like they had built themselves a fort. Nonetheless, it seems there are some snipers available.

"Adam! You run over towards the right to the sniper rifle. We will give you covering fire! When you get there, open up on the emplacement! Ready...GO!"

The whole squad bar Adam popped open and let loose a whole barrage. The grunts ducked as the bullets pinged off the cover.

Squad member

Adam ran as hard as he could. He felt assured as he heard the loud rattle of ballistics weapon covering him. With practiced ease, he dove behind the cover and kept low, ensuring that he was not the least exposed. With an outstretched hand, Adam managed to grab the rifle.


Emplacement unfazed by cover fire. Turns and begin suppressing Adam, keeping him from even being able to pop his head up as plasma lanced after Adam chewing away at the cover.

Post one end. Adam retreats during a slight lull in the plasma barrage.


Determined, Bob checked his HUD once more. There was a side door that seems to lead up to the walkway. If he managed to get a few guys there, they could go up free from harassment.

"Adam, Steve, you two run to the left for the door. We will throw our flash bang followed by suppressing fire."

Adam & Steve

Both steadied their breathing and steeled their guts as they wait for the signal. They watched slowly as three cylinders flew through the air in an arch, landing in between them and the enemy. In that instant, they ran out, polarised their helmet so that they are unfazed by the blast and ran full force.


Due to the distance from the flash bang and the emplacement, the gunners were only blinded very slightly and after a a few seconds tracked down the running and open fire. Plasma lanced around the duo, with its fire concentrating between them and the way to the door. Unable to move forward, the duo retreated just as the grunts recovered and let loose with their plasma pistols

Turn two end. Plasma battered into the bus as the two ODST run behind its cover. A stray bolt slams into Bob, wounding him. It is the second time he has been wounded. One more of these and biofoam won't be enough. The squad retreats.

That is a very basic version of it, cut down by a lot. Any questions, just speak up.
Thats a Complicated Idea tipsy, but i think i Grasped the lot of it, we shall see when the RP Starts.
That's actualy a good way of dealing with minor/major NPC battle situations.

Should be nice to see in action.
Took a look at it and its good now. Ill just gonna ignore the spartan part. We should be good. I may be able to start it very late tonight or tomorrow night, we'll have to see.

For now, side characters that are needed. These will be the one's giving the info on assaults and to guide the human side. The human equivalent of the Elite commanders.

Name: Dia Tenkawa

Nickname: Bridge Bunny, Usagi

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Affiliation: UNSC Navy

Rank: Second lieutenant.

Specialty: Communications and Intelligence

Appearance: Dia is of oriental descent, with short, black, shoulder length hair. Her skin tone is a bit pale due to her constantly being indoors and on ships. She has an alluring beauty with mysterious, brown eyes and her pale pink lips. For a female Dia is decent in height, at 167 cm and is rather slim and graceful, weighing in at 52 kg. She is not made for combat, but can hold her own for a bit. Still, she is made for tactical and back line support

Weapon: M6D Magnum Sidearm holstered on her right waist

Armour: Dia does not wear armour, but her UNSC Navy dress uniform. It is a one piece gray dress that reaches to just above her knees and the sleeves reach just to her elbow. On its shoulders are small, black pauldrons and her rank insignia on her collar. Her collar is done up with a small, black, ribbon tie done up in a small bow. Around her waist is a black belt which can be used to slip stuff on such as her pistol, radio, combat knives etc. On her hands are a pair of black fingerless gloves that reach up and meet the sleeve of her dress. On the upper half of the finger above the middle joints are small plates that protect the fingers. Her foot wear is a black, knee high, slightly heeled pair of boot that has a small, gray knee cover and ankle cover.

Personality: Dia is a rather mysterious girl. Although very proficient with her job, her movements seem to be that of a sleep walker, seemingly slow, deliberating and smooth. However, she is the type to slow down and do things gracefully at all times, and when things become crucial, her movements remain smooth and deliberating, but is much faster as if in total control. Dia can be rather teasing and coy, relieving tension for those on the front line. Her voice has a soothing effect, calming tense soldiers. However, in actual times of work, her support is top notch and has saved many troops before.

Brief History: Dia enlisted into the Navy, wanting to do her part for her people. Her weak stature and her uncanny ability with computers and intelligence had her transferred into such sections. Her work was well recognised and as soon as she had learned most of the basics, she was shipped out to the front line. Dia has served on a wide range of vessels, from Carriers and Cruisers to Frigates and stealth corvettes. She has been pulled back to Earth and stationed as UNSC De Daanan as CIC for the ODST. In order to give better support, Dia was given a special Pelican that has been upgraded for stealth with AWAC capabilities. It is able to secure link with ground-side A.I and provide better support than on ship.

Name: Yuki Onna

Nickname: Snow or Yuki

Race: A.I

Sex: Female

Age: 20 years since activation

Affiliation: Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Infrastructure and UNSC De Daanan

Specialty: Security, infrastructure, surveillance and communication

Appearance: Like all A.I, Yuki is a transparent blue with coding lines shaped into her armour's pattern. She is made to appear like her name sake, a snow woman, tall, slender with dark hair and pale skin. This is done via different blue toning. Her body consist of a samurai armour, which also reflect her job, to maintain peace and stability to Tokyo. It is the full set with sword and all, but without a face mask. Its plating on her arms, her skirt armour and her chest armour are very large, covering a good deal of her body, contrary to the picture.

Personality: Very serious about her job and such, Yuki is a no nonsense type of A.I. She is somewhat the opposite of Dia and everything is done straight, and proper. Her mannerism is rather formal and follows a bushido type of living. She hunts down any one that disturbs the peace of Tokyo, be it covenant or human.

Brief History:
Yuki Onna was the city A.I for Tokyo that replaced its old one. Due to her personality, her diligence and dedication made Tokyo very safe and peaceful, even in war time. This was seen to be something that could be used when the covenant began to drop troops onto earth and before its core could be hit, she was transferred out into the De Daanan before given to Dia's pelican for ground support for the ODST that dropped into the city. Still maintaining a connection with Tokyo's infrastructure, it is able to provide invaluable information.
Got uni yesterday and today so no go for the next 6 hours or so. ill try and pop it up when i get back.
Yo, to those involved, the RP is up if you didnt know. To Oak, wait for a few more post. Ill post my Elite post after a few more.
I've already told Cardiac last night...As for .Meg. She hasn't been on the forums since July 31st, exactly one week ago. Chances are we will have to replace her. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. :hmmm:
I was waiting for something non-marine related, so that's good to hear :D
Fuck it. Cant wait on Meg anymore.

Shadow, you're stepping in now. Should have seen this coming.

Meg will take your spot as back up.
right, ignoring the two now, we'll drop in as a four man team.

Works out actually with what i had in mind, but it does schew the strongpoint attack thing i had.

IRL sucked so much! I finally manage to drag myself away from it, so here I am!

... since you guys already dropped, what do I do?