012: Duodecim Feral Chaos


All your username are belong to me.
Nov 20, 2009
Somewhere else
...yeah, I just encountered him in the Southern Gateway in 000, the level 95 one, which doesn't allow me to alter the rules, use any sort of chain, has 60,000 health or so, and is absolutely trashing me and making me want to snap my PSP in half.

Any tips on killing this thing as quickly as possible, with relatively little hassle? I don't have the skill or the patience for a protracted battle.

I was using Gabranth, because I read somewhere that if you stayed in the air and just kept charging up, it'd be fun and easy. It was neither. He wouldn't stop slamming me into the wall, and I took off about 200 health when I FINALLY got into EX Mode. 200, out of 60,000. I'd very much like to kill him sometime this year, I'm not repeating the process some 300-odd times just to get rid of him.

This is precisely why I hate fighting games :hmph:
I loathed this bastard so very much -__-

I'd suggest you go with mages for this and keep your distance as much as possible, his attacks can't be guarded so a long distance fight is probably your best bet. Personally I was thrashing him with Terra with Holy-Ultima spam at a distance and Tornado at point blank.

That aside I can only suggest prioritising HP attacks, since BRV damage is near useless against him unless you have a beastly Iai strike build.
Do you have any characters whose HP attacks can link in from their BRV combos? I purposefully trained Warrior of Light for this fight, along with Zidane.

The only actual problem with using those characters is that he's fairly quick at blocking your attacks. Still, using WoL I was able to attack from above with very little consequence, and shaved about 50,000 with just him. Afterwards I just used Tsunami a lot with Garland (note: my aforementioned training of Zidane was ultimately inconsequential. -__-).

I'd also highly recommend EXP to HP. Unless you're awesome, he'll catch you every now and then with his fairly quick HP attacks as you... seem to be aware. You should probably watch a YouTube video or two to see how other people managed it. I noticed Firion's a favourite.
I basicly just used Yuna with a 5x booster effect with lai strike and spammed mega flare

she did around... 35k damage

after that I just gave my cloud Valor Resin,Valor drop(w/e it was called) gave him Physical Attack ((Belt)) and used boosters and he wiped the floor with omnislash V5 though this was my strat for the 125k version should work on the 60k version as well
It all depends on the skills you have equipped to your characters. I suggest you to use characters that has Wall Rush HP attacks to deal more damage. The skills I recommend you to use for this fight are Exp to HP, Gambler's Spirit, Cat Nip, Back to the Wall, EX Critical Boost and Spite. As for the accessories equip some multipliers that stays active pernamently to maintain your booster accessories boost up the entire fight. Level Gap 10+, Opp HP > 10000, Opp After Summon and Player After Summon are highly recommended for this fight. Sniper Eye is a must if you are going to spam Wall Rush HP attacks on him.
I beat him! With Yuna, unsurprisingly. I just levelled her up to 100 and spammed Mega Flare...it only took about twenty minutes, because the idiot just leapt right into it...or right over me, in which case I just went back down to ground level, waited for him to impact onto the ground, then started it up again. Never again :rage:

Thanks for the tips~
Funny fact: In my fight with the level 95 Feral dude, he just did nothing but walk around aimlessly until the 90 seconds timer was over (the booster), used it to my advantage ^.^ OK, Cloud, Terra are awesome for HP poking :).
my go now XD my plan is to spam onion knight ;) god he been an master to me during 000 XD orrrr plan to is to spamm leveling up yuna XD
So, this character isn't playable until you defeat it at Level 130, with 125,698 HP...? X_x So using a crushing Iai Strike setup with 99.9x Multiplier... >_>' I want the biggest character with the baddest tail, to be playable. XP

Haven't got the game yet btw, getting it for my 22nd birthday coming up on August 26th. :P
I fail for not seeing this. I made a thread on it. I won't be able to sleep tonight for this.

I've only beaten the first version, which is
the manikin of the actual Feral Chaos

He was a pain in the ass with that damned booster. My lightbulb went off after a while: Use Lightning, spam the hell out of Thunderfall, be patient, and done.

I'm curious what "version 2" of him will be like.
trust me he has 125k health but the second time much easier XD as he don't have that dam defense booster... he seems more stupid :wacky: and he don't do sooo much damage.. finally.. you should have much better weapons by now...

your best bet is to spam characters that has long range on their hp attacks or characters that has link attacks.. the characters i found best were onion knight (sword chain attacks) yuna with mega flare, sephiroth with octaslash, cloud with oimislash version 5 and zidane with swift attack to meo twister :) trust me just use one of them with decent weapons and lv 100 and he will be down in no time ;)
Version 1's AI was nothing special, actually. Sometimes he'd just sit there, even if you're face-to-face with him. haha

Looks like I'll be spamming Lightning again, though.