ff 7 for psp

ff7 on psp

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U have no idea how awesome that would be!!! They should seriously do it, its definitly possible.
I think that it will be better if it was remake for Playstation 3. I mean it is not a bad idea for a remake on the PSP, but for me it will be more fun on the PS3 than PSP.
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I feel that if they went for a remake, they should go balls out and try to make it extravagant. Not try to make the graphics and all that somewhat the same since it's only a PSP.
Good luck with that. ^^^

They'll probably not listen to it though. SE (well at least as Square) had a policy once and was very strict against people giving them game ideas.

Also, I wouldn't mind FF7 on the PSP if it was a rerelease and not so much a remake. I wouldn't like an FF7 done in the style of Crisis Core for example, as it'd lose the world map, the magical music, a lot of what was good about its battle system etc.
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Um...but...it IS out on the PSP >_>

The PSN, specifically, so you can play it on your PSP or PS3, whichever you desire. As of last month, it got released in Japan, and the good ol' ESRB has posted the American rating up on their website:


I do so love the ESRB, they're always putting games up on their website before anyone else announces them. I bet they just ruined a major E3 announcement for SE :wacky:

Oh, and just so nobody gets the wrong idea, it's not a remake, it's just a port.
Guys please, this is just a friendly reminder to please not spam. I'm seeing a few one-liner posts in here I've already had to delete. Please don't make me have to close this thread. Thanks. :)
K if anything, i wouldn't want a remake of it for the PSP, if they did remake i would hope they would make it for the more popular consoles like the Xbox 360 and PS3
K if anything, i wouldn't want a remake of it for the PSP, if they did remake i would hope they would make it for the more popular consoles like the Xbox 360 and PS3

I quite agree, I'm glad it's just a port. A remake would be a large undertaking, since they'd make it like Advent Children (as far as art direction goes...hell, they might make it action adventure too, which I think would suck) and they'd want it to look as best as it could.

Although I'd rather have a FF remake for the PSP any day than for the DS, at least then it wouldn't have godawful graphics as bad as the N64 and chibi looks that didn't suit the atmosphere of the game *grumble*
I wouldn't mind a remake of it on the PSP. If they did ever do it, I just don't want them to end up remaking the battle system. The graphics sure, just not the battle system. But, I think a remake would be better off on consoles like the PS3 or 360. You know, consoles that would draw in the fans more easily.
whel the psp has just as many fans as the ps 3 or 360 so it might be a good idear to remake it on all consoles and dont forget the new ff game coming out soon