FF art

XII i think looks the coolest

Mod Edit: Please try to elaborate why you think the XII art looks the coolest. Tjank you.
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I like FF XII's <3 I remember when i first saw it in SA I nearly broke my arm out of excitement (No FFs avaliable for sale in HK at that time :_:) even though it ruined the horizontal-ness

I doooo think FFX's is pretty though. And I like VIII's just because it's Squall and Rinoa -.- Bleh but I can't help it i loveee them xD

I like III's as well. .Something about it just draws me to it :D
When it comes to final fantasy it has some of the best concept art and character creation there ever was the art is awesome but if you want to knw which is my fav i would have to say 12 i looked at the special edition disc and it was just awesome