FF Cosplay.

Contra Fates

Jill of All Trades
Dec 21, 2007
I'm surprised I haven't seen a cosplay thread here yet. So, I figured I'd start one.

Here's some of my FF cosplay, as a FFXI Red Mage and Larsa from FFXII:

There's a FFXI group I was in last year.

Myself as Larsa and my friend CJ [Youtube Kefka] as Balthier.

Myself as Larsa and my friend Casey as Judge Gabranth.

Casey's Gabranth again.

Now for just random cool stuff I've seen:


Aaawweeeeesome Squall.


Everyone's favorite FF8 scene.

Best. Yuna. Ever.


Another awesome Yuna.

Zack, with the best background ever.

Preeetttttyyyyy Tifa.

Lots of good Yunas, apparently.

Another pretty Tifa.

Aaaand now I'm done for now. xD
I'll post more awesome cosplays later.
Wow, most of these are excellent, I thought the characters were actually real. I gotta get into cosplay, but why is it that mostly only Japanese cosplay?
Wow, most of these are excellent, I thought the characters were actually real. I gotta get into cosplay, but why is it that mostly only Japanese cosplay?

There are really a lot of Non-Asian cosplayers as well, it just seems that the amazing Japanese cosplay is publicized more. Not to mention, a lot of Final Fantasy characters, in particular, have Asian features, so, in some cases, they can pull off the characters well.
Oh wow, your costumes are amazing! The construction, and over all costume is done very well. o.o You're friends did an excellent job as well. What materials did you use by the way? How did it take to complete your costume?

Hope to see more cosplay from you!
Oh wow, your costumes are amazing! The construction, and over all costume is done very well. o.o You're friends did an excellent job as well. What materials did you use by the way? How did it take to complete your costume?

Hope to see more cosplay from you!

Thank you very much!
I have a bad habit for using thick, artificial leathers for my costumes. I was taught how to sew, using thick fabrics, so, I got kind of used to it, haha. Really bad habit for living in Florida. xD
I made Larsa in school, while in a costume design class. An option for the final exam was to create a unique design. So, I made Larsa in there, instead. I'll be remaking the costume from head to toe, though, because it's really not that accurrate.

My next major challenges are the Hoverbike, but, hopefully, I'll be able to remake Larsa, and make his magecite, his axe, and his sword. It's going to be a busy new year. XD!
Wow, your costumes are amazing! You're really good at cosplaying. ;( I'm jealous! And those random cosplays are so good. The Yunas and Tifas are really hot >_>

Anyway, please post more of you and your friends cosplaying! You're all very talented!
Wow, your costumes are amazing! You're really good at cosplaying. ;( I'm jealous! And those random cosplays are so good. The Yunas and Tifas are really hot >_>

Anyway, please post more of you and your friends cosplaying! You're all very talented!

Thank you!
As requested, here's more from my friends and I:
This is a photo of how I made my glowing Hi-Potions for my Larsa cosplay, because people were curious:

Haha. xD Pretty simple, huh?

Here's another photo of my Red Mage cosplay.

A quick cosplay of Rem Saverem from Trigun.

Another photo of my Larsa cosplay. [Some people actually thought I was a guy because of this photo. Rofl.]

My friend Kevin's Barret cosplay.

Friend's Joanne and Casey as Rinoa and Seifer.

Seifer: "You're dating WHO?!"

Aaaaaaand, that's a rap, for now! ;D
o_o They are really good. I wish I could sew, I totally failed that in school. I really like that Edea one with the Seifer silhoette(sp) You make an excellent Larsa *is impressed*
Grand Lethal and to anybody else who has a problem with this, that thread is for Best and Worst cosplays. This thread is for her own cosplays and cosplays of her friends obviously. There is nothing wrong with this thread being up. She's more than entitled to have it up unless somebody higher up says otherwise, so please don't psuedo-mod.

And my dear, I have to say your cosplays are all amazing! I especially love the Larsa, Tifa and Yuna ones ^_^ that Zack one is made of pure win! Awesome! ^_^

Nice try, but that thread is for making peoples eyes bleed and scaring them for life <_< we only post good cosplays there so we don't get sued for breaching the human rights act.


Your cosplays are really really good! ^_^ I really like the Larsa ones, and though I may not be Tifas biggest fan, those Tifa ones you put up really are pretty ^_^
I was thinking of doing some cosplay when i get older and i can get over to the places where it is. I really like some of the costumes that you have. They seem very close to the costumes if not exact. Very nice and i looks like you guys had lots of fun.
Nice try, but that thread is for making peoples eyes bleed and scaring them for life <_<

Wrong. Rydia titled it Best and Worst cosplay, but whatever.

Anyway, good cosplay. It's nice to see somebody who actually puts effort into making good costumes rather than slapping together some crap from Party City.
What the hell? I was trying to be nice, and I get my head bitten off. I don't "have a problem" with this thread at all, I was merely informing Contra Fates that there is a cosplay thread, as she thought that there wasn't one. I never even mentioned anything about her not deserving this thread, so there's no point in even insinuating that I was. I never read anything that specifically mentioned that this thread is ONLY for Contra Fates' cosplay. Her cosplay does deserve to go in the Best and Worst cosplay thread, as it is the Best I have seen in a long while. As VR said, I'm amazed that so much effort was put into the costumes.
Grand Lethal, I was not biting your head off, I was merely making a statement. I'm sure if she's browsed enough she's well aware of the Best and Worst cosplay thread which she apparently chose not to post in. This section is for cosplay and for people to post up pictures of their cosplays which this girl is more than entitled to do. You need to relax and stop making assumptions. If you want me to bite your head off, I will.
I love cosplay but i dont know who i would be. D'ya think someone would sew me a Quina costume....?!