FF Panties

Auron- We'll all go as soon as lady Yuna fixes her panties.
Let's see if anybody can guess where this quote is from:

"Like me, there are people in this world who've killed their panties. Never foget that."
Aerith: "Wait here. I've got to check my panties. It'll be just a minute."
Puck: 'You don't have the right ticket to see the panties, do you?'
Tidus: Sure it was hard not to think of panties, but i started to feel better already.
Squall: I'll Be Waiting here for you so, If you come here... You'll find panties.

Sephiroth: I Will Never be Panties.

Cloud: There's no a single panty I don't cherish!
Dagger: I was afraid of my panties, but not anymore!

Cyan: I am Cyan! Retainer to the panties of Doma!

Rufus: The panties you seek fell from the helicoptor while we were running from you.

Strago: This is just a backwater village. We can tell you nothing about your panties.
Selphie: Blow it to smitheereens with panties?!

Quistis: Getting out of panties is only the first step.
Tellah: Golbez took her life, and i swear i'll crush him with my panties!

Cecil: I can't defy the panties. I'm a coward...