FF role models

FF characters that I could look up to.

Cecil. He shows you that your choices don't have to define your entire life and that you can change for the better. And he wasn't always a pure hearted person, something I can relate to moreso than other FF characters.

The characters from one. They busted their asses saving the world, and because of some time loop no one even remembered their adventure. Yet they were still happy to have done so. Real heros imo.

Zidane. He was a very friendly and kind person, but he wasn't annoyingly virtuous. He was a womanizer and a thief. Also someone easier to relate to than the complete virtuous characters.
I know he's a little "rough around the edges" to some people, but Barret has always stuck out in my mind as a great role model. He's unwaveringly loyal to everyone he cares about, he's got a strong moral character, and though he fits the image of a big brawny tough-guy, his constant concern for Marlene shows that he is a very caring person underneath. He's my favorite character in VII and one of my favorites in the whole series--I see him as just as much of a hero as any of the main characters, in some cases much more so. He's completely selfless and genuine--you'd never question that he'd give everything he's got to save the world, and I really admire that in a character. :)
Yuna in X was deff someone who I admire dearly.
She's sweet and kind, to nearly everyone she's very strong-hearted and throughout the game she just develops into more of an amazing character. She knows what would happen if she were to defeat sin and therefore, I looked up to her because she never backed down and just kept going :)
This is probably going to sound extremely disturbing, but I'd like to be like Kefka. Completely carefree and with an all-encompassing sense of humour, yet capable of being highly philosophical and deadly serious when the situation calls for it. Succesful in life above all others, as well. I could probably do without the fashion sense, and I doubt the ascension to godhood is going to happen, but...well, there we are.
There are some characters I look up to. Some are overlooked, but maybe that's because the games themselves didn't bring many fans.

Firion (FFII) -- His role in Dissidia was a amazing. He was passionate about his goal for no more wars, and his conviction was always strong.

Prince Gordon of Kas'ion (FFII) --
He was nothing more than a coward at first, leaving his brother to die on the battlefield. But after he started traveling with Firion and co. he changed. Gordon became a great leader when the king of Fynn passed away, and even Hilda was impressed (surprised at least) when it was Gordon who came to her aid at the Coliseum.

Pavel (FFII) -- He was a nuisance to the empire. Despite being a thief, he only stole from the empire. Reminds me of Robin Hood, and I happen to be a big fan of Robin Hood.

Zidane Tribal (FFIX) -- It was his actions in the ending that truly touched me.
Despite the pain Kuja had caused him, Zidane went back to the crazed Iifa Tree to save Kuja instead of leaving him to die.
Seriously, that's the greatest thing you can do for an enemy.
I think some good FF role-models are as follows;

- She's an innocent, selfless, caring, and a fun character. She doesn't dress inappropriately. She doesn't cuss. She is always nice. She's literally a great role model to look up to. Especially if you're a girl. She's never been dependent on others, she's strong(maybe not physically, but mentally she is)and she's not cliche at all. Despite her being weak, she still tries to fight and do something, that's all that matters.

Plus, who doesn't like a girl who can kick butt from the after life? :griin:

For the guys, I think...

Cloud - He's a great role model. He had a terrible past, people didn't like him and he was pretty much hated and ignored by everyone in his home town. Because of that, he lashed out(much like real people do)and he started fights with others and stayed away from others. He was human. But despite that, he tried to prove himself that he was somebody and that he wasn't just nothing. Sure he was never a first class Soldier, but hey, the man saved the world at the age of 21.

Plus, how many women does he have crawling after him? Aerith, Yuffie, Tifa and a million of other women. The guy is lucky just for that.

He might mess up sometimes, kick himself for past things, and even fall to the dark side sometimes, but he always survives, not because of others but because of himself.

And to top it all of he's, like, a total babe.:tehe: