FF SB Trivia Quizmaster Sign-ups

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While I was supposed to do trivia tonight, I had to have family time and then fell asleep after dinner because I was feeling sick... woke up a little while ago with a fever, so I'm going back to bed. Hal's doing geography/history trivia in the shoutbox now though, I think, so there's at least SOME type of trivia going on.... Sorry :gonk:
You can sign up for the next available date, Jess, which is....fuck, I need to update this thread. I'll just put you down for the next date that isn't taken. :8F:
Right. This kind of died while I was in Survivor. I don't know if anyone is even still interested in trivia anymore. :gonk: If anyone is, let me know and I'll get this going again. xD
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