FF Transformers..!!!


White Knight
Dec 31, 2007
Auralesca Vlangia
Lol, read from another forums that....
Shiva, by now we all should know, has became a motorbike.
Now, this is where things get amusing... (For me, at least!)
Bahamut... Has become a commercial plane!!
Odin has become a childs BMX..
.. And Ramuh has became a Central Line underground tube carriage...
And yes.. I doubt they can be summoned, under this circumstances... Ha ha..
Whats Tonberry gonna be, a fucking Mini Cooper?
I hope this turns out better than it sounds so far >_<
Answering you.. I doubt it will, sad to say? I am thinking they're using the Espers as summons...
By that i mean, Belias, Hashmal and those fellows.
That's gay, those Espers were lame. Bring back X's way of doing Aeons, by far the best way in the series so far.
Ye, they become a good ole' punching bag... (Takes the damage for you, don't it?)
where did u find out about the other summons? shiva turning into a motorbike was on a trailer i know that but where did u find out but the other transformations, or are u just saying what u think will happen?
Yes, I'm interested in knowing that too. Sources, or I won't believe it.

Odin becoming a childs BMX sounds too unrealistic.
indeed i agree with the few posts above me, in order for me to believe this i would have to see hard evidence so a link would be most appreciated
I believe that to tell ya the truth I didn't expect in FF12 that (Shiva,Ifrit...) will turn into ships!
Maybe in 13 they'll do the same thing and keeps the (Aeons/Summons/Espares) So don't be surprise if you were playing this game and find out that you are on shiva while there's a giant ice creature fighting a long side with ya..so..yea that's Won't be surprising
I also prefer the old summons to the newer espers so I hope with fingers crossed that this is made up gibberish.
I hope so.. That information i got came from another forum i was visiting.
hey, this isn't the first time this has happened, anyone remember Ark from IX?
Ark was built to do that. Good old summons and previous espers etc don't fit that transforming bill.
I quite like the idea of Shiva being a motorcycle, that's right up my street but i'd much prefer the normal summons all this Transformers lark seems a little risky >_<

Odin as a BMX? Who thought that would be a good idea? o_O
I'm not too concerned about Summons becoming transformer-esque - there must be a clear use for them all (Shiva being a motorcycle... speedy transport), so it's not overly worrying that they'll all be entirely shit. Though I'm approaching enthusiasm towards this with caution.

Ifrit looks bloody amazing too.
I wouldn't worry too much until the game is released. Of course I'd prefer the old summons such as Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut etc.. over the espers in XII, but keep in mind that just because Shiva's a motorbike doesn't mean that she can't be summoned, XIII may introduce some new summoning system which doesn't ditch the old summons like XII did!
In XII Shiva, Bahamut, Ifrit and Valefor were all airships... Probably XIII won't have them as Summons/Aeons/Espers, and instead they'll just be means of transport.
Probably the summons will have either new names or the espers' names...