FF Villians: Who would win in a fight?


Feb 26, 2007
My money would be on Kuja; a scratched forehead after an attack from Bahamut, i certainly wouldn't want to fight him.
My money would be on Kuja; a scratched forehead after an attack from Bahamut, i certainly wouldn't want to fight him.
My choice would be between Kuja, Kefka, and Sepiroth. Pretty much, all three of them are superpowerful villain-mommas who can crush you in less than 30 seconds.
Sephiroth obviously :D youve seen what he can do Advent children is a prime example - plus the only one that can beat Sephiroth is cloud :P
Are we talking main baddies, subbaddies, or final boss baddies (which is not always the same as the main baddies: see FFVIII, FFIX, or FFX)

I don't know... lemme break it down...

Round 1
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Kefka - Only Baddie so he advances
Final Fantasy VII
Sephiroth - Sephiroth Wins
Final Fantasy VIII
Edea - Like her better so she advances
Final Fantasy IX
Queen Brahne
Garland - Like him best so he advances
Final Fantasy X
Sin - Wins
Yu Yevon
Final Fantasy XII
Occuria - Wins

Round 2
Ex-Death - Wins

Round 3
Sephiroth - Wins

Round 4
Garland - Wins, by a hair

Advances by Default
Round 5
Sephiroth - Wins, barely

Round 6
Garland - Wins
Final Round

I dunno, it's too close. The fanboy in me is screaming Sephiroth... but Garland... he was just so tough. I dunno. Not even Kuja could take Garland... hmmmm... dunno. Both, I guess.
I dunno, it's too close. The fanboy in me is screaming Sephiroth... but Garland... he was just so tough. I dunno. Not even Kuja could take Garland... hmmmm... dunno. Both, I guess.

Damn the fanboy in me says Sephiroth, but the logical person in me says Sin. How the hell did Garland beat Sin?!?
Kefka or Kuja fo sho. Kefka destroyed the world =D Kuja caused a gigantic war and destroyed another world...........hmmmm.............it's a tie for right now.
Why would they actually get into a fight in the first place though? They'd all join forces and destroy the entire universe. But if they did get into a fight, Sephiroth would kick all their asses.
Kefka, he's insane enough to find a way to poison anyone before a fight, then kick their asses...
If Kuja is in Trance, then it would be unbelievably close between Kuja and Sephiroth. I don't really think Kefka could hold his own, I mean he's basically a clown. Sephiroth is amazing, he's got the power of Jenova backing him up, and there's always a possibility that Kuja might just pack it in anyway, he's on a timer as it is, Sephiroth could just dance around him until Kuja collapses and melts.
I choose Sephiroth as the strongest villian, imagine him in the real world and find out how powerful he really is.
you're all forgetting about one ridiculously dangerous "part-time" bad girl, FF8, disc 2 ( I think) and there is a crazy, overly infatuated, blue and extremely annoying she-witch. Rinoa. Sure, shes only a bad guy for like 20 minutes but would anybody dare stand between her and squall?
Sephiroth: Meteor < Kuja: Ultima

Meteor wouldn't have a chance.

Sephiroth: 9 foot sword < Kuja: Spell that he used to steal the the Gulug Stone from Zidane ...

Then Kuja could magically thrust it into Sephiroth ... Or he could just throw Ultima at him :D
Sephiroth: Meteor < Kuja: Ultima

Meteor wouldn't have a chance.

Sephiroth: 9 foot sword < Kuja: Spell that he used to steal the the Gulug Stone from Zidane ...

Then Kuja could magically thrust it into Sephiroth ... Or he could just throw Ultima at him :D


Sephiroth would take Meteor & bounce it on Kuja like a basketball.

Don't make me get the One-Winged Angels in here!!
Ultimecia EASILY!

First, she was a villain with good personality that appeared in the begin of the story until the end(unlike Zemus and Necron):

Edea was never a villain. During the first half of the game, we can compare Edea with a clothe that Ultimecia was using. Ultimecia's mind/soul was litteraly inside Edea's body controlling it, and the body was just a shell. Ultimecia was using Edea's body to fight, move, talk, etc. and the true Edea(her consciousnes) was probably just "sleeping" during that time.
This is proved in space, when Squall's mind go to the past. He saw Edea's body collapsed in the ground, and then he saw Ultimecia's soul/mind(in the form of her true body, but transparent). She looked at him and said something like "You don't belong to this time. Get out!" AND after that, her soul/mind litteraly entered Rinoa's body, possesing it. This is a prove that Ulti was litteraly inside of Edea, controlling the body.

Another prove that she was inside of Edea's body, is what she said in her speech, in Galbadia:
"What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies?
The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations?"
Edea was a matron in an orphanage. She never destroyed nations. Who was talking was Ultimecia, never Edea.

Ultimecia said the speech in Galbadia, Ultimecia threw a giant ice spear against Squall, Ultimecia fought against your party in the garden, etc.
When you say "i like evil Edea", you are saying "i like Ultimecia" because during that time, they are the same person. Is almost like if Ultimecia shapeshifted her body in Edea's image/form.

Second(and mos important), if you use Scan in her final form, you will read: "Ultimecia, transformed to absorb all time and space. Absorbing all existence as we speak."
Existence=Universe. Ultimecia was absorbing the friggin universe!! I challange any one in this forum to show me a FF villain more powerful than that.

Ultimecia FTW!
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