FF Villians: Who would win in a fight?

Kefka hands down! hes so evil he just thought hed wipe out the entire Kingdom of Doma, including the King! he killed his own Emperor, and took over the world.
I can't decide between Sephiroth, Kuja and Ultimicia. the fan-boy in me tells me to scream Sephiroth!
:D Kefka for sure, he was everything a villian needs, crazy annoying, and had a very funny laugh, plus, if you think about it, Kefkas really the only FF villian to obtain his goal, even if it was a somwhat shortlived one, hehe, he'd invite all the other vilians over for a master plan to take the FF universe by storm, and then when they were least expecting it he'd poison there drink.... and they'd die.
Sephiroth. I've only heard of his ferocity in the game he's actually in. But have you seen him in Kingdom Hearts?! There are numerous threads about his Plantinum Match asking for assitance/help. I've been trying for quite awhile and I still can't beat him.

All others fall before Lord Sephiroth.
I dunno, it's too close. The fanboy in me is screaming Sephiroth... but Garland... he was just so tough. I dunno. Not even Kuja could take Garland... hmmmm... dunno. Both, I guess.
Erm, but Kuja DID take out Garland, didn't he? Well, he had a bit of help from Zidane. But, ultimately, through strategy, he did take out Garland.

I would have thought Necron. Necron IS the bringer of death and destruction, and Zidane in fairness only won out of sheer optimism. He is like Yunalesca in a way.
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Sephiroth. I've only heard of his ferocity in the game he's actually in. But have you seen him in Kingdom Hearts?! There are numerous threads about his Plantinum Match asking for assitance/help. I've been trying for quite awhile and I still can't beat him.

All others fall before Lord Sephiroth.

he was way harder in 1 (lvl 81) and was friggen easy in II (lvl 69)
I'd pick Kuja to win it all in the end. It'd be a face off of Ex-Death versus Kuja in my opinion but Kuja just went freak'n ape-shit in his Trance mode and all of Terra was destroyed. That guy's insane. Go Kuja!
Kefka became god, he was the source of all magic in the world, he rained armageddon on the world, then he let the world survive just so he could make it suffer.

Sephiroth has become the Chuck Norris of Final Fantasy. People can make incredible illogical claims about his strength and prowess solely based on his coolness.

Ultimecia and Garland are a fun bag of tricks, they have to die to be born, Ultimecia in particular is destined to fail over and over again for all eternity, she's an eternal loser.

Kuja isn't even the final boss.

Then we get to Cloud of Darkness, Zeromus, Necron, and Exodus, vague villians who make over the top claims of their power that they never prove, then die.

Clear advantage: Kefka.
Sephiroth obviously :D youve seen what he can do Advent children is a prime example - plus the only one that can beat Sephiroth is cloud :P

Alas, there's many people who can defeat Sephiroth. Hulk, Dr. Strange, Thanos, Kazuma the Shell Bullet, The Light Warriors (8-Bit Theater), Popeye, Chuck Norris, and Mr. T. Sephiroth is an okay character, but he's extremely overrated.
I don't know, it would probably be between Kefka and Sephiroth, be a tough battle and I don't realy know which is stronger, but Kefka is more ruthless than Sephiroth so I go with Kefka
I would say Kefka is a mastermind at using people so he would probably let them all fight it out and in the end he would beat the final boss left standing which would probably be Ultimecia...i mean she does have 4 forms:

Ultimecia fusion with Griever
Ultimecia time absord

So everyone would believe Ultimecia had won but then out of the blue good old Kefka would appear and beat her!