[FF XII] Best Guest

I found Larsa the most useful, definitely... although he did annoy me -a lot- with his voice at exactly the same tone all the time.
And I thought he was a girl at first o_O
Alot think Larsa was a girl at first. -___-.

After you passed level 20 Larsa only became useful for his potions. The attacks from him were not all that helpful anymore.
Larsa is the best guest ever....you level up a great deal with him by your side with the help of his neverending potions

I'd say it's a tie between Vossler, with his ability to use any Technick, and Larsa with his infinite Hi-Potions. Although Larsa did a lot more to actually protect the party, having Vossler was also nice.
Vossler was my favorite, i'm a huge fan of physical attacks and huge swords and when he enters the party he is the first to use a Greatsword. Plus he just looked badass. When I had him in my party I ran around and got as many hunts done as I could. I also hear Larsa and Vossler are going to be playable characters in FFXII: International...I might have to pick that up.
Reddas. I kept him in my party as long as possible as my 4th character and did as many side-quests as I could before I headed into the Phon Coast for the rest of the story.

His history is amazing, his fighting is killer, and his attitude is kick-ass. By far the best guest to enter your party in FFXII.
Well good point about Reddas and Vossler is that you can berserk them and watch them tear apart everything which you cant rlly by Larsa as his attacks arent that good and you'll lose the advantage of his potions.
I haven't completed the game yet due to being lazy so I am not sure who this 'Reddas' is lol. As for my favorite guest, I would have to say either Vossler or Larsa because they were both really powerful and helpful whenever they were in my party. I thought Larsa was a girl when he first joined lol, I was a little confused. He is good with healing though so that's another reason why I like him.
So far Im saying Larsa and Vossler are great guests. Larsa for his healin and Vossler for being such a tank lol. He wipes the floor with any enemies!
Vossler was good for tanking and hitting hard whereas Larsa was good for healing and protecting. But im not even halfway through the game so im sure ther are many more to find =P. also tht person from centurio clan helped alot doing the Gil Snapper hunt. I let him take the damage while i ran off and healed =P.
I like Larsa out of them all.He was the most useful after all.With all those Hi-potions training in the lhusu mines was a walk in the park.
Reddas is also good when berseked.
Which guest was the best in your opinion? Tell us which one you found more helpful or useful and why. =D

I found Larsa to be the most helpful, thanks to his unlimited amount of health items that came in handy, especially when you're levelling up. Plus I found his death cry to be incredibly amusing, in a naughty sort of way. (Which is just wrong, since he's just 12 years old.)

Other than him, I think Reddas was my favourite. He was one of the few characters that actually did something heroic (i.e not sit by and watch). It's a shame he was in the party for such short amount of time.

I would've _loved_ it if Al-Cid had joined the party. I found him both hilarious and verrrrry sexy. Anyone who can look that good in PS2 graphics is a 10-pointer. ;)
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i would say reddas or vossler were the coolest guests to have in the team but i think it will have to be larsa because he proved to be the most useful.
Alot think Larsa was a girl at first. -___-.

After you passed level 20 Larsa only became useful for his potions. The attacks from him were not all that helpful anymore.

Larsa SUXX

I was level 40 when I had him and he kept dying. :monster:

I don't like him. XD

I haven't gotten very far in the game, so I haven't had any guests that I like so far. Unless of course, if Reddas was a guest for a short time. :monster:
Larsa for Hi-Potions and X-Potions. His offense isn't all that great and he has extremely low HP.

Reddas is crazy. With Berserk, Bravery and Haste on, he can chain hits most of the time and deal massive damage.

I didn't like Vosseler. He was just an average fighter.
Vossler was more than average when he First joined. He could knock the shit out of your enimies. As for Reddas, I didn't notice him much. He did chain alot of his attacks though but by the end he kept dying on me.
i must agree with larsa being the best guest, his endless supply of hi- and x-potions really helped me against fights like Tiamat.
Haha, yeah. I think his defense was low or something.

I wish you could alter their items and abilities and such. It would've been nice for them to level up with us.