FF13 Questionaire


Oct 8, 2010
Yo guys, can you fill out thjis questionaire for me please

Cheers :)

Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development

1 2 3 4 5

2 – Graphics

1 2 3 4 5

3 – Dialogue

1 2 3 4 5

4 – Entertainment

1 2 3 4 5

5 – Soundtrack/Music

1 2 3 4 5

6 – Gameplay

1 2 3 4 5

7 – Battle System

1 2 3 4 5

8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

Yes No

9 – How did you hear about the game?

Friend Magazine Internet Newspaper Others

10 – How old are you?

0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 21 22 – 30 31+

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

13 – How could the game have been improved?

14 – Extra comments (optional)
Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development 1
2 – Graphics
3 – Dialogue
4 – Entertainment 1
5 – Soundtrack/Music 0
6 – Gameplay 2
7 – Battle System
8– Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?


9 – How did you hear about the game?
Fucking everywhere.

10 – How old are you?
16 – 21

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

What didn't I hate about this game? It's easily one of the weakest entries into the series.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

The ending. It was finally over and I could go down a bottle of painkillers.

13 – How could the game have been improved?

By not releasing it.

14 – Extra comments (optional)

Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire

1-Storyline development 3
2-Graphics 5
3-Dialogue 3
4-Entertainment 1
5-Soundtrack/Music 3
6-Gameplay 4
7-Battle System 5

8- Are you likely to buy next Final Fantasy game?
I will buy any Final Fantasy game that's not online

9- How did you hear about the game?
Just happened to stumble in the door of the game shop the morning it was released

10-How old are you?

Please comment

11-What did you hate most about the game?
No town's to walk through and no game's to play

12- What did you enjoy most about the game?
Battle system and graphics

13-How could the game have been improved?
By adding town's and game's, a better storyline, and better transport.
– Storyline development


– Graphics


– Dialogue


– Entertainment


– Soundtrack/Music


– Gameplay


– Battle System


– Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?


9 – How did you hear about the game?


10 – How old are you?

16 – 21

Please comment
11 – What did you hate most about the game?

The writing and storytelling.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?


13 – How could the game have been improved?

Take the core values of the previous games, build on them and innovate. Also, get actual writers to write a decent story.

14 – Extra comments

This game requires no skill and doesn't offer anything new to the player. Instead of innovating and expanding on the core values like FFVII - FFXII the game took away many of the basic aspects that players expect in a game, especially a Final Fantasy title.
The story is abysmal and the dialogue is painful. Is it really that hard to find an -actual- writer that can write over there? Spare us the philosophical crap, we've seen it done better in other books/movies/games. Write a classic story in a fantasy setting and easy on the plot-holes. And if you're going to have -every- character bitching and moaning about their problems, then they better damn well be characters the player actually gives a fuck about.

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Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire

1-Storyline development 3.5
2-Graphics 5
3-Dialogue 4.5
4-Entertainment 5
5-Soundtrack/Music 5
6-Gameplay 4.5
7-Battle System 5

8- Are you likely to buy next Final Fantasy game?

9- How did you hear about the game?
somewhere online, i dont remember. first final fantasy game though.

10-How old are you?

Please comment

11-What did you hate most about the game?
no towns and way to linear ooh and Sazh.

12- What did you enjoy most about the game?
Graphics and Cutscenes :D

13-How could the game have been improved?
more Freedom earlier in the game, towns, and a more intriguing story.
Storyline development






Battle System

Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?
Yes (I'm hoping Versus will revive the franchise. If not I'm quitting on SE)

How did you hear about the game?

Like..all over

10 – How old are you?
16 – 21

Please comment

What did you hate most about the game?
Hmmm. This is hard. I guess what I hated the most was the battle system. It was a good way to upgrade the ATB gauge but many things were left out and it just disappointed me. I HATED mashing the X button on auto battle to the point where I just set it to abilities only so that there would be at least SOME strategy in the game besides paradigm shifting. I HATED the Eidolons. I loved the summon animations and what not but I rarely used them and there was only one per character. Plus they never really gave you any added bonuses and you couldn't swap them out with characters. Not fun at all... And don't get me started on the weapon upgrading and Items. Or the fact that there's no MP :(

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
The graphics....That's about it...

13 – How could the game have been improved?
More storyline depth (The heroes stories seem to be a bit rushed and they save the world in like a day or two :/). This game's musical scores were weak. They could have added more eidolons, less linearity, less obvious treasure chests, more monster variety in terms of looks, less moaning from Vanille, and at least a f****** town -__-

i) Storyline development - 2

ii) Graphics - 5

iii) Dialogue - 3

iv) Entertainment - 2

v) Soundtrack/music - 3

vi) Gameplay - 2

vii) Battle system - 3

viii) Are you likely to buy the next Final Fantasy? - no (if it's FFXIV).

ix) How did you hear about the game? - Internet

x) How old are you? - 16-21

xi) What did you hate most about the game?

Goodness, where do I start? Firstly, the whole game felt like a simple run through of pretty wallpaper-like locations (pretty graphics, and that's pretty much it. Each area was so shallow in content) fighting through a marathon of battles while wandering in a straight line to reach the next boss, cutscene or both. It offered little in the way of gameplay and little in the way of challenges until I tackled some sidequests. FFXIII to summarise, is just an impressive graphical display and it's rather disappointing to see what looks like SE sidelining gameplay with graphics and CGI. There were also many parts of the story that I found ridiculous or poorly done. And no towns of course. The world felt so lifeless at times.

xii) What did you enjoy most about the game?

I probably sound like a hypocrite here, but I'll say that the game has many pretty scenes even though I have spent much of the above paragraph telling SE off for paying too much focus on graphics. Not that the visuals are anywhere enough in making up for the game's shortcomings though. The battle system does deserve some praise despite its simplicity. It's a step up from FFXII's MMO-like style.

xiii) How could the game be improved?

So, so many ways. As Ashley Riot said, don't take out the core things that made FF good. Leave them in and tweak on them! Go back to the drawing board with the whole: "Oh! We couldn't make towns because that's too difficult on an HD console!" bullshit. If other developers from Level-5 to Bioware can do it, why can't SE? I didn't like the linearity, admittedly even though I tried to. Even Pulse disappointed me. And I'm glad Versus looks like it's taking a different direction.

xiv) Extra comments

OK, FFXIII wasn't entirely shit in my opinion, but it's certainly far from the best. The story is like marmite to me. There are sections I love to bits and others where I feel like breaking something while enduring them. The storytelling really isn't the best. In fact, this style of storytelling I have seen many times before. It still retains too much clichés. If you haven't tried the game yet, get it cheap, then see if you like it or hate it. It's a different style of a FF game and a strategy that isn't really successful.
Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development: 1
2 – Graphics: 4
3 – Dialogue: 2
4 – Entertainment: 1
5 – Soundtrack/Music: -5. And I'm being kind.
6 – Gameplay: 3
7 – Battle System: 2
8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?: Yes...
9 – How did you hear about the game?: Internet
10 – How old are you? 16 - 21

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?
The absolutely terrible excuse for soundtrack and voice acting.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
The Sunleth Waterscape.

13 – How could the game have been improved?
1) They could have had a proper villain in it
2) The gameplay could have consisted of more than just running in a straight line and pressing one button
3) Hired better voice actors and let someone competent compose the score
4) Kept Toriyama out of the project entirely
5) Made the female lead an original character, and not just Cloud Strife with pink hair and breasts.
6) Not had that stupid Crystarium cap in play so we could play the game at our own pace.
7) Removed Hope Estheim entirely.
8) Implemented a proper learning curve.

14 – Extra comments (optional)
1 – Storyline development: 4
2 – Graphics: 5
3 – Dialogue: 4
4 – Entertainment: 5
5 – Soundtrack/Music: 4
6 – Gameplay: 4
7 – Battle System: 4
8– Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

9 – How did you hear about the game?
Word of mouth.

10 – How old are you?
16 – 21

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?
It was too unconventional to what I like. Take the magic system for example.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
The graphics were really good.

13 – How could the game have been improved?
It needed to be less linear.
Yo guys, can you fill out thjis questionaire for me please

Cheers :)

Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development

1 2 3 4 5

2 – Graphics

1 2 3 4 5

3 – Dialogue

1 2 3 4 5

4 – Entertainment

1 2 3 4 5

5 – Soundtrack/Music

1 2 3 4 5

6 – Gameplay

1 2 3 4 5

7 – Battle System

1 2 3 4 5

8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

Yes No

9 – How did you hear about the game?

Friend Magazine Internet Newspaper Others

10 – How old are you?

0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 21 22 – 30 31+

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

13 – How could the game have been improved?

14 – Extra comments (optional)

1. 1
2. 5
3. 2
4. 2
5. 4
6. 3
7. 3
8. Yes.
9. Internet.
10. 22-30
11. The storyline completely bored me.
12. Graphics. This game looks stunning on a HDTV.
13. A better story. One that actually holds my interest someone and makes me want to finish the game with out having to force myself to do it.
14. This game is so not worth the $60 I payed for it.
1 – Storyline development: 4
2 – Graphics: 5 (best graphics for the PS3 easily)

3 – Dialogue: 3
4 – Entertainment: 3
5 – Soundtrack/Music: 4 I don't think its as good as past FF's but still amazing and sounds better than normal games at least!
6 – Gameplay: 3
7 – Battle System: 3
8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game? obviosly
9 – How did you hear about the game?:forgot :mokken:
10 – How old are you? 22 - 30

11 – What did you hate most about the game?
The kiddie scenes and characters (e.g. Vanille) :rage: SE your core audience has grown up!! we are not kids leave the kiddines in kingdom hearts!

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

The story easily...........even though it's not well told it's very understandable IF you read the datalog. And also the characters were really and really bad.........really good:Sazh,Lightning and Fang really bad:Vanille and Snow ok:Hope
13 – How could the game have been improved?
Get rid of the kiddie scenes and kids,new voice for vanille.........more freedom and towns as well.........also I think I'm the first to say this but why aren't the weapons a bit fucked up. for example,I obtained the gladius and used that all the way through the game which I aquired at an early stage.........normally you aquire shit ones (well good at the time) and then find better ones as you go along.
Storyline development 3





3 (can I say 3.5?)

Battle System

Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

Yes (Well, it varies - the one after FFXIII is FFXIV, and that's an MMORPG that doesn't interest me, but Versus, Agito, Duodecim do)

How did you hear about the game?

(everything's on the net now :wacky: )

How old are you?
22 – 30 31+

Please comment

What did you hate most about the game?
I was annoyed at the post-battle rating system. The longer you take in battle, the lower your score, and lowers the chance for items and such. I dunno why people say the game is easy. I had a lot of difficulty with it, and thus I often spent a long time in battles giving me unfavourable results.

And I hated how hard this game can be at times. Of course I wouldn't want an easy game, but I throw my controller a couple of times. Maybe I'm a light weight compared to others, but this is one of the hardest FF games I've ever played.

As well, while I enjoyed the battle system, there isn't a lot of room for variation, although arguably that's the same for past FF games, so meh *shrugs*

I also didn't like how the game gives you occasional limits with the Crystarium. I wanna level up as much as I want, when I want. The fact that everyone got the same experience helped, but still annoying :/

The weapon's upgrade was also very vague. The basic idea of using one material as a multiplier and others to give experience didn't bug me much, but there was room to screw up a lot, so I basically leveled up one weapon for each character and didn't glance at the others you get in the game.

I also...really didn't like Vanille's mannerisms. I thought she was a great character and her English VA wasn't even bad, but just the squeeing, giggling and orgasmic cries in battles was hard to ignore. Her happy-go-lucky attitude didn't bother me given it was set-up for her character development, but her...mannerisms...

Also, the game's ridiculously cheesy. Seriously, I was face-palming so much. A part of me liked it, but damn, even Kingdom Hearts with the focal theme of friendship never got as cheesy as FFXIII :lew:

I didn't hate the story, but I hate how the awesome potential in the game didn't get fulfilled. The story could have been so much more, but for some reason it's not, so it does kind of leave a fickle yearning feeling. I also find myself confused at times.

What did you enjoy most about the game?
The characters were awesome in my opinion. I have too much to say about each character, but over-all I was really happy with them. I will give special mention to Hope though. I can't understand why people hate him. He's was a 14 year-old kid from Cocoon (with the same mindset) that got thrown into a mess for no reason other than bad timing. I found his character development and just him over-all pretty realistic.

Along with the individual characters, I thought the interactions were awesome. The "pairings" in the first half were interesting and entertaining choices. Adding on top of that, I liked playing through the different POVs in the beginning, like FFIX had.

Visuals are arguably the main worked on part of the game, so at the very least, they were amazing. The scenery and character were really detailed, and vantage points were so far and reaching.

And I loved the music so much. I thought it matched well to the game environment and story scenes. Not to mention I thought the voice acting was top-notch like past voiced FF games.

The battle system was an interesting twist on the command style sans turn-based and I liked the fast pace it had going for it. Would I have liked to control all my characters? Sure, but the gameplay demands simultaneous actions from everyone to survive, so meh.

How could the game have been improved?

It shouldn't have been announced until a week before a simultaneous worldwide release, and should've stayed as PS3-only game with both English and Japanese audio and subs.


Okay, okay, seriously....

The story could've been fleshed out better. As I mentioned, the potential for something awesome is there, but it didn't quite make it to 100%. I understood why the story is set up the way it is with the pacing and constant on-the-run feel, but I wished there was more filler stuff to transitions some parts. And again, I found some parts too confusing and vague, even the friggin' ending. The somewhat bittersweet ending was fine by me, but the game has a very movie-like ending. I think a proper epilogue would've been a better fit.

Not to mention, I much prefer that "post-game" hunts were available within the game time frame along with no limits to the Crystarium. I wouldn't have minded going back to some locations too. Heck, I think a NewGame+ would've been a better fit than post-game hunts.

The weapon-upgrade should've been a little more clearer too.

Extra comments (optional)
I've read countless rants, flames, and bashing against FFXIII, but I dunno what to say. Despite my remarks, over-all I liked it. I, a person who liked the prior FF games, managed to like FFXIII, somehow. I know, it's a boggling mystery since many fans of the series weren't happy with FFXIII, yet I was.

(This took way longer to type out than it should have xD)
1 – Storyline development 3
2 – Graphics 5
3 – Dialogue 34 – Entertainment 3
5 – Soundtrack/Music 5
6 – Gameplay 3
7 – Battle System 5
8– Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?Depends, knowing me i most likely will

9 – How did you hear about the game? Saw the trailer..... I normally keep up to date with Square enix stuff

10 – How old are you? 16

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

Hmm. the fact that the main pattern of the game was long cutscene, long dungeon, boss and continue.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

The battle system was quite fun

13 – How could the game have been improved?

Adding more free explore.
1 – Storyline development 2
2 – Graphics 5
3 – Dialogue 1
4 – Entertainment 2.5
5 – Soundtrack/Music 5
6 – Gameplay 3
7 – Battle System 3
8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game? yes
9 – How did you hear about the game? internet, tv commercials
10 – How old are you? 27

Please comment
11 – What did you hate most about the game? linearity, lack of side quests, horrid character development (as in crystarium), where are the npcs?, what happened to the towns? and equipment upgrading sucked, why are roles so limited (how come you can't you heal in roles other than medic, or fight as medic) why are you limited to 6 paradigms?

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game? graphics, music

13 – How could the game have been improved? see11

14 – Extra comments (optional)

This game was all about the sizzle, and not the steak. Great graphics and music but terrible actual play, story, and rpg stuff.
Yay! My first FF based Questionnaire that I am partaking in 8D

Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development: 2

2 – Graphics: 5

3 – Dialogue: 3

4 – Entertainment: 3

5 – Soundtrack/Music: 1 (There was a soundtrack?)

6 – Gameplay: 4

7 – Battle System: 4

8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game? No

9 – How did you hear about the game? Internet and such.

10 – How old are you? 21

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game? The story drawing power was seriously lacking. It was unable to get me hooked from the get-go.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game? The graphics were killer. It looked fantastic.

13 – How could the game have been improved? I would've preferred being able to play as everyone on my team in the battle and just an overall better way at telling the story, also the dialog on some of the characters could have been improved.
Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development


2 – Graphics


3 – Dialogue


4 – Entertainment


5 – Soundtrack/Music


6 – Gameplay


7 – Battle System


8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?


9 – How did you hear about the game?


10 – How old are you?

11 – 15

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

Too linear, it felt too short and isolated.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
The visuals, storyline and the gameplay.

13 – How could the game have been improved?
Less linear, more areas that are vital to the storyline, longer story, more dynamic battle sequences that are more "Advent Children"-like, which is what Square wanted in the first place.

14 – Extra comments (optional)
The game was great and deserves a good 8.5/10 from me.

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Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development

1 2 3 4 5

2 – Graphics

1 2 3 4 5

3 – Dialogue

1 2 3 4 5

4 – Entertainment

1 2 3 4 5

5 – Soundtrack/Music

1 2 3 4 5

6 – Gameplay

1 2 3 4 5

7 – Battle System

1 2 3 4 5

8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

Yes No

9 – How did you hear about the game?

Friend Magazine Internet Newspaper Others

10 – How old are you?

0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 21 22 – 30 31+

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?
That it ended.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?

13 – How could the game have been improved?
Better plot

14 – Extra comments (optional)
All the male PCs were sissies.
Storyline development






Battle System

Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?
-Depends on what the "next one" is.

9 – How did you hear about the game?

10 – How old are you?

16 – 21 +

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

Linear, dull characters, linear, poorly told story, linear, stupid AI, and of course linear.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?


13 – How could the game have been improved?
World Map, characters and a story that don't suck, complete control over party members, a gameplay/battle system that isn't linear, and side quests that are actually worth my time.
Final Fantasy 13 Questionnaire
Rate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development

2 – Graphics

3 – Dialogue

4 – Entertainment

5 – Soundtrack/Music

6 – Gameplay

7 – Battle System

8 – Are you likely to by next Final Fantasy game?

9 – How did you hear about the game?


10 – How old are you?
16 – 21

Please comment

11 – What did you hate most about the game?
Camera control can be awkward, and hallway like maps.
Other than those two... and Vannile, I love the game!

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
Battle System

13 – How could the game have been improved?
Better mapping and easier camera control

14 – Extra comments (optional)
Excellent game and the best way to break into the Next-Gen consoles. Looking forward to versus
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Final Fantasy 13 QuestionnaireRate from 1-5 stars by ticking through the stars shown please

1 – Storyline development



2 – Graphics



3 – Dialogue



4 – Entertainment



5 – Soundtrack/Music



6 – Gameplay



7 – Battle System



8 – Are you likely to buy the next Final Fantasy game?

9 – How did you hear about the game? internet, common sense.

10 – How old are you? 21

11 – What did you hate most about the game?

I didn't really like the linear-ness of the game. But I hate the post-game the most.

12 – What did you enjoy most about the game?
The story and the battle system.

13 – How could the game have been improved?
Make it more free.

14 – Extra comments (optional)
I really loved this game. A lot of people don't but I do. <3