FF13 Turn play or Roam play

Turn Play or Roam Play?

  • Turn Play

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Roam Play

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Don't care as long as it comes out soon >=)

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters


Sep 30, 2008
Ok, some people don't like final fantasy because its turn played.
When i say turn played i mean like 1 person attacks and goes back to his platform he was on then the enemy attacks and the same thing happens.

What would you rather prefer?
Fight by attacking by turns(turn play)?
Or Roaming around where ever you want around the enemys and attacking(roam play)?
XIII isn't going to be like the old style fighting, I think anyway. That, and no random battles included. I prefer a bit of both, but ultimately, free roaming i love.
It doesn't really matter, I guess. Both are really fun, although roam play do add a bit more substance to the battles. Turn-based is one of those features that a lot of players love simply because I think it's the more classic way of playing an RPG game and some don't like any changes. But roam play can have its appeal too, most definitely. So either one, I don't mind.
I'd prefer turn play but that's just me. I'm not that big a fan of roaming in Final Fantasy, but hopefully they introduce a new system which somehow manages to blend the two.
I'd much prefer turn based, since it's a system I've grown to love with Final Fantasy, and it's much easier to pick up, and adapt to, a turn based system, rather than a roam based system. It's nicer having a turn based system, because then you have more direct control over all the characters in your party. I'd like it if they could blend the two though, then it would be orgasmic.
I could have sworn on my life that when some guy from SE was interviewed they said that it would basically be like XII's, HOWEVER, a huge amount of tweaking would be do as well as things added etc. And I know for definite that they said it would be hugely sped up so it had a faster pace to it.

I'm not 100% certain on the first part but I'm pretty sure.
One of my favorite type of battle system is the type where you walk into an enemy that you can see, and it brings you to the battle screen. That was you can still have the turn based system, but you can dodge enemies if you choose to do so.
One of my favorite type of battle system is the type where you walk into an enemy that you can see, and it brings you to the battle screen. That was you can still have the turn based system, but you can dodge enemies if you choose to do so.

That would suit me down to the ground, I loved the freedom XII gave me but I also preferred the turn based battles because XII's battle system was just to fast and uninvolvng for me

So that would be great, although, if what Merc says is true I aint holding my breath -__-
Judging from one of the videos I saw, I think it's kind of both. Looks as if you go into a battle screen, but from there it's a free roam sort've fight. If that makes sense?

Unless the video was of a cutscene, can't really remember now. Will try and find it.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6fnFOZdB5g

Battle system is ADB - Active Dimension Battle. Interesting....
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Okay, the roam play battles were one of the only things about XII that I didn't like. However, seeing that the majority of the designing team (i.e: Sakaguchi, Uematsu, and Amano) have basically moved on and left a new group in charge, it looks like roam may be the way of the future.

What I don't understand is why they couldn't stick with a key element that brought them success.

I guess it's the way of the future...
I wasnt that keen on ffxii's game play but i never gave the game a chance, So hoping its not like that or ill force myself to give it a chance!
I stumbled upon a preview yesterday in my PSM3 magazine which confirmed that FFXIII’s battle-system will be turn-based style – not real-time. I’m not entirely sure whether this means that random-battles will return, or whether it will keep the free-roaming-nature of FFXII. Personally, I hope that random-battles make a come-back. They rock!
I doubt they will come back? How long can you keep the same system without making any significant changes for years on end? It's got to appeal to new audiences as well as old, so changes like the old random battles etc kinda nead tweaking or removing. Yeah, I like the old style battling, I like the whole random battles, but I'm not the only one that's been waiting years for something new to play with.

I wouldn't like to see random battles in XIII, I think those days are past with newer titles. Maybe have it free roaming, where enemies come towards, but then into a battle screen - I don't know. A system like XII's where enemies come towards you makes things so much more exciting, I can't get enough to be honest!

And btw....setting your characters on Gambits and then leaving them to it, doesn't work, always. It's not a 100% thing dear. People can get really smart doing that, think they'll be A-ok, but they go out of a room, come back - Oh, what's this? Game Over! Ya, it happens. I don't always count on Gambits because anything could happen.
I honestly like the turn based style a lot better. But I really don't care. I just want a good story and I want to play it soon. :)
i would rather have a roam-based system such as the one they had in 12. as much as i love the classic turn-based system, i think that as gamers we've evolved enough to use the roam-based system to its fullest potential, and even though it takes some time to get used to, it really isn't that difficult to master.
Well with each new Final Fantasy game brings different play styles to the combat system. Honestly I hope to god there is no AI as much as there was in FFXII. I didn't mind the "newness" of it, but it took away from the... difficulty overall.

As for Roam Play and Turn Based, well I've seen it and played it all. Rpgs have change with each 5 years. I liked the ability to dodge monsters in FFXII, it was something refreshing to not have to deal with repetitive battle sequences. I hated running into 20million marlboros in VII, when only one could kill you if you didn't have the right materia or ribbons. It might take away from the difficulty, but hey the basis of an RPG is the story line really.

Who wants to play an RPG with an amazing combat system, but a terrible story line? Might as well pick up a first person shooter in that case.

SO Roam based it is.
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The problem with FFXII’s combat system was that you could just walk around killing monsters without pressing a single button and after a while that just became tiresome. FFVII’s battle-system worked wonderfully, so why change it? Keep with what works.
..Like I've said, there's only so much you can do with one battle system, in the end, you're just going to run out of ideas, so you kinda have to find new ways of battling.

I see complaints about how XII's battle system didn't need any work in it, and you could set your controller down and walk away, but when it comes to other battle systems, well, people tend to use the same moves over and over, unless it comes to a particular boss battle which needs strategy.

XII just gives you that option to do it without pressing buttons continuously, but it's not 100% guaranteed winning tactic.