FF13 Turn play or Roam play

Turn Play or Roam Play?

  • Turn Play

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Roam Play

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Don't care as long as it comes out soon >=)

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
One of my favorite type of battle system is the type where you walk into an enemy that you can see, and it brings you to the battle screen. That was you can still have the turn based system, but you can dodge enemies if you choose to do so.

Ah yes, Tales of Symphonia used a system very much like this one, it worked pretty well to be honest, but I think it might seem a little bit like a step backwards as far as the higher-ups at SE are concerned.

That said, I would love it to be just like old FF games with the random battles and turn based play.
I would prefer XIII to have roam-based play. The turn-based play, while fun, has seen it's day in my opinion, and I think they should move on with what they started in XII. I thought the gameply in it was a lot more fun that the turn-based, which is why I still re-play XII from time to time. If the creators could take the overall concept of that and improve on it and make it more challenging than most people seem to think it was, XIII would be an awesome game.
Deciding whether to make the game Turn Play or Roam Play seems like a Lose-Lose situation to me. Some fans preferred the chance to fight whilst on the field, whilst some...well, didn't. I can't decide myself. I would like both because though FFXII was a nice change, it didn't feel like an FF at times, but I suppose that wasn't really the battle system's fault.

Hmm...I dunno. I'll just say that I don't care.
Ahh this is a hard one!!... in the new ff13 trailer it seems to be alot like 12 BUT if any of you have played 12 you would know that its kinda slow.. this seems more fast paced and it seems to have them triggers ( if thats what there called ) from kingdom hearts 2 where you have to press certain buttons. Overall id prefer a more fast paced fighting game.. i hope this redeems the final fantasy status tbh.. im only getin around to playing 12 again ( i put it down first time ) and i dont think its THAT bad.. hopefully it does own :D
I prefer roaming. Turn based feels too stilted, and the arrangement of the characters kinda kills the atmosphere of battle for me these days. I liked turn based when there was no other option, but with this current generation of consoles there's no excuse for it. Gameplay needs to be brought up for the same standard as cut scenes to provide more seamless entertainment, and that means having all the characers politely lined up doesn't cut it anymore. Besides, roam play brings with it a new level of strategy, with approaching characters from different directions etc. It'd be nice to blend the two though, so the basic element of turn based is there while keeping a fluid battle system.
I'm growing to detest the ATB system and have shifted my admiration for the battle systems reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts. While both XII and VII:CC resemble this set-up, I despise the lack of the jumping capabilities and hope that we'll be able to do so in XIII, as the trailers would suggest.
It's gotta be Roam Play for me the Turn Play is just getting a bit to dull for me but if the fightings anything like what we've seen in the trailer it will be pretty darn awesome.
I really hop that it is something like this:
You can roam freely but as in FFXII you can see enemies, but you can either try to dodge them or if you get to close it draws you into a fight with them that you can't escape but you can still move around.
But then again turn based would be so much better with the great graphics....
I love the freedom FFXII gave with roaming around and choosing who you wanted to battle with when and where. If you were just trying to get somewhere, you could easily run by all those annoying time-consuming battles against Cockatrices or whatever seemed to be pulling towards you like a magnet.

Free-roam FTW!
Turn Base Or Free Roaming.. Doesn't Matter.

But I Hope They Atleast Keep Making Turn Based Final Fantasies..

They Way They DOing Final Fantasy XIII & Final Fantasy Verses XIII - They Can Make Final Fantasy XIV With Another Version Of Final Fantasy XIV -> One is A Free Roaming Game, The ther Is Turn Based, That Can Be A Seperate Story, Or Incorperaste Into The Other Version..