FF3 on DS... How do I revive my characters?

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Don't you have any phoenix downs......?

Is this one of those were you have to go to like a church thing to revive your characters? Im sure there was an FF like that..... >_<
Ever heard of a phoenix down? In every ff game phoenix downs revive your characters and try saving at a save point I am not sure you will get healed though.
Yes, I have heard of Phoenix downs, I was just used to being revived in the inn because I have only played FF4 before now.
In most towns and some temples there are springs. Some of them replenish HP and MP, and the other revives KO'd characters! If you're near one of those, level up nearby and if a character gets KO'd, just revive them at the spring!
Saves phoenix down's, too!

Hope that helped :)
Yeah, if you go to the first village, there are both springs there. There is a revive one in the third village. If you're further than that I swear that you should have raise or enough gil to buy a phoenix down.
Inns are only useful for replenishing your HP/MP, so as mentioned above you're better off making the trek to springs/fountains. Not only are they more useful, they're a little bit more 'free'. ;D
Whilst, yes fountains are free you can't exactly say that inns are expensive. They don't revive people but sometimes you don't want to revive your characters. But anyway. Beat like 5 monsters and you'll get enough for a night at the inn!
Keep your eye out for the Springs like someone stated previously. You will find a few Phoenix Downs early in the game, but they are few and far between until you get farther into the game.

Just make sure that you have a healthy supply of Potions in your inventory when you are about to go out into the World map or into a place infested with monsters and possibly a boss battle. Stock up. It won't hurt.