Ff6 Vs Ff7


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Ok Many people say that FF6 is a great FF game - perhaps the best one in the series - However you know the score - Many many MANY people Say that FF7 is the greatest one ever.

Which one do you think?

I personaly have to go with FF7, the storyline, the villain and the characters were - for me - better than FF6s.

The storyline is better because its so complicated and is still being debated about today - nearly ten years after its initial release.

The villain - Although Sephiroth has far too many fanboys/Fangirls for his own good - Kefka has just as many - If not more which has extremly over-rated him

The characters - Although Character development in 6 is indeed imense - there are simply TOO many characters to choose from. Whereas in 7 there are 9 characters perfectly balanced and developed - and also FF7 has the three most debated about Characters in any Video Game EVER - Cloud, Aeris And Tifa.

Edit - Ok now my pc has spazzed TWICE - its simply not letting me post any polls on any thread so if any mod sees this or anyone who CAN put a thread on here - or anyone who can tell me how to add one lol - the poll was going to be :


Dont Make Me Choose *Cry*
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The reason FFVII is so popular is because when Sony was first introducing the Playstation they used FFVII to bring up their sales, because of the Final Fantasy popularity. FFVII was very well done graphically for it's time, but those who knew Final Fantasy from the very beginning were not impressed with it. Why? Because to be a true Final Fantasy fan you do not need graphics. You need a good story and setting. Final Fantasy, up until VII, were "fantasy". FFVII is more "sci-fi". Most people started play Final Fantasy with VII and that is why it became so popular. You never want to admit that the first Final Fantasy that got you hooked isn't as good as the others. I admit, I'm still very attatched to FFIV and think it's the best ONLY because it was my first. When I really stop and think about it VI had a better story with more in depth characters and it kept the "fantasy" element that makes us truely feel that it's a Final Fantasy. Everything about that game was amazing, and I will leave graphics out of it because at that time graphics didn't mean as much to gamers. Another thing I want to note, FFIX did better than FFVII did in Japan. The Japanese didn't like FFVII as well as the American's becase Square Enix focused more on marketing it for the US than Japan.
(There is my rant about why FFVI is better) ^_^
I like FF VII more. Not only because it is the first FF game I played, it brought so many new elements. Although FF IV is more revolutionary then VII...VII takes the cake on this topic.
I like VII more definitely. I mean, I haven't finished VI yet, but I already know that VII will remain to be on top for me.
I like VII more definitely. I mean, I haven't finished VI yet, but I already know that VII will remain to be on top for me.

That's because you played FFVII before you played FFVI. That is the reason you like it more.
I played FFVI prior to FFVII, but VII is still my favorite. I don't remember which FF was my first, but I played I, IV, and VI before playing VII. VII's story was deep, which VI couldn't really do because it had to be super kiddie friendly for the SNES. And 3-D was very nice. If VI would have been on the PS, it may have been better than VII, but it wasn't, so I have to vote FFVII :)
The reason FFVII is so popular is because when Sony was first introducing the Playstation they used FFVII to bring up their sales, because of the Final Fantasy popularity. FFVII was very well done graphically for it's time, but those who knew Final Fantasy from the very beginning were not impressed with it. Why? Because to be a true Final Fantasy fan you do not need graphics. You need a good story and setting. Final Fantasy, up until VII, were "fantasy". FFVII is more "sci-fi". Most people started play Final Fantasy with VII and that is why it became so popular. You never want to admit that the first Final Fantasy that got you hooked isn't as good as the others. I admit, I'm still very attatched to FFIV and think it's the best ONLY because it was my first. When I really stop and think about it VI had a better story with more in depth characters and it kept the "fantasy" element that makes us truely feel that it's a Final Fantasy. Everything about that game was amazing, and I will leave graphics out of it because at that time graphics didn't mean as much to gamers. Another thing I want to note, FFIX did better than FFVII did in Japan. The Japanese didn't like FFVII as well as the American's becase Square Enix focused more on marketing it for the US than Japan.
(There is my rant about why FFVI is better) ^_^

Anything I could have possibly said was just said here. Kudos, MK.
VI. VII is close after it though. I cared about all of the characters in VI and I liked the storyline better. And fantasy is my favorite genre. VII was more sci-fi, but I still loved it.

IV will always be my favorite, but I feel that VI has the best storyline and characters of the entire series.

Perhaps VII and VIII should have been called Final Sci-fi? Although that sounds kind of stupid.
That's because you played FFVII before you played FFVI. That is the reason you like it more.

That could be true. I really don't know the reason why. But then again, even if I did play VI first, I'd probably still pick VII as one of the best game (I have many favorites) I've played. The storyline and characters are just memorable for me.

Now, I must admit, I also love VIII and even to this day, I don't know which I like more...VII or VIII. Some days I'm leaning towards VII, other days it's VIII. And I played VII before VIII...so I don't really think it has nothing to do with the order in which I play the games. >.<

Now, I bought VI as well because I've heard so many good reviews about it. So I wanted to try it out. So far, so good, in fact.
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VI of course. None of the characters annoy me, well Terra is an exception, Kefka, despite me hating the twat, is a much better villain then Sephiroth. This game had interesting sidequests, much more interesting then VII.

One thing I may mention is when you are in the WoR in VI - say you are flying around in your airship - you could be at anytime, attacked a very tough enemy. YOU COULDNT EVEN SEE HIM AT ALL!

Always used to be nervous, but in a good way.

I also liked how you could choose to have a certain amount of characters in your game after WoR - that was pretty unique.

FFVII does not have a perfect cast of characters. Cept Cid and Red maybe, Barret also.

VII is a awesome game but i think that personally VI is better becuase i think it had a better story line then VII. VII was awesome and it was the first one that i played but i still think VI is better. i do agree with Miaku Kitty, VI was the last one to come out that was truly a "fantasy".the rest seem more life like. (that is my rant on the battle)
Another reason why I prefer VI to VII. In VII, it was mainly Cloud's story and to some extent Aeris's. In VI it was EVERYONE'S story.
I love both of these gaems, but it has to go to FFVII for the win. FFVI has great characters, villain, and a plotline, but what FFVII has gone beyond and done just is amazing. It is a legendary game in almost every aspect of gaming genres.
Yes you can compare them, 2D or 3D doesn't come into it when you are comparing two games of the same genre. If it was Half-Life and FFVII we were comparing then that'll make little sense at all.

Half-Life > FFVII for the record btw.