FF7 - Bad News

Ok ok, we're not in here talking about Mario 3...

Keep it on-topic guys. Thanks.
I think I'm gonna have to LOL at Nanaki's first post thar.

Honestly, sitting down and playing a game with your old gaming buds when you're 24? Don't you think they'll probably have more responsibilities and maybe even live a long way out of your area?

As for the topic, I couldn't care less. It's so annoying to me when ever I look around to wipe my ass, it's "FFVII here, FFVII there, FFVII this, and FFVII that." Next thing you know they'll make Cloud toilet paper so I can wipe my arse with his face. XD

That's something to look foward to.^_^

I would definitely buy.
They are working in, FF Dissidia, FFIV Remake, The Last Remant, etc. Not only two projects, as you can see.

FFIV is hardly 'projects'. It's just polishing up a game and porting it. FF Dissidia is a part of the project. 'The Last Remnant' is a new game from what i see, so alright, i'll give you that..

There is due to be 6? Where did you heard that. Give me the source please.

There is due to be 6, same as in the Fabula Nova Crystallis Project..

FFXI games, FF Dissidia, FFIV Remake, etc, don't have anything to do with FFVII or FFXIII, and SE is making them right now.

Yes it does..........

''Rumors of a "Final Fantasy All-Stars" game for PSP that would unite various FF heroes have been brewing for over a year, but few expected them to materialize as a one-on-one fighting game to commemorate the series' 20th anniversary. But then again, the pugilism genre isn't alien to Square Enix: several successful efforts (Tobal, Bushido Blade, Ehrgeiz) stand proudly in the publisher's history.

A brief Dissidia trailer shown at the Square Enix Party 2007 convention in Japan showed a mix of slick CG cut-scenes and real-time fighting action in the vein of Taito's Psychic Force series. As in those games, Dissidia's core mechanics appear to involve characters flying around 3D battlefields while engaging in over-the-top fisticuffs and dazzling displays of magical prowess. Only a handful of characters appeared in the clip, among them FFIV heroes Kain and Cecil, FFIX's Zidane and Kuja, and uberpopular FFVII bad-boy Sephiroth.

It's tough to say much about the game's visual quality based on this insubstantial teaser. While the clips didn't quite match up to Crisis Core's impressive visual standard, they definitely looked good for PSP, and Tetsuya Nomura's redesigned character models even managed to make FFIX's characters more palatable.

We'll return with more on the game as soon as we're able to track down some solid information and visuals.''

This is in 10 years time? Who said that?

I say in 10 years time FF7 could be remade. That bit isn't a fact, but if you read between the lines, Sqaure-Enix said a game wont come out for 10 years. The FF7 project ends in 10 years, meaning that would be their last game...

Sorry, but it explains you don't know much about what you are talking.
SE is divided in many groups. Each group work in a diferent game/movie/whatever. Because of that, they can create many games in the same time, without any problem. A group will work in FFXIII for 10 years, another will work in FFVII, and another group will work in other games(other FFs or not) during these 10 years.

I dont know what i'm talking about?????? hahaha. now that's just disrespectful. I won't give you the latest info if you're gonna be so angry to not believe it.
Do you have links to prove these theories you keep coming up with?
I remember reading something on this. It wasn't actually stated that the remake will be in 2017 but it did say that the Fabula Novas Crystallis was suppose to last up until the 20th Anniversary of FFVII. I can't remember if it mentioned about FFVII remake but I did get a hunch that this might happen. I really hope it isn't true because 10 years is a long time. I have no idea where I will be in 10 years, hopefully not dead. :D
Regarding the original comments about people fearing they will lose interest in their 20's...

I'm 26 now, and although you never lose the love of playing video games, you do get much less time to play as you get older because of work and various other commitments. I hammered FF games to death between the ages of 19-22 because I was a university student and had all the time in the world to sit down and play. These days it's a lot harder. I'll never ever be in the position of not owning a console however. Those little windows where I get to play for a couple of hours here and there still mean a hell of a lot to me.
Golly there's nothing I like more than being a n00b
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FFIV is hardly 'projects'. It's just polishing up a game and porting it. FF Dissidia is a part of the project. 'The Last Remnant' is a new game from what i see, so alright, i'll give you that..

FFIV is a remake in 3D graphics with probably new dungeons and new side-quests(like SE allways does in remakes). It's a new project.
FF Dissidia is not part of the project. It's not a sequel or prequel of FFIV or another game of the series, it's a new game, a new project.
And the Last Remant, and FFXI games are diferent projects. Like i said, not only two projects.

There is due to be 6, same as in the Fabula Nova Crystallis Project..

There is due to be 6? Where did you heard that. Give me the source please.

Yes it does..........

No, it doesn't. Dissidia is a diferent game than the other FFs. It have all the characters, but the story isn't conected with the other games. For example, in FFXIII the characters will not talk about what happened in Dissidia, because it's not a prequel or sequel to FFXIII(or the other FF games). It's a diferent story, separated from the other games. A new project of SE.

I say in 10 years time FF7 could be remade. That bit isn't a fact, but if you read between the lines, Sqaure-Enix said a game wont come out for 10 years. The FF7 project ends in 10 years, meaning that would be their last game...

The FFVII Compilation will last 10 years. That means during this time, they will be creating new games in the FFVII universe. SE can remake the game during these 10 years, but we don't know when they will do that OR if they will do that. For all we know, they can begin to remake it in the end of this year, after Crisis Core is released.

I dont know what i'm talking about?????? hahaha. now that's just disrespectful. I won't give you the latest info if you're gonna be so angry to not believe it.

I'm sorry if i'm being direspectful, but is annoying when someone present his/her own opinion as a fact. You said you will not give me "the latest info"? Your "info" is just your opinion. You cannot even give a source to prove what you are saying. And you are presenting wrong information about FF and SE. Sorry, but i don't need your "latest info".

What you are doing here, is spreading misinformation. Please, stop it.

i've gathered it from many sources. i wouldn't lie about a series i love.

Sorry, but things don't work this way in the internet. If you want people to believe in you, you have to give a source. And a good one.
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You guys better chill the hell out in this topic...

I've soft deleted the last 2 pages of bickering and flaming. Don't continue it. Nanaki, you've been warned and infracted for telling off another member. You have NO right to do that. I DO NOT want to see that here again.

State your opinions and respect the opinions of others.
State your opinions and respect the opinions of others.

I'm sorry BustaMo, but it's hard to respect the opinion of others, when they state them like facts. And this is exactly what Shyne is doing here.
And the worst part, is that some people believed her. She is spreading misinformation, and people are believing in it.


FFVII will NOT be released in 2017, because SE didn't even say IF they will remake it.

SE have many diferent teams. Each one of them work in a diferent project. We have: FFXIII project, FFVII project, FFXI project, The Last Remant project, and many more.

And SE never said how many games the FFVII Compilation will have.

That's all.
thank you for interviening BustaMo .

I apologise to you 'The Crystal' for coming across harsh but you really did annoy me with constant denial of every word i said, it was like you wanted to argue.

So lets call it a day and QUIT arguing!!! we all want the same thing anyway, a re-make of FF7 :D

Cya all later..
As much as I would like a remake are you all not jumping ahead of yourselves, I thought Square already said "NO" this like a millenia ago.

They never said "NO".

The last interview with SE:

-- The voices of those longing for an FF7 Remake are really loud, what do think about it?

Nomura: Overseas they ask "Are you working on an FF7 Remake right now?" but that comes from nothing but rumors, I'm sorry to say it but we're not working on it.

Kitase: But the staff who're working on FF13 ask, "Why hasn't the company started on it?," also many people say "I'm an FF7 Fan so, I'd like to work on 7."

Nomura: We know that it's natural for all of the fans and us to remain hopeful, and we're continuing to think about various options. As long as there are people who say "I want to make it" or people who say "I will wait for it," we won't say that "It's over."

Tabata: I'm really hoping for a remake myself, so I'll push Nomura and Kitase to do it. (Laughs)

Thanks to Schala-Kitty of AC.Net
Also I'd like to assure many who read this topic and other topics like it, to please share your sources with links to where you gain your information. If it's Wikipedia, try to find out what source they got it from. It helps cut down on the fighting, arguing, and forum bickering. :)
by that time we'll be able to travel inside the game and fight the monsters ourselves.
First off I don't really understand why everyone would get so worked up, on this wikepedia source?! This place is a proven misinformate for almost anything. And wouldn't you go to a square enix site or something relevant. And it doesn't even matter most release dates are unreliable any way so why don't we all wait for some RELIABLE INFO mm kay....;)