Crisis Core FF7 Confirmed? Crisis Core Spoiler...!!!


Apr 6, 2007
United Kingdom







When you have completed FF7 Crisis Core You get the PS3 'Tech Demo' and then the added screen; 'to be continued in FF7'.

It seems to me, that Square-Enix are slowly confirming FF7.

Good news. 'The best is yet to come' apparantly.


I've ordered my Limited Edition PSP from eBay for £220 ($440). Looking forward to it :)
Interesting, is this in video form anywhere? The last screen could have easily been photoshopped.

But if it is the real deal it seems that SE is either confirming a FFVII remake, or some sort of port to the PSP, or thier just telling you to go play the game :P
Interesting, is this in video form anywhere? The last screen could have easily been photoshopped.

But if it is the real deal it seems that SE is either confirming a FFVII remake, or some sort of port to the PSP, or thier just telling you to go play the game :P

not sure if there are any videos. I dont want to look incase i see the end of the game by accident. lol !

I think it's real though because quite a few sites have reported it. Also, i don't think its saying 'go and play the PS1 version' because it says:

'To Be Continued' ... 'To Be' being the important part.

Surely if it wanted you to play the PS1 version it would say: 'Continued' or 'Continued In Final Fantasy VII'

No...they might remake it...that's not good ( to me )...I hope they don't. >_<

Oh,right! Congrats on your PSP.I heard that in Japan,they're almost selling out already. ^_^

I hope they do remake it !!

Thanks! I think they all sold out in a day, but lots of them are on eBay now. I think once people start buying them and dont part with them, they will be worth alot in the future
Ive seen that also...but i kinda do agree i think its just telling u to find out what happened final fantasy 7 one the ps1...And thats not even the Ps3 tech demo either....its similar but not the same one we have all seen before...
I've seen the ending video already, and AG brings up a very good point. To Be continued and Continued in means two different things, so we can only hope for the best that it hopefully means a remake. I don't see why they would even bother showing that if they meant the old FFVII on PS1

exactly, i doubt a game , brought out in 2007 in Japan, then 2008 in the US, then....well...then in Europe in 2099...would say go and play the 1997 PS1 version. The remake is coming....
Those images are from the very last scene in CC. I do think it hints towards another remake though. Not to mention ALL of the promotional shit Square-Enix has came out with here as of late. All the posters of the characters in their FFVII looks, the collectable game figures, etc...There's supposed to be a big announcement about it soon. I think we're leaning towards one so let's just keep our fingers crossed it happens.
Just when you think that Cloud could't look any hotter ......^_^
I hope and pray that they remake FF7 on PS3 . And not anymore on PSP .
I actually remember reading about this a few weeks ago...

......It could honestly mean a lot of things... One could be a true hint to the actual remake of FFVII. Another would be a genius marketing tactic geared at trumping up the awareness of the game in order to sell the shit out it, or the obvious, since it does follow on with the storyline.

Personally, I think Square-Enix enjoys being a little sadistic with it's FFVII fan base concerning the whole remake issue... ;)

Anyway, I hope they do remake for the PS3 and not some hand held console, that's if they remake it at all.
I already saw the video the past week, and I was happy when I saw, to be continued on Final fantasy VII... anyways :D haha, I was happy with that litle trailer :)

I hope that they make the remake xD.
CC is a PREqual to FFVII. That's why it says "to be continued..."

There has been NO confirmation yet for a FFVII remake.
CC is a PREqual to FFVII. That's why it says "to be continued..."

There has been NO confirmation yet for a FFVII remake.

yeah....but a PSP game in 2007 wouldn't tell you that it's 'to be continued' in FF7 for the PS1 10 years ago.. think about it.

Yeah, there has been no confirmation, but i think Square-Enix know for a fact it'll be remade. If you have read all the news, they've always expressed interest in making it. Plus, they wouldn't announce a remake before XIII and Versus is out.

trust me, FF7 will come again. It's just a matter of when.
yeah....but a PSP game in 2007 wouldn't tell you that it's 'to be continued' in FF7 for the PS1 10 years ago.. think about it.

Yeah, there has been no confirmation, but i think Square-Enix know for a fact it'll be remade. If you have read all the news, they've always expressed interest in making it. Plus, they wouldn't announce a remake before XIII and Versus is out.

trust me, FF7 will come again. It's just a matter of when.

I read that they would "think" about it later, after they finish KH3 and FFXIII and FFversusXIII.

But I think that they would remake it.
1.It wouldnt make sense to be referring to a past game with to be continued.. (to be) sounds like the implications are that the Final Fantasy In question is not done or hasnt come yet...
2.Why in the blue hell wouldnt square put out a remake. Financially its one of the for-sure International record breakers. Imagine the launches in Japan. Absolutely pandemoniom. They will sellout in hours. Plus every fan will buy a next gen console just to play it, others who already have one might even buy the special FF7 Editions. So just imagine the business opportunities that open up because of this game. It would be definately one of the most retarted moves on Squares part not to ever make a remake but give other games that honor and ignore its prized posession.
3. To not make a remake is to put it bluntly spitting in every Fan and telling them theyre too lazy to make a remake so go home and fudge yourselves
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I think that they only mean that the game is continued in PSX version of FFVII but who knows, maybe they will redo the game...
True that is could mean two things: "A selling scheme" or Simply hinting towards a remake. A selling scheme could be true to over hype Final Fantasy VII and increase the sales of the spin-offs.

As for hinting towards a remake.... Square has said no at first after their little tease at E3 with the FFVII introduction FMW remake in PS3 graphics. Square could be gradually creating hype over a FFVII remake. I wouldn't be surprised to hear in the future about a remake. Partially I'm not fond of remaking Final Fantasy VII.
it would be stupid if they said to be continued in FFVII if they were talking about the ps1 version. it definitely seems to me to be foreshadowing the ps3 remake.
I just wish they'd confirm it now, I can't decide wether I'm getting excited over nothing & its making my hair fall out >.< I'd like to think 'to be continued' is hinting at a remake but the sceptic in me says it's just referring to FFVII (ps1) & they are just trying to torment us

Is CC actually being released in the uk or am i gunna have to get it imported???? That ebay price will cripple my bank account........and i could almost get a PS3 for that price for FFVII (if it ever DOES come out). Stuck between a rock and a hard place....can't they see the dilemas they put me in!!!!