Help FF7- Emerald Weapon Help

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the tourist

May 14, 2009
Ok, so my sister has already beaten FF7, but she has never beaten the Emerald Weapon and is losing her mind over it. We've looked things up online and she doesn't have all of what most people say is necessary.

These are the things she has that seem fairly destructive against EW:

Knights of Round (that she can only summon once, but can mime repeatedly if she lives long enough)
1 Mime
1 Gravity
2x Cut with Yuffie
Final Attack-- Phoenix*
1 Sprint Shoes
Quadra Magic

Several other magics and summons, but not highly recommended ones like Bahamut ZERO. Also, not many MP Plus or HP plus, etc. She's been fighting with Yuffie, Cloud, and Cid.

Based on this, is there any hope?

Otherwise, is there anyway that she can still acquire some of the helpful things, like more Mime and/or Gravity? We're pretty sure Bahamut ZERO is impossible at this point, but if not, where can we get him?

*Phoenix-Final Attack only seems to be effective once, and it seems that Cloud is the first one EW kills most of the time, so he uses it and then when he Air Tams later on, we're screwed. Any way around this? Does positioning make a difference? (i.e. should Cloud be in the middle or something?)

Any help is appreciated!
the less materia equipped the better as that aire tan storm fucker deals damage in relation to how much hp you have so like

KoTR+Hp absorb, W-summon on one char, and mime on all 3 characters pretty much means she will walk it tbh...

ofc, you'd have to master mime twice but that's easily done iif you train on magic pots....

She could still do it, jus tdont over load with unecessay materia

Its also late so like my help will suck abit......

what are her levels? She could well just need to train/master materia for abit, and thats easily done using the item glitch with elixers to feed magic pots with so you can damage them :awesome:
My special reply

Okay heres the secret, Like said if you have 2 materias equip (Hp plus and restore) then Air Tram will do 2222 damage. Three materias = 3333 damage. If you can get some one with 9999 hp and two materias equip air tram will cause 2222 hp making that character have 7777.

Another thing is (the hard way) to master materia using head hunters (mideel area) or magic pots (northern crator). Get your Final Attack, Phoenix, W-summon, mime and Knights of the round leveled up. Then when you fight regen up and w-summon KOTR then mime like heck.
My Slacker's guide to "winging" Emerald Weapon as early as Disc 2:

Your party members should be Cloud (with Ultima Weapon, Zeidrich, Ribbon), I used Yuffie as my second strongest (with Best Weapon, Zeidrich, Ribbon), and I used Cid as my third Strongest (with Best Weapon, next best armor, safety bit). All three were between Lv. 50 and 75, entered with full limits and fully healed in back row, and I won on the 2nd or third try.


Cloud (Knights, MP Abs) (Bahamut Zero, Quadra Magic) (W-Summon, HP Abs)
(Mime, HP Plus Mastered)

2nd (have Enemy Skill w/ Big Guard; rest doesn't really matter, but maxed out HP, a full cure, ultima Lv.2, and any other materia that could raise stats or defenses (Revive Mastered is very good), not counters or cover)

3rd (Underwater, Ememy Skill w/ Big Guard) (Phoenix, final attack) (rest is up to you, but a Contain Mastered paired with All Mastered or Attack-all & Revive Mastered couldn't hurt; keep at 8 materia)

*Enter Battle. If Cloud is up first press skip button. Other two should cast Big Guard. If 3rd has not died yet, continue to skip Cloud and unleash limmits, healing, most powerful magics on Emerald, and restore Big Guard (also speeds you up) is most important. Once 3rd is killed, unleash W-Summon of B0 then Knights, skip button for everyone else. Next turn for Cloud: Mime; skip everyone else. Repeat that last step until Emerald is dead.

Note: Might take a few tries (there is only slight room for improvision during battle) or the characters themselves may need further leveling. Hope this helps.
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what I did... this took me about 3 days, I masted KotR twice, had like 6 mimes mastered(just kept on putting new ones on) and had W-Summon, W-Item, W-magic or w/e it is, but the average attack is KotR with HP absorb and mime on characters, that's about it and you'll have an auto win, took some time but it will work, and don't forget the underwater materia
This is the way I beat Emerald Weapon, and in my opinion, the best/easist way.
Requirments: 3-4 Hero Elixers, Omni Slash Limit, Final attack linked to Phoenix summon, and a full limit bar upon entering the boss fight.

Have everyone use an attack as quickly as possible, and when it comes time for Cloud to attack, have him use his hero elixers. Then use his Omni Slash, and it should do all hits for 9999, whether or not it does, after that, no one attacks or does anything no matter what, except Cloud using his Mime materia to repeatedly use Omni slash. If Cloud does hit 9999 every Omni Slash hit, it should take, if I remember right, 10 Ombi Slashes to kill the Weapon, and if you get killed, keep spamming the Final attack to use Phoenx, so that if anyone gets killed, they'll be revived. This is how I did it, I found it easy after I had gotten the Omni Slash Limit. Good Luck! :D
Please don't revive old help booth threads, be mindful of the dates before posting in the Help Booth, we have threads with in the FFVII section where you can discuss how you beat the weapons

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